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Everything posted by Metalmoore

  1. I bought a fretless Aria Pro II ZZB back in May from Delberthot and after playing it for a while i have decided fretless basses arent for me. So i have decided i am going to sell it as i need the money and im sure someone else could give it plenty of love and care, but heres my problem... What is the going rate for one? Its in good condition but just not for me. I looked on here and none have sold apart from the one i bought from Delberthot which is this one and on eBay there is only one which had the wings sawn off... If anyone is interested in it give me a PM but until i can find how much it would cost to send to someone and how much its worth i cant put it up in the for sale section Cheers
  2. Maybe ask Andy over at wizard pickups, im sure i read somewhere that he has made some pretty odd pickups in the past. Would be custom work though, dont know how much it would cost...
  3. Any pics of it? Also where di you getyour info from? Just so i can give it a look over, sounds interesting
  4. I am looking at getting a ray copy and modding it into a P-MM but would like to get a decent bass that plays well first. I am looking at finding a OLP but came across the wesley and i'm wondering if its worth it. Any feedback on the Crunge bass would be great, Cheers
  5. :'( I cant see it... What is it?
  6. If your willing to travel to glasgow you should give endorka a PM.
  7. I look forward to seeing it finished and hearing it. What kind of neck are you gonna use? I have been tempted to build a jazz fiver lately.
  8. If i were you i wouldnt sell a thing for at least a year in case you find that you change your mind and if you find you dont after a year i would cut my collection down to my favourite bass(es) and get a good practice rig so you can keep playing in the house. PS: never read the above posts so chances are this has been said many a time before, but its my 2p
  9. I have something VERY similar to that jedson minus the jedson name on the headstock (probably taken off), are they worth anything? Would it be worth getting properly setup by Mark(7string). My girlfriend had it in her room and gave it to me as it was taking up space in her room.
  10. Could we get a bigger picture please? How much you got left to do?
  11. That is so beautiful, i wish i had that kinda money...
  12. I can say with experience that the RB2 is a good amp. She can get real loud when you wanna and the EQ can make a difference too
  13. IMHO your best getting an amp or/and getting a decent FX pedal with output to headphones capability, just had a look for 708II's on eBay and noticed they aint so cheap anymore...
  14. The Zoom 708II multiFX pedal also can have headphones plugged in instead of a cab, got mine for about 50 on ebay a year or 2 ago.
  15. As a member of this forum you will get a bad case of GAS real soon, i know i did. Joined with one bass and i now have 4 lol
  16. Yeah dont get a fretless as a beginning instrument, i have a Aria ProII ZZB Deluxe thats been defretted and its harder to play than a fretted, i think it requires a little more thought when using your fretting hand.
  17. [quote name='throwoff' post='859542' date='Jun 7 2010, 08:39 AM']I gotta say dude, I think you need to go out play some basses and buy one! Don't want to sound harsh but there is only so much advice us guys can give. If you wait for a BassChat general consensus on what to buy you will be waiting a very long time! We are all different players and have different influences and preferences in what we play. Go to a couple music shops play everything you can afford and just buy what is best for you![/quote] +1 you have spent alot of time looking for answers, the only right answer youl find is when you pick up that bass and its feels and sounds right. I tried a VMP and hated it, horrible bass in my eyes.
  18. VMJ, if you play a couple you will find the perfect bass (due to slight differences in ALL basses of the same make/model) although i have never tried the CVJ.
  19. Laney RB2 has a headphone slot if you buy a jack convertor thingy (thats what i call em at least)
  20. I Really cant stop looking at this bass... I love the custom nordy pup covers, makes it look like there isn't any pups there, just poles.
  21. I quite fancy an acoustic bass and noticed Wesley have [url="http://www.wesleyguitars.co.uk/Items/%60jgb600ce?&caSKU=%60jgb600ce&caTitle=WESLEY%20KRONOS%20ACTIVE%20EQ%20JUMBO%20ACOUSTIC%20BASS%20GUITAR"]THIS [/url]for sale. Anyone ever played one?
  22. That is the most beautiful bass i have EVER seen... I envy you for owning it.
  23. I gotta agree with thepurpleblob. I recomend a Squier VMJ which plays and sounds great then work your way onto a fiver and the VMJ is a keeper in most cases too.
  24. Ooooo what you buying?? I will keep this thread in mind.
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