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Everything posted by bumnote

  1. As an ex guitar player I tried a jazz and a precision and couldnt get on with the long scale so i bought a new Gibson EBO for 183gns in 1969 From Minns Music in southampton Now £2535 It was awfull, went back for a refret after 3 months and i swapped it for an old precision which i still have
  2. [quote name='Linus27' date='Jan 12 2009, 12:45 PM' post='377588'] My Elise, has mini metro wing mirrors, a cheap £5 rear view mirror, Renault gearbox, Rover engine, Vauxhall indicator stalks and Peugeot dash buttons. It's cheaper for me to run an Elise than it was my Renault Megane on service, parts, tax and fuel. Its just not as practical Anyway, we should get this back onto topic and away from cheap plastic sports cars :) /quote] I used to have an original elan [JAP 4D] Unreliable as hell. but wonderfull, Mixture of bits of cars, mainly ford, hillman imp and others. Service every 3000 miles. twin weber carbs which never seemed to stay tuned, I used to carry a home made 1x15 where the passenger seat should go.
  3. [quote name='WarPig' post='377815' date='Jan 12 2009, 03:35 PM']I have problems transporting my 2x10 + head around, so i thought id kill 2 birds with one stone (as they say) and use one 4ohm cab to get full power in a compact system. Although after a quick ponder.....i suppose its more to do with how much air you push?[/quote] I bought a fairly old acoustic 402 1x15 speaker cab with an 220 amp last year. It had a 15 ohm knackered organ speaker, and the cab was designed as a 4 ohm. I gigged it with an 8 ohm eminence from another cab for a while, and eventually bought a new bass light speaker for about £100 I cant hear the difference in volume. Alex has made similar comments on various threads. Theres nothing wrong with 4 ohm except they are more difficult to sell, because most amps wont handle a 2 ohm load, which is what you would get if youu added a second 4 ohm cab.
  4. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='377873' date='Jan 12 2009, 04:10 PM']Absolutely!!! It should come as no surprise that the vast majority of venues currently fitted with limiters (in my experience, obviously) [b]ARE [/b]using equipment which may well be obsolete but certainly [b]DOES CUT OFF[/b].[/quote] Im not sure these things are obsolete, or badly set up, or just not very good. We used to play venues where there was almost like a traffic light, and now in 4 of our regular venues, they have like a new type bar graph which gives dotted green line, then amber, then Red and then oh bugger. These are frequency sensitive, so I can play a G, and get 1 or 2 green lights, then I cant remember if it was F# or Ab [ the drummer cant tell the difference] and its maxed out on the red. Providing they work properly, and they are set to a reasonable level, I dont mind too much and its good discipline. When they are uncertain, its like playing on a knife edge. Maybe we can get rid of the deaf soundmen who think the loudest thing should be the bass drum, and all the bass is lost in a big fuzzy mess. I saw a very good band recently, and not only could I not hear the singer [how unusual] I couldnt here the guitar!!!!
  5. Any reason for a 4 ohm particulalry? The difference in volume is minimal, you would get more of a result with better efficiency drivers, and an 8 ohm cab is easier to sell on.
  6. A friend just sold his T&B 50 for £350 to someone in france so its worth hanging on to not sure which model
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='376526' date='Jan 10 2009, 11:43 PM']There's a lot of old farts with bad backs playing bass these days![/quote] +3
  8. [quote name='bremen' post='375300' date='Jan 9 2009, 03:53 PM']Nobody here has been suggesting that these devices are welcome. Some of us have been suggesting that the petition is if not an actual hoax then a scare-story. As we've seen, the petition is pointless as whatever it is (certainly not the 70dB cutoff as described) has been in effect for months now. It's a bit rude to accuse those of us who wanted a few facts before we signed anything of being flat-earthers. Surely those who signed without question are the ones more likely to believe the earth is flat and the Titanic can't sink just because some (un-named) Sunday paper told them so?[/quote] If you dont want to sign the petition thats your choice and there have been hoax petitions on there before, the biggest mosque in london seems to ring a bell. I have not read the article in the sunday paper but I have been told by people who have spent their hard earned cash on these little beasties that they have installed them on council/insurance/advisor advice. There is a petition in existance, Iwould rather sign that petition than argue about the finer points. The web site is there for this purpose. Government took no notice about the protest about Iraq, and will probably take little notice of this either. I would rather regret the things I have done, than regret the things I didnt do.
