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Everything posted by tjkennelly

  1. I normally play parts of a few different songs to see how they suit each one. Normally I'll play Bombtrack by RATM, Schism by Tool and any Metallica. Mind you they're normally the first things that come into my head when I pick up a bass
  2. We're headlining at The Fiddlers Elbow tonight Just wondering if any fellow BCers would be up for coming down? It's only £5 and it should be a laugh Cheers Tim
  3. Currently trying to learn all the words to my bands songs and learn to sing them whilst playing. Trying to learn a bit of Bach atm, I'm getting bored of Rock cause most of it is too easy or too hard, nothing seems just beyond reach. If I get the time I may improve my slapping technique so I can learn to double thumb effectively
  4. When you list your favourite bassists to a friend they reply "Who?"
  5. Awesome, any chance I could pinch it? My CRT is making my eyes bleed
  6. CRT or LCD?
  7. [quote name='chenzo_1' post='520628' date='Jun 22 2009, 11:56 AM']I played at the water rats on Saturday[/quote] That's interesting, we were supposed to be playing there on the Sunday but they changed the venue a few days beforehand because there was a leak... We endud up playing their sister venue but the sound man destroyed us, for the first half of the set you couldn't hear the bass or guitars over the drums yet the bands either side of us had a perfect mix. They said they want us to come back but seeing this now makes me wonder if we should.
  8. If for some crazy reason he doesn't want them I'll take them off your hands
  9. Gig tonight went well; played The Underbelly in Hoxton sq. Really nice venue, nice and cosy. My first gig as lead singer and bassist (our singer quit 4 days earlier) I didn't (noticeably) forget any of the words and I managed to play and sing better than I had at practice. Everything was good and tight and we were playing to a few people. The sound man destroyed us though. The bass and guitar were almost inaudible over the drums and the extremely loud vox didnt help my confidence much. Strangely enough he had the mix right for every band either side of us
  10. I personally don't like Crucial Music Club promoters. They organise really mixed nights which rarely works well. My friends played a night at "The Dry Bar" brought over 120 people and got payed £50 because someone graffiti'd a wall outside and since they brought the most people they assumed it was one of their fans. I personally don't believe in punishing a band in response for their fans. It's like reading council charging all the people who play Reading festival because their fans left a bit of a mess behind them. Also I played a gig with them once, was a complete flop, a few months later I messaged them on myspace about the possibility of playing another gig with them and they deleted and blocked us from their myspace. Talk about friendly huh?
  11. Since posting this we've been offered 3 gigs in the space of two days. One we had to turn down because of prior commitments but we're playing at the Water Rats this Sunday (if anyone wants to support a fellow basschatter PM me cause we've got unlimited industry list spaces) And one on July 10th in the Fiddler's Elbow. Not too shappy Tim
  12. Just wondering if I'd be able to join the list now? I was thinking of buying one of these a few years back but the colour put me off so I got the Wesley Vee instead
  13. My rugged good looks and charm aren't overly apparent on this one
  14. Since my Summer holidays start in two days and I have until October 2010 until I go anywhere near a learning environment (If you can call uni that) I'm hoping to get some more gigs under my belt. The problem isn't finding venues, it's finding promoters willing to give us a solid chance (I actually had a promoter block us on myspace when I messaged asking about a gig once) So any suggestions would be greatly recieved Regards Tim
  15. The guys at KBY Rocks should sort you out with a gig in London if you ask them
  16. [quote name='jakesbass' post='506865' date='Jun 6 2009, 11:25 AM']Firstly using three fingers is not disgraceful just not ideal, but many people get by with it. The locking is usually due to playing with your fingers too straight with the middle joint clicking into a straight position under the stress of applying pressure to the string. The best approach to undoing this is to slightly change hand position as follows: 1. With you palm facing upwards cup your left hand as though holding a fat baton. 2. gently curl the top of your fingers so that the tips face the tip of your thumb. 3. keeping relaxed place the neck where the imaginary baton was and move the tips of your fingers towards the strings with your thumb resting gently against the back. 4. use the natural weight of your arm to pull gently (rather than squeezing) in a line towards you through your arm into your hand and out through your elbow (thats an imaginary line) Maintain this position when applying pressure to the strings and if you keep your fingers gently curved you should eliminate the locking problem. best of luck with it. Jake Obviously it's difficult without showing you exactly but I've explained as best I can.[/quote] I'm giving it a shot now and it seems to be working much better, now to strengthen it
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='506851' date='Jun 6 2009, 11:01 AM']Perfectly normal, it's the way the tendons interact with the little and ring fingers I believe, they are not totally independent. Someone on here is bound to offer a proper explanation.[/quote] I thought the fingers that weren't independant were your middle and ring, which is why when you put your fingers together and bend down your middle fingers you cant move your ring fingers apart
  18. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but I'm wondering if anyone has the same problem as me. Whenever I play, my little finger on my left hand always locks and it takes a moment or two to shift it back and out of the way, putting me off completely. As a result I've developed the technique to only use three fingers on my left hand (disgraceful, I know) I was just wondering if any other basschatters had this problem and how they got around it if they did Tim
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='501976' date='May 30 2009, 11:21 PM']But get someone to clone one, because they are stupidly overpriced for a really simple circuit.[/quote] Where could I get this done? I don't know much about the tech tbh.
  20. Basically, I'm in need of a new distortion pedal. I'm currently using a Proco Turbo Rat (pinched from my bands guitarist) and I'm sick of my bass sounding like a fart cannon. So I need some advice as to what to get, I'm mainly looking for a nice crunchy tone without it just becoming pure noise. Thanks Tim
  21. Just thought I'd say hi. I've been playing bass for the past 5 years and am completely self taught. I play a Wesley Nimrod Vee but I'm looking to get a new bass soon enough I also play in a metal band called Soused With Sidious www.myspace.com/sousedwithsidious Cheers Tim
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