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Everything posted by 73Jazz

  1. [quote name='ficelles' post='1276538' date='Jun 21 2011, 12:45 AM']Out of interest how different are they to D'Addario half rounds? ficelles[/quote] sorry for offtopic i don`t know the brite ghs ones..but i played d´addario halfrounds and i think they are lifeless. you may give the d´angelico smooth rounds a try..cheap and one of the best strings i have tried..and i trid a lot. they cool them smooth rounds..but they are more flats/halfrounds with an roundwound edge..love them
  2. [quote name='99ster' post='1276761' date='Jun 21 2011, 11:23 AM']I like your style... [/quote] Your words are an honour for me, thank you
  3. I had a lightweight Rig with a Powersoft Digimod 1500W Poweramp and an Ampeg Pre..i think they were both under 6-8kg together. I also had a 4x10 Neo lightweight cab with 23kg. I also had a Sansamp, EBS Microbass2, GP Lightstone etc. That was workable. Now i play a Sunn 300T all tube amp and 2x15 Sunn Cabs. I only play for having fun. If it is too big, or boosting my ego, if it is overamped for gigs or too heavy. I don´t care, the only reason i use this one, is the fun it makes to hear this combination..the godly tone. Everything else doesn`t matter for me. The audience still believes i play guitar or be to stupid to play 6 strings on a guitar. But i hear the difference and i am the most important person i am interested in. I bought my car according to my rig I have no time for compromises.
  4. I think she belongs to this thread, 1978 Fender P and a mid 80`s Fender JB Body, Custom wired Häussel Pickups and Custom made Warmoth Neck with Ebony board
  5. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1275138' date='Jun 19 2011, 08:26 PM']By not drinking or smoking.[/quote] haha..that`s my secret as well Congrats the SVT 2 has a great tone.my advice .don`t buy something smaller for club gigs..they want to hear it:) I always take my 34kg SUNN..every ounce weight is worth the tone Hope you get it serviced fast
  6. ..oh lord
  7. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' post='1272861' date='Jun 17 2011, 04:45 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QMWUYMWlEyo"]Does this qualify[/url] [/quote] haha..there is one video of him where he even drops the pants..but thank god it has censored parts
  8. Vovox Cables ftw. Did the comparison to Klotz, Summer, Monster etc..they win with no doubt. Excellent cables [url="http://www.vovox.ch/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=3"]Vovox Website[/url]
  9. [quote name='matski' post='1271275' date='Jun 16 2011, 01:01 PM']My personal favourite, Marta Zalewska from SheMoans: Here's Ewa Koc from Nasty Habits: And Natalia Brzozowska from Nail Quartet:[/quote] If we could make a nail quartet to do all the nasty habits..do we find out if she moans?
  10. Congratulations can`t wait the porn details
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1269826' date='Jun 15 2011, 12:12 PM']Ho5 is code for Hattori Hanzo.[/quote] don`t know why it is ignored..it is a great one
  12. debra killings
  13. [quote name='JTUK' post='1269982' date='Jun 15 2011, 01:55 PM']Since I can't think of a player I like...I'll go for this.[/quote] Corey Parks
  14. [quote name='risingson' post='1269977' date='Jun 15 2011, 01:51 PM']Carol Kaye.[/quote] ..is the goddess of all female bass players
  15. except for those, who are mentioned before..does "she" count? and a real female
  16. Maybe this has to do with rising prices for raw material of steel e.g. And manufacturers are trying to compensate this in different production to maintain nearly same prices. I remember one fact, which might be important for the change of Labellas 760Fl. There was a long period, i think 1 year ago, where you can`t get 760FL anymore..they were out of stock everywhere. After that period those different string sets where delivered to me. so a ) They bought different strings to ciompensate lack of production in that period b ) They changed their way of production and this caused the period in their delivery chain I don`t know, just presumption..but maybe we will find the answer together
  17. [quote name='chrkelly' post='1268464' date='Jun 14 2011, 12:54 PM']I think it's just down to brand new strings versus ones that you've played for many years.[/quote] Definitely not. I know Labellas very well and also know the difference between broken in strings and new strings. but i also recognize the difference between two different production runs. It seems they use 2 different materials. And all my friends confirm if they have old sets they are dull and blunt and new sets are shiny and unfortunately not the same sound anymore.
  18. I loved the Labella 760 FL for a long time and they were my favourite strings on p bass like a religion. But the last two sets seem to be different and so i want to ask you for your experience and maybe confirm my impression. old set: the strings look a little bit dull, dark grey and feel little bit blunt..what i look also soundwise it adds a little bit character when the finger streak the strings. new set sound different and are shiny, silvery and really clean from the new set 1 string broke after 10 min of play, can happen anytime, i know. but the problem is sound..i prefer the old set soo much over the new set. if they changed their production and produce only those shiny ones..i will not buy them anymore. so here is my question: do you have the same experience with newer sets of 760 fl? that they are shiny and clean and maybe yourecognized the change in sound as well? or was ist just a bad pick of 2 sets or whatever. or, what i hope, the newer sets you bought are also a little dull looking and blunt feeling? they are too expensive to try out 5 other sets, especially when they are not my cup of tea anymore..so you may excuse to bother you. Thanks in advance
  19. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1267628' date='Jun 13 2011, 07:10 PM']Thanks Chris, i think it's going anyway, have a very keen buyer coming over at the weekend, which, if it comes off, paves the way for my next, and probably, final, purchase![/quote] good luck bump
  20. Dear fellow Basschatters, the following words are not easy for me, as i am known by my friends, collegues and others as a man who is really straight on his way and who does not change directions that much^^ but i hope you forgive me in this case. after 2 sleepless nigths and hours of intense playing, i decided to keep the bass. As it is one of the most beautiful looking and sounding fretless basses i have seen in my life, i am sure i would regret the sale my whole life. First thought was, i had too many basses..which is true and i do not play fretless that much..but how could give a bass away,which has touched your heart? please forgive me for teasing and i honestly hope you don`t mind my decision. Especially those kind bassplayers, who contacted me and made really interesting offers. I hope you understand why i decided that way and i am sure, as you were interested in this beauty as well, you will understand me. Thanks in advance for your understanding. If i will ever change my mind i will let you know. Thank you very much
  21. [quote name='Neuroscar' post='1266464' date='Jun 12 2011, 08:10 PM']I would just go for one though and as it seems lots of people suggest using the EBS.[/quote] *whisper* choose the demeter compulator*whisper*
  22. As the question popped up She weighs 3,9 kg according to my suitcase scales
  23. [quote name='Stag' post='1265813' date='Jun 12 2011, 11:32 AM'].. is it a refin?[/quote] Of course not. I would have mentioned that, if the bass has been refinished
  24. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1265445' date='Jun 11 2011, 11:12 PM']Verdammt super geil.[/quote] hrhr..you speak german!?
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