  9. [quote name='Jono Bolton' post='376236' date='Jan 10 2009, 04:09 PM']I! Probably not the best idea if you're running a business but I genuinely felt guilty for not buying something from such a great sales guy.[/quote] Ah but hes smart and provided good service. He has assesed he cant sell you what you want cos hes hasnt got it. He has told you where you can, but he has also left you with a good impression of of his shop, and his service. Where is going to be high up your list next time you go bass shopping?
  10. [quote name='bremen' post='375284' date='Jan 9 2009, 03:32 PM']Not quite the same as enforcing a 70dB limit, as the petition claims. Has anyone been prosecuted since April?[/quote] While I appreciate the internet is often used for scare stories, this isnt. My singer runs a pub, and has experienced difficulties with noise levels from the local council 4 of our regular venues [which are generally WMC have fitted these as required by the local council, and in relation to a risk assesment carried out by a competent person. The drummers bought a flat kit specially, Is it 70 db, dont think so, but it depends where the measurement is taken, in front of the stage, by the bar, or by the nearest house. Has anyone been prosecuted, dunno Choose not to beleive if you like, Some people think the worlds flat Some people didnt think the titanic could sink Im waiting to see all the ads soon, 500watt amp for sale, or swap for 10watt combo
  11. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='375261' date='Jan 9 2009, 03:18 PM']Your link is just another link to the same petition. We're looking for an actual source here. S.P.[/quote] Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 1643 The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 The regulations exist as above. They are designed to protect peoples hearing in the workplace ie factories [if we had any] shipyards [if we had any] etc. The change is a proposaol to who it affects. Untill now, the law has not been applied to venues, but they are still places of work with bar staff, cleaners whatever. There is also a requirement by local authorites which has changed dramatacally over noise pollution over the years. As from April 2008 entertainment venues have to comply with The Control of Noise at Work Regulations to ensure that workers hearing is protected. Legislation provides that as from 1 October 2006, local authorities are able to issue fixed penalty notices in the region of £500 to the person in charge of the premises at the time of any noise complaint. This could be the license holder, manager or any other employee. This is in addition to their existing powers to serve noise abatement notices and review premises licenses.
  12. [quote name='Buzz' post='374167' date='Jan 8 2009, 04:01 PM']Hold the phone, someone else living in Pompey isn't a Pompey fan? sh*t the bed, I thought I was alone.[/quote] Where did you get that idea from? I just repeated what anyfuleno in portsmouth, if something dont work you address it with a dockyard screwdriver
  13. [quote name='johnnylager' post='374075' date='Jan 8 2009, 02:18 PM']Funnily enough, I was speaking to a gadgey the other day who also had his valve amp well fettled by him. On the flipside, he kept my Peavey Combo 300 for about 2 or 3 aeons, failed to fix it despite telling me he had and charged me £75. It was a Peavey - all it needed was a bloody good kick.[/quote] You are a pompey fan for f... sake, dont you know thats first solution to all problems.
  14. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='372202' date='Jan 6 2009, 05:13 PM']Here's another (equally poor) one, but the shape of the top horn is a bit clearer. An additional bit of info which may help is that this pic was taken in the Philippines and bearing in mind the enormous cost of European products out there and the fact that the place is awash with everything Japanese, it tends to indicate Yamaha rather then Warwick. I can't even make out if it's a five or a six though.[/quote] Did Fender make the camera you used as well?
  15. [quote name='fekalizatorius' post='371349' date='Jan 5 2009, 08:28 PM']Thanks guys for the input I looked at the peavey - looks great, but sadly - I haven't seen a Peavey amp for sale within Lithuania (The only brands of amps I've seen are ashdown, hartke, eden, laney, yamaha, hiwatt and behringer. I think that's all. Sadly no GK or Aguilar for us). Also, if i find a reasonable product to buy, I would be willing to go to Poland or Germany to check it out (Any reason to travel is a good reason to travel) or order it off of thomann.de . Maybe I'll stick to just the 2x10" for a while, untill I can afford an ext. 1x15". Cheers, Fek.[/quote] Why not go with your original choice of the mag 4x10 you will probably get more volume than from a 2x10 and you could add another cab later on?
