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Everything posted by StevieD_FenderP2009

  1. Yeah I typed it in on eBay and one finished exactly a week ago at £35 How would you say the rig is wired up then? Looks pretty weirdly set out. Only way I could think of is: Wireless -> Sony SRP E100 EQ -> Aphex Processor -> Trace Elliot/Electron Pre Amp (He changes frequently between the 2) -> Pete Cornish Switching System -> DBX Compressor (Directed to PA system) -> C Audio power amps -> 8 JCM800 Bass Series Straight cabinets (4 cabs per power amp) Thank you so much to the both of you for your help
  2. Ps, How did you know that gareth? I have hunted all over the net to find out what that unit was
  3. Bloodaxe and Garethflatlands, I like you... alot...
  4. Ahh okay, cheers for that Tom, I'm going to go look on google images and see if i can find one to match up with it. Cheers for the help. Whats the big blue connection for on the power distro?
  5. Cheers YoRick, that's basically where i found out what each unit was but it doesn't mention the 2 unknown units in the rack set up. Yeah, i'm guessing the bottom one is just some sort of power condition/supply but I'm not to sure. As for the other one, I really am stuck. I'd love to see the rig up close so I knew what it was
  6. Hi guys Recently managed to get hold of a picture of God himself's bass rig (although some of you from another religion won't agree that he is the real god, but he's my god haha) and I was wondering if you could help me in working out what these 2 units are that I can't seem to find anything out about. Here's the picture: [attachment=66608:Steve__s..._Editied.png] As you can see, i've managed to put a name next to each unit on in the rack case apart from 2 of them. I know the bottom one is fairly simple but I need to know what they both are. For the life of me I can't seem to work out what they are or what they're for. I'm probably being really retarded over the very bottom unit and it's probably just some sort of power supply but if so, i need to know what sort it is. As for the unit up near the top that I've put unknown next to, I really have no clue and no idea as to what that might be. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Stevie
  7. Yeah i think I might do that Mart, seems like the best idea
  8. Cheers musky. I was hoping Fender would sell them as seperate accesories or whatever but it doesn't look like they do. Looks like your idea seems to be the best thing to do. Cheers dude
  9. Aye, I wanna know what it is or where I can get one so I can fit one to my basses
  10. If you look on that pic, you can see a black thing inside the truss rod hole, does anyone know what this is and where I can get a couple of them? Cheers!
  11. I really like it, i'm even quite a big fan of the split pick guard, means it'll be easier to get to the electronics. Okay, the chicken beak knobs are rubbish and the holes in the headstock are awwwwful but atleast the knobs can be replaced. And if you're REALLY that much of a hater of the holes in the headstock, you could get some matching grade maple and fill it in. Would leave quite a cool effect on the headstock too I think But... I'd only pay £200, maybe £250 maximum for it
  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1055032' date='Dec 11 2010, 03:08 PM']A tin of tinted gloss from manchesterguitartech.co.uk should do you.[/quote] Cheers dude! I'll get some ordered Btw, what is that black plastic piece in the truss rod hole?
  13. Fender MIM Standard Precision Bass It's bang on your budget brand new but second hand anything between £50 and £150 under your budget. I've played 2 of them and am placing an order for one, absolutely brilliant bass and plenty of "bang for buck" Here's a link to DV247's brand new one listed [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/fender-standard-precision-bass-arctic-white-maple--60008"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/fender-standa...te-maple--60008[/url] Obviously there's different colour schemes and fret board options too Enjoy!
  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1055983' date='Dec 12 2010, 01:19 PM']You'd not wreck your bass but you might have a discrepancy in output and/or tone between the pups, which tbh might not necessarily be in a negative way. Loads of people chuck different pups into basses and give no thought to anything other than is it active/passive; Billy Sheehan famously had a Gibson mudbucker fitted into his Precision (our very own 'the bass doc' had one fitted in a bass way before I heard of BS) with interesting results but it makes more sense to the the pair matched.[/quote] Well with you saying that, I know that Cliff Burton had a Gibson Mudbucker fitted as the neck pick up in his claret Rickenbacker 4001 and he also had a stacked Fender Stratocaster Single coil sized humbucker fitted into the bridge pick up rout during his time in Metallica. Very very odd combination but I suppose he liked it haha
  15. Ahhh fair enough, Cheers for the advice Warwickhunt. I was a bit dubious over doing it as I thought it might end up enbalancing the pick ups and ultimately wrecking my bass in some way. Hopefully one of these 2 shops will tell me they have both pick ups in stock Really want them now haha
  16. Cheers for the replies guys, I've managed to source the 2 pickups I want, one from a scottish company and one from an american company. Bloody typical eh? I've emailed both companies seeing if they have the other one to make it the matching pair and as a long shot, asking them if they have the pre amp that I want to go with it. Was typical, thought I saw the Pre I wanted on the Fleeeeebay but it turned out to be the HR4.6 which has 2 volume, treble/bass stack and a blend control which isn't what I want at all, I want the HR4.5 which has 1 volume, 1 blend, 1 bass and 1 treble
  17. Have a bump on me dude, and if people are just being put off because of the lack of pre-amp then I've got a 4 pot Pre-Amp taken from my Tobias (Volume, Blend, Bass, Treble) for sale which you can have for £85 to fit to the spector?
  18. Sold a Gotoh-like bridge to Paul and he's a thoroughly nice guy and really cool to deal with. Unfortunately there was a delay in it arriving to him because of the post office but he remained patient which was good Cheers Paul! Stevie
  19. Hi there Since I'm going to have re-finish the whole neck on my 87 after doing the massive repair works on it and unfortunately scuffing alot of the front of the headstock. So, I need to know how to achieve the same finish that the Steve Harris Fender Signature bass has. It's that yellow-y finish to it. Can you guys help me and tell me where to get the stain I need? Cheers guys
  20. Hi dude, does this mixer have any USB or FireWire outputs on it at all? Cheers Stevie
  21. Wow, that is absolutely gorgeous Dave. Where did you get the headstock logo from and what tint has been used on it to achieve that beautiful finish?
  22. cheers dude, and how will i know if it's completely undone and ready to come out because it feels quite tightly in the truss rod hole
  23. I'm a dick head... Really I am... I've just taken delivery of a 1987 Fender American P Bass, only problem with it was that the neck was bowed, so when I just tried to adjust the truss rod, I found it was maxed, the allen key slipped and has basically stripped the thread. Ouch... Can someone tell me what I'll need to do? I haven't got much money left (obviously...) so I need a cheap solution. Pleeease help?
  24. I actually think I love you... Just took delivery of an 87 Fender american P with a maxed out truss rod and i didn't know what to do You've saved me a tonne of money! thank you!
  25. Bugger! Why can't these be the CF4CBC set I would of bitten your hand off. Have a bump on me
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