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Everything posted by StevieD_FenderP2009

  1. [quote name='Bay Splayer' post='494539' date='May 21 2009, 06:19 PM']i thought you said football [/quote] Oi Careful =P
  2. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='494046' date='May 21 2009, 11:08 AM']Haha..now this is gunna sound really dumb, but i've never actually realised that that is what they use. and wow, did you get any pics of the dee dee bass? Z x[/quote] I've still got the DeeDee bass cos I'm waiting for the final payment on it But no pics yet. As soon as i do, i'll upload one. And nah, thats not dumb at all. I just do alot of reading into what people use haha Stevie.D!
  3. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='493854' date='May 21 2009, 12:00 AM']I hear ya haha and yess! i love livewire! Z x[/quote] Live Wire rules! First song I properly listened to by Crue Btw, I was looking at a picture of your bass Are you going for a bit of the Steve Harris setup with the Fender P and SD Quarter Pounders? Or is it to try and copy DeeDee Ramone cos he used a fender P with SD Quarter Pounders didn't he? Just built a DeeDee Ramone replica bass for my mate Arran. Did some pretty cool paintwork on it too Stevie.D!
  4. [quote name='7string' post='493765' date='May 20 2009, 10:21 PM']Welcome Stevie D !! The period from 1985 to the advent of grunge has to be my favourite era. "Still of the night" woke me up in the morning. Judas Priest, Motley Crue help me get to work. In the evening I'd try to work out how to play Mr.Big songs. Ah, the good old days [/quote] Fair play man, Fair play At least you like some decent bands Just yanking your leg haha Iron Maiden for any time of the day for me. Doesn't matter when it is, Maiden always help you through it Thanks for the welcome dude! Stevie.D!
  5. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='493290' date='May 20 2009, 02:21 PM']I'd love to hear your band! lol i kinda get what you mean about punk, I cant really listen to the hardcore stuff like the exploited and gbh, cause i find it like..well just noise! lol its still gotta be melodic Z x[/quote] Yeah well, we've only just really started so as soon as we get some tracks on the ol' MySpace, i'll let you know Got a cover of Live Wire by Crue coming up on there soon And yeah, i agree with your point of its got to be melodic. Melodies and harmonies FTW! haha Stevie.D!
  6. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='493260' date='May 20 2009, 01:45 PM']well i absolutely LOVE Motley Crue. and i like Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Motorhead, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Anthrax, Ozzy, Skidrow, Scorpions. and i've loved Kiss ever since i was about 6, my dad took me to see them when i was 7. But im really into the Glam rock side of things too.. like... Hanoi Rocks, New York Dolls, Enuff Znuff, Dogs D'amour etc. Im into all sorts really! Mr. Big are one of my favourites too. Rush.. ramones, the clash, cocksparrer, uk subs.. a load of the punk stuff too. I sometimes feel like i was born in the wrong times haha Z x[/quote] Yeah! Motley Crue f***ing rule! The band I'm currently in are based on bands like Crue, Skid Row and WASP Proper old school glam metal! You have a pretty varied taste in types of rock music which is cool. But I could never get into punk, can't stand it lol and as for kiss... Well, I liked them for all of 5 minutes then got bored of them haha Stevie.D!
  8. [quote name='Kongo' post='492841' date='May 20 2009, 12:02 AM']I feel were going to get along very well indeed...cept I prefere 3 fingers LOL! Harris? Check! Iron Maiden? Double check! 80's Metal...half check as I don't like all them bands but like 80's metal all the same. Am into modern metal alot these days but I still love Maiden. Any er...Sheehan love there too? C'mon...80's metal! Have to question the use of an Arbok though...He unfortunatly fell into the NU (Not Used) Tier in D & P...Shame, it's a cool Pokemon. But with Garchomp being Over Used and other great ground types these days...I guess his weakness really shows... *hopes member will latch*[/quote] Also, whats latching?
  9. [quote name='Kongo' post='492841' date='May 20 2009, 12:02 AM']I feel were going to get along very well indeed...cept I prefere 3 fingers LOL! Harris? Check! Iron Maiden? Double check! 80's Metal...half check as I don't like all them bands but like 80's metal all the same. Am into modern metal alot these days but I still love Maiden. Any er...Sheehan love there too? C'mon...80's metal! Have to question the use of an Arbok though...He unfortunatly fell into the NU (Not Used) Tier in D & P...Shame, it's a cool Pokemon. But with Garchomp being Over Used and other great ground types these days...I guess his weakness really shows... *hopes member will latch*[/quote] Oh yeah man, Gotta love Sheehan Picked up a few neck bending tricks off him =P I would use three fingers but (this is gunna sound lame) Dont wanna change to 3 Cant use 3rd yet. But as i said, not a big worry as i prefer 2. And yeah man, Arbok was ubercool, he was purple! Seems like we will get on lol
  10. [quote name='mcc' post='492834' date='May 19 2009, 11:54 PM']good stuff!![/quote] Haha Yeah man!
  11. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='492753' date='May 19 2009, 09:56 PM']Hey, welcome to basschat! quote: 80's heavy metal what bands? Z x[/quote] Hey There Here's the bands... A fairly big list =P Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Motley Crue, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Helloween, Saxon, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Anthrax, TestAment, Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, Skid Row, Scorpions, MSG, UFO, WASP, ZZ Top Hows about you? Stevie.D!
  12. Thought I'd be nice and say Hi (after a quick prompt from another member haha) Right then, - I'm Stevie.D - I obviously play bass - Have been for 2 years now - Have a pretty nice collection of basses already (Tobias, BC Rich, Fenders, Epiphone) - In my spare time, I build, customise, set-up and fix guitars and basses for my personal use and for friends - Mainly into 80's heavy metal although I listen to a couple of newer bands - Steve Harris (Iron Maiden) is my main influence for playing bass, Although Markus Grosskopf (Helloween) is another big influence - Iron Maiden are my favourite band - Play bass with my fingers and by choice only use 2 - Used to play in a band until it fell apart (internal arguments etc) - Now in a Glam Metal band call MaddJaxx (www.myspace.com/themaddjaxxband) - Oh, I love football too, Leeds United through and through! Now the cheeky part If your interested, I have a bass combo for sale It's a Peavey TNT150 with an upgraded 300w Celestion speaker Go to my profile and look under my posts, There's a topic I started about it. Looking for around £200 for it. Pick up or delivery. Also, I'm looking into buying a Trace Elliot GP12SMX Head So if you have one for sale, Let me know! Thanks Stevie.D!
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