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Everything posted by 73Jazz

  1. My D string broke..first time in 22 years After i recognized differences in sound as well on newer productions, i will not buy Labella again (760Fl)
  2. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1254694' date='Jun 2 2011, 11:10 PM']I like it... I hate him.[/quote] +1 As much as i hate him, i like the bass And i hate him pretty much
  3. sold via ebay. Thanks for watching
  4. [quote name='jensenmann' post='1250314' date='May 30 2011, 03:19 PM']Here´s my latest acquisition: 1978 Fender Bassman 135 enjoy [/quote] Nice..yamyam
  5. [quote name='MythSte' post='1250822' date='May 30 2011, 10:29 PM']Elixirs Elixirs Elixirs! I do rabbit on about them but there arent many strings I havn't tried over the years. I find the Average amount of life I get out of most sets is 2/3 weeks. Roto's where less, DR slightly more. My elixirs last 9 months at the lowest point and even then I don't notice a huge amount of difference when I change them over.[/quote] For those who do not like Elixirs and checked them a long time ago..give them again a try. They have changed. In the beginning they were not very shiny and a little bit sticky, i didn´t like them at all. Now, the newer ones are shiny, feel really smooth under your fingers and sound nice.
  6. The hum thing is some kind of interesting. As i wrote before i recently bought the SVP hammerite here on basschat and unfortunately it arrived broke at my door. (But was no real problem,a real gentleman from here sold the unit , so we split up the repair cost to split up the bad thing) So i went to the official Ampeg Dealer here in Cologne to repair it, he has great reputations and after his job is done,he asked if i was aware of that hum thing. As i didn´t hear the unit before i couldn`t say if there was one or not. He told me that all SVP hammerites he repaired at his store has got those humming and it is produced through a factory wrong ground wiring. He could rewire this ground wiring to eliminate this humming. but as the price for this was about 100 GBP i first want to hear it for myself. in my ears this humming is now, after changing a tube, really acceptable and no problem for me, interesting again..i had no humming with the blackface one. But dood named it right GAS took me to buy the blackface one as well..some may call me crazy but i prefer the word collector Maybe i am able to give some information concerning sound difference in a few days.
  7. i owned a blackface preamp before, but sold it due to getting a Sunn all valve head. I thought i will not need it anymore.So "need" could be interpreted very broadly I love those Ampeg Pre`s and bought an SVT IIP and recently the SVP Pro hammerite one. As i had an awesome tone with the blackface one before and also got great tones out of those two, i started to question if there is a difference between those two SVP Pro´s. what makes the blackface obviously to the best one for you?
  8. I spoke with a really good amp tech and after i asked him if there is a difference between both versions, he could only confirm that there is one, but doesn`t know which one. Is a fellow basschatter able to bring light in this darkness? We are talking about those 2 i also checked the layout of both, and the seem to be the same..but this doesn`t mean much^^, as i am a tech noob thanks in advance
  9. [quote name='dr1' post='1245739' date='May 26 2011, 04:12 PM']and one from me 73jazz! what a BEAUTY!!![/quote] where ist that red cheeked shy smiley icon? thank you very much
  10. bass/cable/amp ftw but if you have to use 1 effect or you die, then i would choose a compressor
  11. [quote name='Dad3353' post='1244630' date='May 25 2011, 08:10 PM']The Italians apparently really know how to advertise their products, it seems. [/quote] in this case..they seem to have their lessons learnd since the 70s if you have a look at markbass
  12. 73Jazz

