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Posts posted by bumnote

  1. I had one of these, a 4 ohm version and it is a monster sounding cabinet. Although its a biggie its not difficult to move because of the tilt wheels and handles.

    Mine was not switchable, I dont think its technically possible to have 2 speakers switched 8 and 4, You could do 8 and 2 or 16 and 4 depending on the speakers inside

    I would think its loud on its own even

    Well worth the money

    If someone buys it I have a spare Royall cover

  2. [quote name='alexclaber' post='593087' date='Sep 8 2009, 05:31 PM']When I get a moment, I'll add something to my site about how to minimise sonic problems in rehearsals and gigs. We spend so much time worrying about gear but it's all to no avail if we're hamstrung by witless guitarists that are stuck on eleven - maybe presenting them with some printed matter will help, as long as the words are kept short... :)


    I can hear the response now
    Hes talking bollocks
    or It doesnt apply if your playing a strat
    or The bass is the problem, it goes right through me
    or i need a bigger amp
    or Mark Knopfler doesnt have this problem

  3. I have a 64 which I have had since the late 60s so I know its genuine. Unfortunately its been refinished three times, has lindy Fralins, and non original guard, knobs, and bridge.

    I curse frequently when I think of what might have been but in the 70s, when it first was refinished, who thought of vintage values, and I probably didnt think I would still be playing now.

    Good luck with your sale, if its anything like mine, refin or not, its probably a great bass.

  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='586885' date='Sep 1 2009, 08:46 PM']Ah, the Zombies, with original bassist Chris White, they were great. Check out [i]Odessey & Oracle[/i].

    I suspect though that Chris White may have co-written [i]God Gave etc[/i]. Never mind.[/quote]

    I have all their albums, a great band and I prefer the early works

    God gave was written by russ Ballard although Chris white, [whose bass licks I shamelesly copied and still use] co wrote hold your head up]

  5. I bought mine from the states a few years ago and im very happy with it, although the exchange rate was better at the time.

    About £95 ish inc postage from the states at the moment , plus 22% import duty if you get caught. I was lucky.

    If money is no object they are very good. but I would be very tempted to talk to the man at Wizard pickups and see what he could offer at considerably less

  6. In the states they are £30 plus £10 shipping

    I cant remember if this is under the duty threshold you would probably get away with it but no guarantees

    Thomann will cost you about what you have laready been quoted

  7. [quote name='hooky_lowdown' post='584504' date='Aug 29 2009, 02:20 PM']I think acoustics used to have Fane speakers, shame it's a replacement. I like Fane's myself. It's also 125watt if I'm not mistaken.

    I too like the 360's. If I could find one and had the £££'s I would get one. :)[/quote]

    The original speakers in acoustic were eminence mainly and cerwin vega 18s in the 301

  8. [quote name='TGEvans' post='582560' date='Aug 27 2009, 03:55 PM']Why are there so many bad reviews on the Boogie Bass heads? Apart from the 400 obviously. I have always wanted an old M2000, and am thinking about the M9 head but they seem to be very unreliable. Whats everyone elses opinions on them?[/quote]

    I bought an m2000 new whenthey came out and was bitterly disapointed. The quality of build was impressive, although i did have problems with the DI out, and piss poor service from the distibutors.

    Although it does give you the options of 2 switchable preamps, and a blend, and compression, etc etc in the real world I found it overcomplicated, and in a live scenario a bit fiddly.

    Bought as the final solution to gas and the last amp i would ever need i sold it 2 years later at a huge loss and felt good riddance

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