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Everything posted by bumnote

  1. I have a stageclix and Ive always liked it. no drop outs, no change in tone, very sturdy and well built. Built in battery charger for the lipo battery and quite quick charging.. But it it went wrong. I had to send it back to amsterdam. it took ages and ages to get a quote for almost as much as a new one. So great when it worked but not so good if it goes wrong.
  2. Mesa D800 and Phil Jones 8B plus 2 c4 lightweights. Light loud and sounds great. Everything more or less flat In preperation for a dep gig last night.
  3. That post is a very interesting read. However, to take the positives from this: 1. Many people will have learned a great deal Re PA and mixers by following the thread. 2. What a fabulous bunch of people on BC ready and willing to share advice freely. Thanks to all who contributed. this
  4. My SB2 is shod with thomastic. I tried my newly aquired SB1 with flats that were on the bass and in the end changed to rounds. Theres soomething nicely aggressive about the sound with rounds.
  5. nice Ped. Just changed mine from flats [guessing rotos] to dadario rounds to see what its like. I have one P on rounds, two on jazz flats and one on trubass. Love em all. are they period correct knobs? The ones on mine look like they came off a radio
  6. You found one then
  7. Hot covers make great covers. Ive used them for ages.
  8. I kow the guitards who have them and they really love them. I had no idea they were so expensive.
  9. If you can, put at least two labels on the outer packaging. Sellotape them on .Write or stick a small label the words "Sender" then your house number and post code on the parcel. Put other labels on or in the inner packaging. Include one that gives your sender setails if its not printed on the label. A lot of parcels get lost just because the address label gets lost or damaged. The easier you make it for the courier to identify your parcel the more likely it will get delivered. Courier wages are poor, make sure your parcel is as handling friendly as possible. Expose handles etc. Put yourself in the position of the driver and make it as easy as possible for him to handle your parcel. hopefully it reduces the risk of him chucking your parcel over the fence.
  10. The reason I posed the question in the first place is I have effectively the same cab set up as you have [total load 2 ohm impedance] but havent run it with the the phil jones D400 because the spec on the amp says 4ohms minimum. The best bet for you is to phone whoever is the markbass distributor and ask them what would happen if you connected your amp to a 2 ohm load. Then you would have hopefully the definitive answer
  11. If you connect 2 x 4 ohm cabs up, you will get a total impedance of 2 ohms. This wont affect the speakers, but could well potentially damage the amp, depending on the spec of the amp.
  12. Ta I have an 8b and 2 C4s and i was considering how to use them all at once
  13. so you are presenting 2 ohms to the amp. what model is that Im not familiar with the mb range thanks
  14. Im not sure if those are 6bs or 8bs, which would give you an imppedance of 3 ohms or 2 ohms depending Does the amp deal with those ok?
  15. Great Voice. Every pro needs a p bass
  16. Now Mine, very pleased thank you
  17. I have one of these and they are great basses. For 200 euros thats a great deal Enjoy it
  18. Have I had breakfast today?
  19. I have a 64 precision that I have had since 69. I wouldnt part with it because its been with me so long, its like part of the family and its like putting on an old comfortable pair of shoes. I have a 64 reissue CIJ that Im not sure I could tell apart blindfolded. If I lost it and wanted a replacement I would either plump for a USA lakland or if I could get one with the right neck profile a G&L SB1 or SB2
  20. Wilki says Needles and Pins" is a rock song credited to American writers Jack Nitzsche and Sonny Bono. Jackie DeShannon recorded it in 1963 and other versions followed,
  21. Back in the day we had 2 marshall 4x12 columns. We had a roadie called vern who would carry them up stairs one in each hand.
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