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Cat Burrito

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Everything posted by Cat Burrito

  1. Mine was a 57RI P-bass. The neck wound up on another bass and I went on to sell the bass with that neck and the original bass that was by then sporting more of a 62RI vibe. I kept the pickup, pickguard and controls. They've sat in a spares box all this time and I just pinched a pot off of it to put back in my 2016 57RI bass that I bought because I missed the original.
  2. My old mate Darryl says the same thing every year. I say never say never but....
  3. It's hard not to respect their longevity or success but at school I was the only long haired kid who didn't like Maiden. I kept getting told I'd have a Maiden phase but at 48, I'm still waiting for it. They seem like good blokes and I have the upmost respect for their career but it just goes to show that no band can appeal to everyone. In fairness, they seem to be managing remarkably well without my devotion!
  4. I quite like things as stock to be fair but did buy a USA Jazz with a Baddass bridge which I liked so have replaced the bridge on my P-bass too.
  5. I own one. It is the best sounding but heaviest cab that I have ever owned. Mine was manufactured in October 2018.
  6. I had one of these for a few years if you don't fancy doing the mods yourself.
  7. The contentious post has been dealt with. I appreciate everyone is enjoys the banter but I think we've had enough life from this old thread!
  8. It was only the first batch that were iffy... and to be fair they were shocking. Ampeg rectified the fault inside of about 6 months but they really shouldn't have gone out like that in the first place. I started using them around 2014 and they were all fine from there on in. I owned two and used a fair few in studios with no problems ever.
  9. I owned a couple of PF500s and they were my main amp for years. I am now back to Orange but still have the PF50t (which although not mentioned should make the club!) gathering dust in a gig bag. All brilliant heads.
  10. I like the theory but I guess it would have to be on as light a bass as possible as even with thin metalwork, that's going to get heavier.
  11. I heard there was no chorus but it was double tracked which is why everyone hears chorus.
  12. "What's wrong with being sexy?" - Nigel Tufnel
  13. I have one as part of a much bigger collection. It sounds a bit more pro with flats on, rather than the stock rounds (terrible tone on my bass). I keep it upstairs in the bedroom and play along with the Alexa unit late at night. I can't imagine a scenario where I would do much more than that with it but I am pleased I have it. Note to the wise, the bigger the body, the better the tone seems to be with these. Mine is just a cheapy but pretty good. https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/J-D-ABG-1-4-String-Acoustic-Bass-Guitar-Black/art-BAS0001331-000?campaign=GShopping/GB&ProgramUUID=5G_AqJarZwoAAAFl0FZyjI8V&gclid=CjwKCAjwz_WGBhA1EiwAUAxIcYcEEI06XMavzi3YHC0WUy-jecOl_ZSdbp3v79B-RKSBbsjaM8FTQxoC9KoQAvD_BwE
  14. Absolutely! We overlook it as he really is very good. It's just comical that this is his one flaw.
  15. Well I was Today years old when I found out that was a cover!
  16. 90s Japanese Fenders were always raved about. One was my very first bass (a 50s model, not the 70s reissue and okay, that was '89) and although I mainly have USA basses now, my Precision bass is a MIJ model based on my first bass. Simply put I can't find a USA that is worth the jump in price. That looks a really good deal. About 15 years ago on the old Bassworld forum (forerunner to Basschat) they were still raved about but now they barely get a mention. The well trodden argument always used to be that they were better than the Mexican ones and often rivalled the USA models. I guess it is all down to personal taste but you get a lot of bass for your money.
  17. In a nutshell, not a significant one. I did the same with my Mk1. I sold it on after years of use, missed it and wound up buying the Mk2 when that came out. I haven't been able to compare the side by side but it's been tamed. The only difference is that you wouldn't have that attenuator sticking out the side, an issue that never bothered me.
  18. I recall Def Leppard did a similar thing a few years back but I quite like stories like this where established artists are honest about having pinched a riff or two themselves Elvis Costello defends Olivia Rodrigo over Brutal plagiarism claim - BBC News There are only 12 notes after all. I guess the stuff I don't like to hear is when an established act takes from a struggling artist. That just feels wrong on every level.
  19. Same here. I liked the alternative scene in the 80s but the 90s stuff was a bit heavy for my tastes. Obviously a lot of people did like it but just not for me.
  20. I think bass teaches you about team work and diplomacy so I already agreed before reading the article.
  21. My friend / current guitarist was in a London rehearsal room back in the 90s when his tuner pedal packed up. Tim Bricheno was in the room next door and came in to help fix it. He spent over an hour fiddling with it and to his credit, he fixed it! Well beyond the call of duty.
  22. A bit like "Mittens" on lead guitar.... he plays like he is wearing them!
  23. I spent my youth listening to before realising that it was actually a Lennon song
  24. Probably should have added one of the most important bands for me when I was a pre-teen / teen. I bet I am not the only one?
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