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Everything posted by Metalmoore

  1. Diagrams will be the best aid for you i reckon. Sometimes the actual wiring can look messy as hell and can sometimes confuse you more... Good luck with it though, i will be doing some wiring tonight on my OLP.
  2. So i bought a used OLP Ray a month or so ago and when i opened it up to give it a clean i killed the electronics by accident... I tried my own soldering skills but with no luck so atm its wired straight to the jack. What i am looking for is a OLP Ray wiring picture or diagram (preferably a picture of someone's own OLP's insides). I looked on the seymour duncan site to see if they had anything but nothing helped. Another thing is the HB only has two wires, it starts off as one then splits into two, would i be right in thinking that it should have more? I always thought MM HB's had 4 wires. Any help could be great. Also i will be buying all new electronics, i seen a thread recommending WD Music, Does anyone have much experience with them?? Cheers for any help
  3. Ah theres always next time.
  4. I have been waiting for one of these for AGES!!! Would you consider posting to the Isle Of Man? If so, how much?
  5. That looks amazing, Do you have a website or anything, might be interested in a custom build myself. Sorry if there is details in the thread but i am at work and should be working
  6. That is amazing looking, makes me wish i had a bit more time and money to go to the effort that you clearly have with this build
  7. Anyone interested in this matsumoku made bass?
  8. BUMP!! Must be someone wanting this? I'm even sure if you bought it at £50 you could sell it off for a wee bit more...
  9. Neck is officially gone now. BUMP!!
  10. [quote name='Wil' post='951630' date='Sep 10 2010, 11:08 AM']Is the neck gone?[/quote] The guy who was interested in it hasn't replied to my message's, If its still here on monday would you still be interested??
  11. Can someone please take this off my hands? lol
  12. No Love for this great bass??
  13. Ok its getting closer and closer to my moving date and would like to get rid of as much as i can at the moment so i am going to knock off another tenner off this bass, so i am now looking for £50 for collection in glasgow. Must be someone looking for something like this, It is £150 new over at GAK
  14. Neck is pretty much gone but dont have the time to change the first post atm.
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