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Everything posted by StevieD_FenderP2009

  1. I'm thinking of buying one of these as they're so cheap on eBay then stripping the ram out and putting in about 2gb of ram, installing Leopard & Logic 8 then using it for recording music purely. Does anyone have any past experience with one of these machines or have any sort of advise for me at all? Cheers Stevie
  2. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. It's really f***ing annoyed me that they've done this and totally disrespected everything I f***ing said to them. If I hadn't of joined they'd still be stuck in the guitarist f***ing lounge pondering whether the band was going to continue or not
  3. Arghhh Just been on Facebook for the first time in over a week to find that there is an event on there called "Munition at the Snooty Fox - 13th October" Now, I have wanted to play the SF for ages and wouldn't have a problem with this had I not already told the guy who organised the gig that I wouldn't be able to do the 13th and 14th due to not being able to get the days off work to which he said "that's fair enough dude, I'll try for something after the 16th then" which is fine with me... But no, I tell him tonight I can't do the gig to which he tells me that he forgot I couldn't do those days and that we can't cancel the gig so I'll have to either find a fill in at work or they'll have to find a fill in for the actual gig. I said to him about doing the 17th instead and he said "Nah, we can't do that day cos the drummers got work and can't get the day off" which he only found out 2 days ago meaning this problem came up 2 weeks after I first stated I couldn't do the 13th and 14th. Now be honest with me, am I in the right for feeling completely pissed off and ignored over this situation or am I just being stupid? Either way, they'll have to sort something as I will not be doing the gig as I'm not losing my job over it Stevie.D
  4. Hi there mate Just to clarify, could this still be used with a power amp and other rack units then put through a set of cabinets? Also, do all the lights work on the front of the amp? Cheers dude
  5. Must... resist... taking... out... loan!
  6. Thanks guys, alot of mixed replies here... Don't know which method to go with. Might end up just doing a trial and error on it. End of the day, if it doesn't work, the bass is going to end up in the "Recycling Unwanted Sh*t" section for you all to take your pick on I'm thinking smokebombs behind the pickups and LEDs up the neck too hehe... More to come later
  7. Hey there Right, i've got my Epiphone Embassy Special IV bass which was my first bass horrible bass and I never did use it for much apart from throwing out of windows, practising swinging round my neck, not being able to learn bass on... So, for the first time since I bought my BC Rich bass (which i sold), I picked the Epiphone up out of it's case and remembered... I TORE THE PICK UPS AND ELECTRICS OUT OF IT... Time for a re-wire I've got some new pick ups coming for it but I've decided I don't want a volume or tone pot in it, instead, i just want an On/Off switch instead. I bought a switch for it and installed it to the body, it's just a standard DPDT (double pole double throw) switch I just want to wire it so that the switch is in between the hot wire of the pick ups and the jack input but I'm not sure which connectors on the switch I need to wire it into. If anyone can help me, this would be great. Just as a quick note, on the back of the switch there's 2 rows of 3 connection points Cheers StevieD
  8. Now on ebay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ashdown-EVO-2-II-300-Bass-Amp-Not-Trace-Elliot-Ampeg-/170512115560?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item27b3506768"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ashdown-EVO-2-II-300...=item27b3506768[/url] Snap it up
  9. 527 views and no offers... What the hell?
  10. Come on guys. £300 plus the postage which is roughly £20 for the Ashdown Brand new, works perfectly and in perfect condition. Some one please buy it. I need the moniesssss
  11. You'll break the neck I started having problems with the neck of my bass cos I had it set up for Drop C Sharp (C# G# C# F#) but kept tuning it back up to E Standard and in the end the neck started to bow awkwardly and felt awful to play My recomendation? DO NOT DO IT!
  12. Basically, i'm going to be re-designing my rig and re-building it once I get all the units I want This may seem like a bit of a far out rig, but it's what I want Furman PL Plus Power Conditioner (1u) Korg DTR2000 Tuner (1u) Trace Elliot GP12 RAH250SMX Head (2u) Sansamp RPM Pre Amp (1u) DBX 160 Stereo Compressor (2u) Sennheiser EM500 G3 Wireless Reciever (1u) C-Audio SR 707 Power Amp (3u) and just to be fancy... Rack drawer for strings n things (3u) I know most of that will work in a chain when wired properly But I was wondering With me wanting to have both the Trace Elliot and the Sansamp running, which order would they have to be in? I'd have the Trace set up with the usual EQ I have on my bass amps Then have the Sansamp wired in a bypass mode and hooked up to a footswitch so I can press it and activate it when I need some "dirt" or "crunch" to my tone So yeah, would I have it Trace Elliot => Sansamp => Rest of stuff or Sansamp => Trace Elliot => Rest of stuff If you could help me this would be great Cheers!
  13. Hey dude Welcome to the forum
  14. Ah boooogger! Looks like the Sansamp is going to have to go on the back foot for a little while then whilst I look for the head unit I want first Trying to choose between the Ampeg SVT 4-Pro head or the Ashdown Mark King 500 head. Can't afford one first hand though so i'm looking second hand for now. Damn it!
  15. As says in the title I'm thinking of investing in a Sansamp RBI/RPM but I was going to use it for a while without a bass head to run it through so the question is, do I need a power amp to go with it if I wanted to power my cabinet? Cheers guys
  16. [quote](StevieD_FenderP2009 @ Jun 28 2010, 06:40 PM) * And lastly, but this is a very big if on the sale of this item 3: 1990 Trace Elliot GP12 Series 6... I'm not putting much of a description apart from that it's in perfect condition (one tiny tiny scratch on the front of it) and it's been regularly maintained professionally. Not putting a price either, this is purely for offers. Read the T&C. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=19"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=19[/url] - if this is for sale, you must post a price.[/quote] It's sold now anyways so i'm removing it [quote]MB1. cool.gif ...Hello Dave!..Can My Wife!..use your toilet? BUMP![/quote] My wife will now commence the reading of the palm Dave...! (I was waiting for you to post something on here MB1 haha)
  17. I would do but I can't afford the extra £75 at all. Not unless butterflies and moths cover it? haha
  18. Ah bugger. I'd of snapped it up if that wasn't the case
  19. Can this be used without a power amp or does it have to have a power amp with it?
  20. It's the ABM EVOIII 500 model Ironically, the model I have for sale =)
  21. Cheers Karl, I really need some money which is main reason behind selling it else I wouldn't be... Hmm I really don't understand the hate for Ashdown's, they're fantastic amps Well, I dunno, I'll see how it goes BUMP
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