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Everything posted by evan47

  1. Does anyone know which amp models are represented on the ME90b please?
  2. The current MIM player Jazz Basses are pretty good. The Alnico V pickups are pretty good for classic JB sounds. The only drawback is the fret ends were a little sharp but smoothed out a bit after being played in. I own one plus a USA AM Pro JB.
  3. I found one on sale locally and picked it up first thing this morning. Had about 20 minutes messing with it and it seems to be very nice. Much more accessible than my GT1B and the UI on my Katana 210. Does anybody want to buy a BOSS GT1B? I can't see me needing it anymore.
  4. I am thinking of getting shot of my GT1B for the ME90B. Fed up with menu diving to adjust sounds and would much rather have the physical controls in front of me.
  5. I know it is a bit of a long shot but does anyone have an original tuner tension adjustment tool for a vintage BB bass pease? I know these things are as scarce as hens teeth but I would really like to find one.
  6. The guy I bought it from said it came from BassBross.
  7. I have just scored myself a nice condition Yamaha BB1300 from a local seller. Lovely looking/playing and sounding bass, rare too as they were only in the Yamaha catalogue for one year (1985). Does anyone know just how many were made please?
  8. A friend of mine had an early blazer 6 string in the same colour as the original pics. Great quality instruments at the time.
  9. The Jazz Bass has now been fitted with the Gen 4 noiseless pickups plus a John East J-Tone pre amp set up for vol/balance/treble boost and cut plus bass boost and cut. This upgrade has made a great bass even better. The palette of available, easy to dial in tones is wonderful. ..... every one of them screams Jazz Bass but in so many different ways.
  10. I bought a 2022 player series Jazz Bass at the start of the year. Its a pretty good bass, very nice to play and the pickups are fine, bridge and tuners are great too. My only niggle is that the fret edges were a little sharp on purchase but seem less so after a good bit of playing. At the end of the day it is not quite as good as my American Professional Jazz Bass but not by that big a margin.
  11. I had my eye on the GT1 B for a while as it doubles up as a portable headphone amp, plus the presets are nicer than those on the amp. It was a moment of madness getting the GT1 B but no regrets, at least it has a built in tuner unlike the katana. I also have an aversion to using apps, ..... I can't be the only one? Having said that, the Katana is a great little amp, plenty of volume plus great low level performance and the effects that I do use are nice but some of the presets esp the synth based sounds are awful.
  12. In a moment of madness I opted for the Fender gen 4 noiseless set. I will have these plus a John East J-Tone preamp fitted to my Jazz Bass early in the new year. Thinking of putting the USA electrics into my MIM player series (as it is a recent model they should fit).
  13. Seymour Duncan Apollo pups are something I would like to try, has anyone used them yet? Or possibly the Di Marzio dp 305.
  14. Well, I originally ordered the 1 x 10 Katana and it died after 30 minutes. When it worked it sounded great so I had it replaced with the 2 x 10 version . I was a bit miffed about needing to upgrade firmware before being able to access the BOSS app so opted for a GT 1 b on finance for a paltry monthly payment. The 2 x 10 sounds great and the 1 Watt setting for home practise is a bonus.
  15. I have ordered the J-Tone model as I would rather just have a simpler control layout ( too tempting to fiddle about with mid freq and mid sweep plus switches ), I will have it fitted to my Fender American Professional 2019 bass I acquired from another Bass Chat member ( thank you Matt ). There is a good chance that I will have a pickup upgrade too but not sure on which ones yet. Then when all is done to the AM Pro I will fit the USA electrics to my MIM Jazz bass ( 2022 model ).
  16. Did you need to enlarge the cavity or is it an easy fit?
  17. At the moment I man using the MXR M81 pedal preamp and enjoying it, I would just like to have a good onboard preamp for when I can't be bothered plugging in my pedal board.
  18. Thinking of putting an East preamp in my 2022 MIM Fender Jazz Bass, ..... has anyone tried a similar mod to a MIM Jazz?
  19. Yes, plays and sounds great. Lovely quilted maple veneer on it too.
  20. I picked a nice Coda Pro in a natural quilt finish last weekend. My second Spector (the other being a Euro LX).
  21. Very tempting Matt.
  22. Great, that is just what I wanted to know. Thank you very much. Evan.
  23. Does it have speaker cab emulation through the headphones?
  24. Has anyone tried the BOSS Katana bass combos? I have been thinking of the 1 x 10 60w version for home or studio use only. The main question is does it have a fan, and if so how much noise does it make, if any?
  25. I recently bought one in Polar White and am loving it. Bought as a second instrument with the view to swapping out the pickups but it is so nice it has become my go to bass for the moment with no pickup swap needed. My Spector Euro 4lx is now up for potential sale or trade.
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