Hello everybody,
I'm vbnd, my street name is Devon, nice to meet yall,
I am a musician by profession and a bass player for about 6 years. I like to make neosoul/funk/r&b music but I also like to play as many other genres as I can (I play in a punk band on the side). Despite only playing bass for 6 years I have about 10 years of on and off guitar playing, I guess playing the bass is what really hooked me into music.
I currently only own one bass, a Fender Squire Affinity series precision bass (I think I'm not too sure, I'm not too well versed in gear i just like to play) and a simple little bass amp (Traynor Smallbloc 112 or something lol). I also have a q-tron pedal that I use during live gigs and on a song called "In a Fugue State".
I release music under the name "vbnd" with my close friends usually titled under "the Soulmate Collective".
I'm not looking to promote my music here or anything of the sort, I just really like the idea of talking bass with a bunch of people from across the world. I'm sure everybody in my nearby vicinity is sick of hearing me play/talk about bass so it'll be nice to be among some likeminded folk.
If you ARE interested in my playing then I will link the latest project I did at the bottom of the post. I wrote all the parts for all the musicians and played bass on the album, we recorded it live at a studio in Saskatoon, Canada during August 2020.
If you have any questions about what I do or whatever else please let me know, I'd love to have a chat!
the album --> https://open.spotify.com/album/2P1fuWddqtYvO0IzQHz0c4?si=a-Y3Vf8rSOeZgzENx4YGrQ
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