Ive been watching this thread with interest to see what the response was, as I was the seller to wigfinder, and the other instruments sold on ebay.
The weight does vary between instruments, and the one WFG bought was the heaviest I have seen, they weigh in between 9-11 1/2 pounds on my kitchen scales, and guess who has the heaviest one.
I dont think it is the wood necessarily that gives it the punch, as the alder one is equally as punchy as the mahogany ones. I think they have just got plenty of windings on the pickup. I intended to replace my pickup with a Seymour Duncan, but Im not going to bother as its more than adequate as it is
The bridges are basic but adequate, tuners the same.
The jazz bass is nice, with the mahogany top no scratch plate and rear mounted controls. I bought a 335 copy, and that was extremely good.
I beleive they are made in east europe, possibly eastern germany, but Im not certain. The quality for the money is outstanding.
Biggest problem as you all seem to have found is communication from Bach