This is the first publicly released CD I've ever played on. At 56 years old!
Not overly impressed TBH but hey ho. It only took drummer boy and me around 1 hour to do the four tracks that I played on (you can't hear the bass anyway, thankfully). Took the gaytartists 4 days. So our cock ups took up much less time
As I understand it, follow the link, then click on the little blue Troyen thingy and it opens up all 8 tracks on Soundcloud (the 9th was very rough, didn't make it).
Crazy Lady, Don't send me to war, Future's friend and Dreams never lie, all re-mastered from the original GIL NORTON!!! produced demo, with the original bassist, Dave Strathern. The writer does not like me calling Crazy Lady Tiger Feet .
First Blood, Syrian Lady, Finish what you started and Backlash all have me on. I like the middle bit and last two minutes of Syrian Lady, coz I wrote them bits. I like the last two minutes of Finish What you started, coz I wrote them
I should be pleased I passed the audition, they let me contribute and I've achieved a "release". Sounds a little better on my HI-FI, but overall, just s bit disappointed.
Link (I hope)