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Everything posted by guzzibass

  1. I'm thinking of dabbling with a fretless (currently using '78 P), and have seen a tasty Guild B301 fretless bass. Does anyone know anything about them? Thanks
  2. Suzi Quatro!!!
  3. OK you clever lot - what bass is being played here? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M89c3hWx3RQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M89c3hWx3RQ[/url]
  4. Some geezer called Paul McCartney and a drummer called Ringo Starr show promise.......... Also Ronnie Lane/Kenny Jones whilst Faces....
  5. [quote name='Beedster' post='53432' date='Aug 31 2007, 03:43 PM']I look great in a wetsuit. Does that count? Just looked at their website and, ironically perhaps, they don't seem to look all that good in their suits [/quote] Are you a surfer then?
  6. Thanks everyone. Now to find one!!!!!
  7. Just wondered if anyone knows what make bass in this video - looks pretty cool to me!!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcmH1LdPNKA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcmH1LdPNKA[/url]
  8. Been playing guitar since I was 9 - studied classical and flamenco etc, learned mandolin - always had electric and acoustic guitars. Then auditioned for bass with a band - even though I'd not touched a bass guitar. Now in said band and love playing bass!! In fact I reckon it has improved my guitar playing no end.
  9. guzzibass

    Jaco JB

    I've been looking lustfully at a US fretted Jaco JB. Has anyone tried/owned one - and what are your thoughts?? Cheers Graham
  10. I have been playing bass for just over a year - switched from guitar to join a band!! The list so far....... Crafter Cruiser Jazz copy '79 Ibanez Roadster RF900 '86 Greco Thunderbird '78 Fender Precision
  11. [quote name='ste_m3' post='46565' date='Aug 16 2007, 06:59 PM']Well, I walked into a small time local music shop. And on the wall he had hanging up a really nicely mojo'd 77 Presicion, so naturally i and him got speaking. The 77 was up at a grand. and next to it was a CAR mexiacan precision (i know, i thought these were all japanese too, but the headstock deffinatly said mexican) So, i pulled down the '77 and started to tinkle around. The first thing i noticed was that this thing was bloody heavy! but also, this thing was a nightmare to play! I mean, i know setups are essential, but you would have thought that it would have had at least one setup in its 40 year life! It was completly un-slappable, and any chord i tried to play just came out with a sound that my ears plain didnt like. The bassist/owner agreed. Then i pulled the Mexi down and started plonking, and the first thing i noticed was how bright the tone knob would let this go compared to the '77. (both had new roto rounds on) alas, i thought i was in for a twangy time, but on pulling the tone knob down it got just as deep and thumpy as the '77. Whats going on?! Chordal pieces chimed out, and slap pinged just how i like it. whats going on?! The only thing the 77' had in its favour was the fact that the neck was slightly faster (i think the edges on it were a bit rounder, although i didnt check, thats just from memory) so which would i have? Well, the '77 of course, it was sunburst and worn away in places. That makes a good bass, right?[/quote] Scuse for being dim - but was is 'CAR'?
  12. How about this? Apologies for the net curtains............
  13. Andy Fraser whilst with Free - he was way ahead of anyone.
  14. Rick Danko (The Band)
  15. Shame you are such a long way away - I'd be interested but as I live in Essex it's a bit awkward!!
  16. Is it still for sale?
  17. [quote name='Sean' post='27887' date='Jul 6 2007, 01:09 PM']Maybe someone from Essex will drive down the M4 in their XR3 and buy it! [/quote] Cheeky sod - I'm from Essex -I don't own a XR3 and I hate bling!!!!!
  18. Well I'm the 4th to give a thumbs up 'cos I've got one and very impressive they are too. Just need a 210 now!!
  19. guzzibass


    [quote name='steve-norris' post='8297' date='May 28 2007, 08:22 PM']HI glad you like the amp, wish i could have kept it!. its the same bass but i have put one of Fred Hammons Darkstar pickups in it, sacrilege maybe but it sounds awesome, much more punch and clarity, through the GK it would have 'blown the bloody doors off' . I have another Darkstar project bass under construction ( well in the process of being bolted together) after it,s finished i fancy a precision obviously with a darkstar ps how's the gigging going ?[/quote] Looks familiar? Not gigging yet due to personel probs - now down to a 3-piece and having to rework songs etc. Never heard of Darkstar before; but sounds interesting - not sure about sticking one on a P!! Ever tried Hagstrom swede basses?
  20. guzzibass


    Hi Steve - I'm really pleased with the GK you sold me - sounds great with my '79 precision. What have you done to that Charvel - is it the same one you demo'd or did you sell it and buy this'ere? Cheers
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