  16. Im sure there will be some experts with some figures along soon, but Im not convinced that you will hear a huge difference in volume between 200w into 8 ohms, or 300 into 4. I think you will find more difference if you have 2 cabinets or more sensitive speakers.
  17. [quote name='jono b' post='371190' date='Jan 5 2009, 06:02 PM']I tried the Classic Vibe 60s P bass at the weekend, and it was a dog.[/quote] Just curious as I fancy one, why did you think it a dog?
  18. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='370703' date='Jan 5 2009, 10:40 AM']Jeez, have you seen this one? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MusicMan-Stingray-5-String-3EQ-Piezo-Custom-Finish_W0QQitemZ250348037483QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item25"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MusicMan-Stingray-5-..._CV?hash=item25[/url] 0348037483&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 "Custom" paint job - looks like someone tried to go for a distressed look with a couple of tins of Halford spray paint. If my kids ever did that to one of my basses I'd lock them in their rooms for a month. Oh my god what was he thinking of?[/quote] Oh dear what a ........
  19. [quote name='crez5150' post='369821' date='Jan 4 2009, 12:01 PM']I cannot say too much but there is a tie up between Vox and Wharfedale...... Wharfedale is part of a much larger organization who are one of the largest wholly owned musical electronics manufactures in China..... also I remember there being talks once of the purchase of Marshall...[/quote] If you google and look in the plexi palace he says that vox amps are made in the corner of the wharfdale factory in china. There is a new ac 30 made in china in the states for$999 It would therefore not be unreasonable to see a wharfdale brand. Could the same place be making the current chinese marshalls?
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='369804' date='Jan 4 2009, 11:44 AM']Who's Steve Grindrod (fnarr sounds a bit rude).[/quote] Ive heard that name before, i think he was a technical bod at marshall From another forum It was introduced into the Marshall Club & Country amp range in the late 70s, I think. The designer was Steve Grindrod. Steve, along with many others, believes that when we hear nice power amp distortion, most of it is the PI distorting and interacting with the output tranny, speaker(s) and feedback network, not the power tubes. AFAIK Marshall have not used it in any other amps - strange. Steve Grindrod is now the main man at Vox and is responsible for the Vox Valvetronix and Tonelab series, which essentially are digital modellers with a real, distorting PI in the power amp or output stage. Steve is also responsible for all the recent Vox valve amps.
  21. bumnote

    Squier Jazz

    [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='368987' date='Jan 2 2009, 11:54 PM']Allo! I've just bought a Classic Vibe '50's Precision and it is superb value for money. Nick[/quote] Isnt it just. Im very very tempted by the 60s precision as well I have 2 already, is 3 too many?
  22. [quote name='Shockwave' post='368961' date='Jan 2 2009, 11:36 PM']This is the thing, my current ray plays great, But this older ray plays [i]Better[/i] and whilst my current Ray sounds like a ray, The older Ray [i]SOUNDS[/i] like a Ray. Its hard to put my finger on it. The older ray is far lighter then my current ray. -Rob.[/quote] Does it play and feel £900 better and could your existing ray benefit from a good set up for £100 and leave you with a few quid in your pocket? As I said before, if its an appreciating asset, then great, but thats not the reason to buy it. Its not a logical decision, its one that is answered from the heart [or the gut] 99.999% of people, players or audience wont tell the difference, but you will.
  23. Investments can go down as well as up, buy a bass to play not because its old. Similar to legions comments, i have a 64 precision and a CIJ reissue. I would never part with the 64 because I have had it since the late 60s, its seen bands, booze, fags, births,deaths,divorce, and Jet Harris has played it. Its not original, but its special to me but is it really a better player than the reissue, nah not really. I prefer the worn neck on the original, but if I was that bothered I could replicate it on the CIJ. I would keep the ray you have, and get the vigier but Im not you, and you should do what you want to do.
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