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Everything posted by StevieD_FenderP2009

  1. Hi guys I've just bought a Keen Electronics KE-3Ba pre amp that was previously fitted to a Zon bass but the previous owner of the pre amp couldn't help me with sorting out what the 3 un-attached wires from it are. There's 1 red one, 1 black one and 1 blue wire. I'm guessing the red one would be the wire to connect to the positive/live terminal of a battery pack but I'm not sure what the other 2 (blue and black) wires are for. I would of thought one would be the wire you connect to the ground pin of the input jack (probably the black one as it's next to the red one) then you take the negative wire from the battery pack and attach that to the ring pin of the input jack. There's only one wire going to the volume pot which leads off to the blend pot after that and obviously the pickups attach to that. the 3 tone controls (bass/treble stack with a separate mid control and selector switch) are all wired in already too so there's nothing wrong there. Also, all the tone control wires are at the opposite end of the pre amp to these 3 loose ones if that's any help to anyone? Please help! I want to get my bass done today if possible
  2. Well I have a day off on Saturday so let me know before hand and I'll make sure I'm free
  3. I would ask for £15 postage but if it were to come to more than that, I would cover the extra (vice versa, shall refund the difference if it is less). I'm based in between Milton Keynes and Luton mate.
  4. Buy mine, you know you want to £200 plus shipping
  5. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1323024721' post='1458439'] Want it? Yes! Afford it? Not really! Bloody xmas presents... Good luck with the sale! [/quote] Haha that's fair enough mate and thanks very much. You could always sell people's christmas presents and buy it [quote name='burgundymouse' timestamp='1323115525' post='1459537'] This so could have been mine a few months ago.A toss up between an Epiphone Thunderbird and a P-Bass but the P-Bass won because it came up first. Have a bump on me. [/quote] This could still be yours mate [quote name='The Goatreich' timestamp='1323161920' post='1459828'] I really fancy a Gibson version of these, but didn't realise the Epiphone was held in such high regard. [/quote] Yeah me neither, It's a cracking bass though. Just need the money from it. I'll take £200 plus postage for it because I really need the cash.
  6. Hi mate I'm going to admit now that I wont be able to afford this so this is purely a research question if you don't mind me asking. Basically, would I be able to mic up a full drum kit (1 mic on kick, 2 on toms, 2 overheads, 2 on the snare, 1 on the high hat) and have the record down as separate tracks in to Logic so I can mix them separately or does it all come through as one channel? Again, I'm sorry if i'm wasting your time. Stevie
  7. *edit* my bad, he's got the SMB-4A. Still sounds fantastic and i'm sure the SMB4DS will sound as good if not better. I'm biased though, I'm a Seymour Duncan fanboy. Just get a 'duncan and be done with it
  8. Go for the Duncan. My mate has one fitted in his Ray 34 and it sounds absolutely amazing! He can go from really rocky, sharp tones to subtle bluesy, old school tones with it. It makes me want a Ray too but i'm sticking to P-Basses... for now
  9. Hi guys I'm putting a feeler out there for my rosewood Jazz Bass neck. Unfortunately, the logo on it has long gone as I sanded it all off when I was smoothing out the few nicks to the lacquer on the headstock. I was going to replace it with a Fender Precision logo too as it's going on my 87 Fender P bass. Basically, I am putting this feeler out there to see if anyone wants to trade my neck for a rosewood Fender Precision neck. I ask that it must have the skunk stripe down the back, headstock end truss rod adjustment and if possible, one of the black inserts on the truss rod hole (though that last one is not essential, just a preference). Also, it needs to be a C profile (although that is pretty much standard with P necks) so I can have it shaped to match the Steve Harris neck as the one on his P Signature Model goes from a full C profile at the first fret gradually down to a flatter D profile around the 14th. This shaping hasn't been done on the Jazz neck just so you all know. The neck plays beautifully and feels really smooth. Only reason I'm thinking of changing it is because I've really been liking the neck on my Steve Harris Fender P lately so I want to keep on with the P bass neck. If I was to sell it, I'd be after £100 so I could buy the replacement I want for it. Hit me with some offers!
  10. Cheers man, it definitely is. Want it?
  11. Go on, you know you want to?
  12. Will this be affected by the digital switch over and can it be rack mounted?
  13. Thanks dude. I need this to go quickly. I like the UFO reference too, huge fan of Pete Way. This t-bird certainly does have ALOT of bottom end to it. £200 gets this bass...
  14. Come oooooooooooooon...
  15. Bump for the price changes. Quick sale needed!
  16. Do you fancy trading it for an Epiphone T-Bird limited edition in pure white plus some cash my way?
  17. Is this digital because with the switch over coming, all analogue wireles kits like the WMS Pro 40 aren't going to be usable? I've got the WMS Pro 40 bug system and i'm going to have to basically throw it in the bin because of the change over
  18. Ah bugger! I'm really desperate for one as well. Would you have had them made the same as the Fender ones?
  19. Hi there guys (and gals, got to be PC after all...) I have been thinking of getting a Squier VM Jazz 5 string and pimping it out to mimic my VM jazz 4 string but I have come across one problem and it's quite an annoying one at that. I've been able to source a 5 string pickguard, thumb rest, 5 string high mass bridge, 5 string Graphtech top nut, schaller strap locks, F stamped neck plate (as far as I know it's just the same neck plate on a 5 string isn't it?), the pick ups I want in a 5 string model and 5 string neck pick up cover but no 5 string jazz bridge cover. Now to me, this is seriously annoying as I love the look of my bass with both of the ashtray covers fitted, it gives it that proper vintage look but if I was to get the 5 string one, it would be missing that which would constantly bug me as I want them to match. Kinda like an OCD in a way ;P If anyone knows where to get one, please let me know!
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