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  1. Hi All, am selling a couple of things for the usual reasons - thought I'd offer them here before the bay... Shuttle 6.0: 1 year old, pristine, no issues. £425 Mark Bass 102p 8ohm with cover (ex beedster...) also excellent nick £320 OR....£700 the pair collected plus I'll throw in a long Speakon cable. If needed, can deliver - free if sort of local, otherwise we can discuss. If you want the gear couriered, I'll do it at cost - you can choose the courier, if you like, or I'll get the best rate I can. These have hardly been used in anger this past year - maybe 3 or 4 gigs - mostly just my practice rig. Really good kit - but you know that - work well together and super portable, which was why I got them in the first place. Any questions, more pix, PM me. Collection from Barnet, N London or Canterbury. cheers for looking. J [attachment=60158:IMG_0239.jpg] [attachment=60159:IMG_0238.jpg] [attachment=60160:IMG_0237.jpg] [attachment=60161:IMG_0236.jpg]
  2. Got a Discumbobulator and Small Stone from Daryl - absolute gent - really quick, easy transaction, all good - fair prices too. I'm a happy camper! cheers J
  3. PM'd re discumbobulator
  4. I have tried Guitar Rig, Live and Mainstage - of those, Guitar rig is straightforward, but doesn't do anything better than analogue gear, Mainstage still feels a bit 'beta" to me - though I am a big fan of Logic otherwise -plus I have experienced some switch lag and you need a fast Mac for it. Live IMO has most to offer as a creative tool for performance. I have ended up using analogue gear for everything except 'experimental' performance, when I use Live - its more reliable and has no latency issues . Of course you could check out MAXMSP which is really fun - btw - apologies if you know all this - but if you like wiring stuff up to see what happens its the best option- you can get a 30 day trial - its been around for ages and Cycling74 has a lot of good links to resources - otherwise there is MAX for Live - I haven't tried it yet but will soon - looks like a good implementation of the 2 apps. Couple of other points - I'd avoid USB audio interfaces - Firewire units are cheap enough now and you avoid latency issues (though I realise USB3 is coming and fewer laptops have FW400 etc). Last thing is its really useful to have a rudimentary midi switching pedalboard - if you are tempted by the seeming cheapness and versatility of the Behringer fcb1010 - as I was - you'd best be prepared for a LOT of messing about to get everything working happily - I'd suggest you start by simply switching the digital FX in and out then look at adding dynamic control later - depending on your needs and software. I jumped a bit too quickly into multiple midi switching, pedals etc - big mistake! Worth trying though - good luck! J
  5. I had a CS1 years ago - hardly subtle, from what I remember - also coloured the sound a lot, but good if you wanted the one thing it did well - oodles of sustain and a brutally squidged attack. These days I use an Ego Squasher form Brian Wampler - although this is pitched primarily at country guitarists, it works very well with basses - the latest one has a tone control too, which I guess might be a good addition, mine is an earlier model - I like the blend facility and variable attack - I can get the old CS1 squash if needed, or Ross-type sounds - but lots more besides. True bypass and well made. If you do get one, you get a good discount if you sign up for the news letter. [url="http://www.indy-guitarist.com/inc/sdetail/97"]link[/url] [attachment=33947:web_medium_ego.jpg]
  6. Having a clear out - Guitar Rig 2 plus rig Kontrol - all manuals, leads, disks plus foot controller. Good condition. Works with other versions of Guitar Rig if you want to upgrade. Reason its going is because I use logic and the latest version has superb plug in fx. Rig Kontrol is well made, Aluminium body, metal pedal. Decent enough audio interface - though USB but good as a practice setup through a computer. Has 2in, 2 out, 2 pedal jacks, MIDI + 1/4in headphone out. £105 posted or £100 collected from Barnet N London. Otherwise I'd happily trade it for a decent envelope follower - Emma, Subdecay etc cash adjustment if necessary. cheers j This is the Kontrol - will post some pix of mine tomorrow - its all in good nick. [attachment=33677:guitar_rig_fig4.jpg]
  7. great job! as said above, nice detail. J
  8. Beautiful PJ! thanks for making me wonder how I could afford something like that...
  9. I'll take the Audio Technica ATH-T2 Headphones assuming they are in OK condition? J
  10. There's The Gear Page - which is mainly but not exclusively guitars - American-centric but with a fair few Brits, I've found people there helpful, lots of posters.. [url="http://www.thegearpage.net"]http://www.thegearpage.net[/url] j
  11. Man - that's a lovely guitar at a great price - I have an ASAT classic S and would buy this in a heartbeat if money allowed. G&L are so much nicer than the vast majority of Fenders - but unfortunately relatively few people are aware of them and their history. Good luck with the sale! J
  12. Hi - Complete Apple Logic Studio for sale. All Disks, manuals and box. Logic pro 8 etc - you can read the specs from Apple etc. This is a complete, legit, transferable box set, 6 months old. The reason I'm selling is because I am an academic and one of the small perks of the job is I get cheap software for personal/educational use, however there is no discounted upgrade available for academics from Logic 8 > 9 - crazy though it seems its cheaper for me to buy Logic 9 outright. So I'm selling this to part fund the new box. I have read the EULA with the software and it is perfectly fine for me to sell and for you to re-register - I guess if you then want to upgrade to 9 you can go ahead as normal, though frankly 8 is very good - its just that I am a complete sucker for discounted new software - plus I REALLY like the new time stretching and sample instrument creation tools. The upgrade price is £159.00 so if you want to go that way that's the latest version for £259.00 in stead of £399. See rubbish photo - its all there - Soundtrack, samples, software instruments etc - Disks used once only to install, Manuals are also as new. Mac OS X only - but you knew that! If nobody's interested I'll put it on ebay next week. If you want to collect from Barnet £90.00 or I'll pack and post for £100. J [attachment=32622:logic.jpg]
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