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Everything posted by Saskia

  1. That's ok! Yeah sorry I should've thought of a clearer wording.. can't edit now unfortunately so this will have to do. No worries 😊
  2. for anyone in the same position, please tick 'no - I rely on other online forums too' if you only engage online and not in person, and the other if you do both
  3. Great to hear. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Hi all! I'm writing my dissertation at the moment about becoming a musician through various means, one of which is getting involved/feeling part of a community. I'm interested to know what kind of relationship you have with Basschat as a way of connecting to a wider community of musicians - whether you use it for this primarily or other reasons? Poll answers will be greatly appreciated and if you feel like expanding on anything in the comments, please do. Thanks!
  5. loooooove this song
  6. Hi everyone,


    Haven't been active on here for a while, just wondering if anyone has had experience using Vampr? Have people found it a useful platform for finding bandmates and stuff? 

    Also, in order to convince anyone on there that I can actually play I feel like I need to record something, but I don't have any high tech equipment or good backing tracks so not sure how to get around that. Thinking of just playing along to a song with the volume low and filming it on my phone...


    Any advice welcome :)

  7. these are great tips, thank you. I'll aim to start posting some vids on my insta, hopefully that'll give me some motivation!
  8. That's a great idea - thank you! I'll work on a few songs and get myself down to an open mic.
  9. Hello! I'm new here so just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Saskia, and I've been playing the electric bass for about a year. I've been learning through Scott's Bass Lessons, which is fab but I lack the motivation to get on there and do the lessons - also there is so much and it can be a bit intimidating.. I think sometimes the best way to learn is by jumping in at the deep end and jamming with some other musicians so that's my plan! I'm currently using an Aria Pro II Cardinal Series bass - which was my dad's in the 80s - with flat wound strings. Looking to network with some other bassists and get some tips on how to progress!
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