    Chorus Pedal

    i liked the EXAR Moby Dick. Some chorus weaken the fundament of your sound, but this pedal doesn`t, you can blend the amount of chorus into your sound. [url="http://www.exarelectronix.com/index.php?file=product&nazwa=mk-04"]http://www.exarelectronix.com/index.php?fi...amp;nazwa=mk-04[/url] and it is cheap here are some soundfiles [url="http://www.public-peace.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=132&Itemid=131"]http://www.public-peace.de/index.php?optio...&Itemid=131[/url]
  13. [quote name='Geek99' post='1243839' date='May 25 2011, 09:22 AM']I think you mean interference ? They were originally wired in as part of the shielding in '51 precisions - see The Fender BASS Manual book[/quote] Yes..that word sounds good as well:)
  14. [quote name='Jambo' post='1243721' date='May 25 2011, 01:22 AM']oh my giddy godfathers.....now that is stunning.... I am off for a lie down.....[/quote] still breathing!?!? Thank you for your compliment on the bass
  15. [quote name='spaz91' post='1242935' date='May 24 2011, 02:39 PM']They're Korean, just as good as CIJ. [/quote] Sorry..that´s not right.they are MIM.
  16. [quote name='Roland Rock' post='1242165' date='May 23 2011, 09:08 PM']I'm unsure about the reason it was there in the first place - anyone?[/quote] under the bridge cover there was a little bit of foam sticking underneath in the early years, so you have that little mute on the strings from above. over the pickup it was used to prevent interspersion?(do you call it like this in english?) that is what i know about it. i love the look of the covers on j and p basses, but on a p the pickup cover is at my sweetspot, so i only use a bridge cover. same on a J..unfortunately..because i really dig to the style with pickup covers as well.
  17. In my ears the sansamp is colouring to much the sound of any instrument..so they nearly sound all the same, which isn`t bad for some instruments But if you like the sound of wood of your instrument, you better should check another preamp/di. If you decide for the sansamp..don`t blend it over 12 o`clock, which is my humble advice also worth a try is the aguilar tonehammer, end eden pedal the question remains..what are you looking for..a preamp?pedal?a di?an overdrive?
  18. My formerly owned YOB Precision, which is now in the hands of a friend of mine.
  19. [quote name='gareth' post='1238571' date='May 20 2011, 08:00 PM']Is that Fullerton USA or the one a few miles north of watford, UK?[/quote] it is imaginary heaven..i am located in germany
  20. [quote name='MythSte' post='1238462' date='May 20 2011, 06:39 PM']I've always fancied one of these! Unfortunately I'd want to try it first and thats one hell of a train ride away![/quote] That`s right..but maybe you should take a bicycle Even then you will not regret the trip
  21. The Fender Big Block Precision was a series by Fender which is nearly unknown to most and a bit different than standard P or J Fenders. This bass is in an awesome mint condition, even the plastic is on the back of the electronic cavity. The bass looks like new and was nearly unplayed. Just to make the description complete, but this thing is nothing, it has a little scratch on the back of the neck, see picture below. So i will give the bass a 9,9/10. The bass is active with a toggle between Single J coil and double J humbucking, treble boost/Cut (6.2 kHz +10dB, -12dB), bass boost/Cut (40hz +15dB, -15dB) and a 18V Preamp designed by legendary electronics guru Michael Frank-Braun. Bodywood Alder, Maple/Rosewood neck. List Price was 1290,- USD [url="http://www.samash.com/p/Fender_Big%20Block%20Precision%20Bass%204%20String%20Bass%20Black_-49992363"]Sam Ash Direct[/url] A review found on [url="http://www.fender.com/community/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2414"]Fender.com[/url] [i]Hello, I used to have the Big Block P, actually I still have the neck, it was that amazing. I found that I didn't care for the active 'bucker, I prefer the passive P tone, but I'm kind of old fashioned. Here's my review for ya... The Big Block is an amazing bass, if you dig actives. Actually, I've tried a newer MM and the Big Block smoked it hands down. Think of it as an affordable high quality alternative to the old two band MM Stingray, but with ALOT more under the hood. It has a 18V pre-amp and the coil tap. (that's right, 2 9V's.) The best way I can describe what the active circuitry does is that the 18V pre-amp allows you to get tube style break up out of a solid state head. The bass can really push an amp, but not in the bad way. When you dig in you'll know it. Due to the dual band boost/cut you can get really glassy delicate highs and also very thick dark growly lows. It's a very versatile bass. As far as the coil tap goes, i'm unsure what it's design and function are, but I can tell you what it sounded like to me. To my ears, it almost acted as an S-1 switch, but on this P model it's a BIG plus. Image being able to go from the super punchy split coil P-esque sound, but with twice the amount of pole pieces to pick it up and 18V's pushing it, and then to what I can best describe as a SCPB if it were modded by Satan, lol. It takes some getting used to, but once you get how to work it the BB is a really incredible bass, and one that they could probably get away with charging more for as the only bass that you can even sort of compare it to runs almost twice as much. ALOT of bang for your buck, which is where Fender's MIM basses really shine. I had only one comlaint about the bass, and that was the stock bridge. I had one of the original year models, and it had the "New Convertible Bridge's". The Bridge worked fine, but it was kinda clunky when it came to adjustments and wasn't very impressive, or good looking. A BAII would have been a much better stock choice. Wether that has been changed I am unsure. If you like aggressive yet versatile active basses, then I would definitely recommend this bass. If you are looking for good old school P tone, then I'd pass. BTW...and I know this may sound wierd given the sound that the bass was designed for, but a set of Fender Flatwound 9050ML's played with a pick sound sooooo tasty on a BB it's unreal. Very dark, tons of vibe. [/i] A short sound impression just recorded here at home 5 min ago(pls do not mind my playing) Just Bass(preamp flat)/Cable/DI/Audacity [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4194859/Big%20Block/Big%20Block%20Humbucker.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4194859/Big%20Bloc...20Humbucker.mp3[/url] and [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4194859/Big%20Block/Big%20Block%201%20Coil.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4194859/Big%20Bloc...%201%20Coil.mp3[/url] could be found on this video starting at 2:00 I have no bass in mind which i want to trade with, so just let me know what you have. Please keep in mind, that i am located in germany, if that matters for you for shipping, for me it will be no problem. I have also a positive feedback thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=59127&hl"]here[/url] If you have no bass to trade with, but fell in love with his Big Block, contact me, we may handle something out. Thanks for reading
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1237886' date='May 20 2011, 11:46 AM']Jazz73, I like your thinking![/quote] thank you very much
  23. [quote name='chris_b' post='1237906' date='May 20 2011, 11:58 AM']The J-Retro is a good idea but it's an on-board preamp which requires modding your bass. If I were you I'd keep the bass 100% original and unchanged (to maintain it’s value) and I'd get an out-board preamp like the Sadowsky or Sansamp.[/quote] The J-Reotro requires NO modifikation. Additional to this..the J-Retro is also available as an outboard preamp. The Sansamp is not the best choice for a JB and is colouring the sound of each instrument too much..even while blending it max to 12 o`clock. but..i do not think that a preamp is the solution in this case
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