I’ve always liked RHCP, loved BSSM (the first bass line I learned to play was “Give It Away”) was a bit obsessed with them for most of the 90s, but nothing they’ve done since One Hot Minute has made me excited - I was very excited when Californication came out because JF was back, but half that album is not great. By The Way is far superior IMO but again the music lacks energy from that album forward. The Getaway was fine, Josh really shone on that.
For me, the real problem lies with their insistence in using Rick Rubin as producer. He really caught the band’s vibe perfectly on BSSM, but really added little else other than getting them to let the music breathe a little. I would love to see them recorded by a proper rock producer, someone who will make them sound massive. I’m not talking about overblown “rawk” production, just someone who is willing to add a bit more bottom end to the ideas of one of the planet’s best bassists…
If they decided to reconnect with Michael Beinhorn (who produced The Uplift Mofo Party Plan and Mother’s Milk), then I’d be excited.