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About sunfish

  • Birthday 26/01/1959

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    Malvern Worcestershi

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  1. I love both this band's version and the original. The song stands up in both.
  2. I always thought Jaco had picked up a lot from Max Bennett's original bass line on this track. But Jaco really drives it along and makes it swing so much more.
  3. Cheers petergales. It's a stunning bass and has been very well looking after.
  4. Mike Lull V4 with Protec case/gig bag Tough decision to sell this, but here goes - These are stunning instruments Extraordinarily easy to play 4 string bass. Fully plecked Ash body. 2 tone sunburst with tortoiseshell pickguard. 34” scale. 21 frets. Maple one-piece graphite reinforced neck with a rosewood fretboard (12” radius) Fitted with custom ordered Aguilar 60’s pickups - AG4J60 Full electrostatic shielding, Controls are standard Jazz vol' vol' tone Hipshot A style bridge (19mm string spacing) and Hipshot ultralight tuners. Born on 20 June 2014. Weight is 7.8lbs Comes with Protec case/gig bag and owners certificate signed by Mike Lull himself. I'm in Malvern, Worcestershire Happy to meet up half way within 1hrs drive
  5. Great looking bass. What is the weight?
  6. Reasonable offers considered 😃
  7. Nice, but I'm a Jazz neck guy.😀
  8. These are great basses. Very playable. And the adjustable bridge allows you to set it up properly.
  9. Has anyone bought one of these Chinese fretless Jazz bass necks on eBay? Is it at best a waste money, or a way for China to get your data? The price is £89 compared to £250 for an Allparts one. So probably crap. Just wondering if anyone has bought one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335400282452?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ppw5fno0sqa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=omsCAJrTS4y&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  10. What's the weight of this bass, please. Cheers
  11. Cheers guys. Yes she's a beaut.
  12. Hi It's 34" scale Cheers
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