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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. [quote name='BassBunny' post='718580' date='Jan 19 2010, 11:45 PM']Spot On. The guy that owns the company that makes Ashdown, Trace Orange etc actually designed the Mini's. He reckons the 4x8 is the best Bass Cab he has ever designed.[/quote]

    what are the better speakers inside?

  2. I have one of these as well and I dont have any more noise problems at home than I have with any of my other basses
    I did sheild it with copper foil but it didnt make that much of a difference as Fender china obviously paint on some sort of sheilding paint, and mines not really any more noisy than my lakland jo when using a single pickup

    Great bass for the money

  3. You cant

    I have a mini 4x8 and 1 1x5 as well
    I suspect the speakers are probably 8 ohm jobbies wired in series parralell to give a combined ohmage of 8 ohms. You can probably rewire the speakers to get 2 ohms or 32 ohms but not 4

    To be honest its probably not worth it anyway, the difference in volume going to a 4 ohm and getting those extra watts is probably negligable. the fact you are putting in half as much power again into 1 small cabinet wont give you half as much volume again or anywhere near it.

    iI changed out a 8 ohm 15 for a 4 ohm and there was little in it.

  4. [quote name='WalMan' post='707652' date='Jan 10 2010, 01:46 PM']Unfortunately I then have to blow out the next one, possibly two as I have a dat for the first on the operations on my plucking hand & wrist :)[/quote]

    good Luck

  5. Ive been watching this
    i would be suprised if it reached that price although you can never tell with evil bay
    the amp is an end 70s early 80s 125 watt into 4 ohm according to the specs.

    I would love the cab its what i wanted in 1977 when I bought my 450/406 and the sellers right they are rare although there was one a while ago in Birmingham which went for £250

    You can pick up a 220 which is a better amp imo for £100-200 which makes the asking price for the cab £6-700

    A piece of history

  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='700387' date='Jan 4 2010, 12:49 PM']Don't think going 4 ohm would make enough difference to be worth the change.[/quote]

    As someone who upgraded an 8 ohm 15 to a 4 ohm fifteen i would agree the the difference in volume is not worth the extra cost unless you buy efficient speakers.

    A 4 ohm small cab can generally only be used on its own as either you have to pair it with another 4 ohm and find an amp that runs down to 2 ohm, wire them in parrellel giving you an 8 ohm load or have a mismatch and it wont be so easy to sell
    on later on

    Also by the time you have bought a couple of decent tens you might as well buy a better cab, or build one of Bills,

  7. Ive done a couple and been really pleased with the results

    Theres a number of different issues though, one is in adding in all the costs for the little bits you use often you have lying around, tools, sandpaper, wet and dry, tack rag etc, and then the preparation and drying time.

    I had to remove all the paint from my last one because it was in such bad condition, and that took a long time and created a lot of mess. Then there was wood grain filler, sanding sealer, primer and paint, all of which require drying time before polishing.

    Even though I left my finished body for over two weeks, after the two or three weeks it took me to rub it down and paint, the body was really quite soft. It really needed something or somewhere warm to dry it off hard.

    Good luck if you decide to have a go, but be warned of the people who want to pay you next to nothing but will moan and bad mouth you if its not up to a custom shop finish. [Im not a cynic ha ha]

  8. [quote name='pal1972' post='699956' date='Jan 3 2010, 08:43 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180334611583&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:RTQ:GB:1123[/url]

    The guy emailed me and said they were definately NOT ply, so i reckon basswood? anyone on here seen these or bought one of this guy? just curious as considering buying one[/quote]

    Yes I did although I didnt finish it as a project and sold it on on e bay
    I bought a complete body with pg, pickup and scratchplate. The pick up was the usual cheapo job but the body was wood and not ply or mdf [which some of the squiers are,] and the paintwork was excellent. The neck joint was pretty good too with an un numed precision neck so i think you will be reasonably pleased. If you think it would cost you probably more prepare and paint one of these bodies than he charges its a good deal.

    No affiliated etc etc

  9. [quote name='Chimike' post='694530' date='Dec 27 2009, 09:15 PM']Well, as my wife has bought me a trolley for Christmas, so that I can take my Trace Elliot V4 out to play, I've decided to offer my Genz Benz Shuttle 3.0 head for sale. Condition as new, except for some scratches to the black paint, where I packed the speaker lead in the bag with the amp. Front panel as new. Asking £295 will post pictures as soon as I can find the wifes camera.[/quote]


  10. most of the original 4x12s in the 60s which designed to pair up with a 50 or 100w valve head.were 16 ohm

    there were ususlly 4 x 15 ohm speakers wired up as series / parrellel. 2 pairs each wired in series giving 30 ohms, and then those 2 pairs wired in series coming back to 15 ohm.

  11. [quote name='alexisonfire' post='694170' date='Dec 27 2009, 11:33 AM']So your £800 LED tv stops working after 2.5 years and it's out of the 1 year warranty, would you just dispose of it and get a new one?

    I don't think this is taking the piss at all unless the item has not been used in compliance with the manufacturers recommendations.

    Your covered by the "Sale of Goods" act for 6 years from when you bought it. The responsibility does lye with PMT so theres no point speaking to Ashdown!


    If you had a £800 TV you would take it into the local repairer and have it fixed, as you would if it was an Amp head, or a car, or any other item that was outside the guarantee period.

    I dont think thats what Johns saying though, he is saying that the speaker spec he got from Sica indicates its not a 300 watt speaker and the cabinet was sold to him as a 300 watt speaker. Therefore the specification or design is wrong causing premature failure.

  12. I have one of those too, possibly the same vintage, and bought also from pmt in birmingham, but mine is still going.
    Actually Ive had it since 2004 so thats 5 years not 3

    I have used mine with either an abm 300 or an eden wt400 both with and without another cab.

    I think that you would have to prove, or get an expert opinion from the manufacturer to prove that that speaker was not suitable in that enclosure to take 300w. The manufacturer is hardly going to run the risk of upsetting his customer, particularly as no doubt they have possibly collaborated on this and other cabs.

    the fact that yours worked for 2 1/2 years, and mine and no doubt many others are still going are going to help you prove its not fit for purpose.

    I dont think that any speaker manufacturer gives a 3 plus years guarantee, and even if they gave you the 'without prejudice' foc replacement they set themselves up for everyone else and his dog claiming repairs out of waranty.

    As has been said in some of the other posts, the speaker its only a cheap one you are probably better off with a new speaker

  13. You cant decide what sort of picture unless you know what you are trying to achieve
    A pic for a Function Band is different to a Goth Band.
    Is it to appeal to the general public, or a professional booker or record label who see it every day
    are you lean and mean or fat fifty and bald

  14. [quote name='umph' post='687274' date='Dec 17 2009, 01:12 PM']alex is starting up he needs all the support he can get not someone trying to knock him down while hes still on his learning curve![/quote]

    While he is charging professional prices he should expect criticism where its due, as long as its objective.

    Fair play to the bloke, he beleives in something and hes got off his arse and put his money and effort into doing something constructive.

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