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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1473113016' post='3127128'] All this selling tickets stuff, that's part of the originals band scene, right? Blue [/quote] No, not exclusive... you just have to have an act that can sell tickets so you might have a decent outfit that plays a couple of pubs but their core business is parties and events. They need not be a function band as such..they just need to be able to sell tickets. You will probably find that they stay away from a lot of pubs so as not to get into the argument of why would people pay to see a band when they can see them in a pub etc..which is fair comment. The ticketed gigs need a different show/mindset and all round better offering as tickets would likely be £10-12. This is also tribute band territory in the U.K. The economics of this would be the band get a fee of around £700-1000 for a room with a capacity of 350, This is quite a tight margin as typically the venue will get around £3.5k gross but have P.A, Engr etc etc plus security on their bill. They do keep the bar though. A very successful draw-(playing covers) might be able to negotiate a £1500 plus fee but thta would really have to be known and banker territory. Very few covers bands can do it..or want the deal and perceived associated hassle.. so a lot of the dates are now Tribute acts.. It would also be a tough deal for Originals without a real following, and tbf..those sort of bands can get £600 in a pub much more easily.
  2. Fitted a Hipshot to my Fender J5 as a straight swap. A massive massive improvement and I've only had to set the saddle heights. Just a more substantial offering... I got it from Sims Music who ordered it especially and also put them in stock. Brass and chrome and machined, not pressed. Rock solid
  3. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1473028504' post='3126301'] Sounds good - I assumed they would be rubbish at the price. I didn't actually realise that thomman did lights, so I think I will pick up a couple of floor Par wash lights to start with, and see what that gives us. I am not ready to go for separate bars of lights, I can't honestly think of that many venues we play where we would have the space, but we need something, so that seems a good a place as any. [/quote] https://www.thomann.de/gb/stairville_stage_tri_led_bundle_complete.htm Everyone who uses them , comments positively on them.... will probably cover a stage 5mtrs wide.
  4. He must trust you... more fool him if he does that with a load of 'randoms'..??
  5. Around here, the weekend just gone is pretty much the busiest of the year...with bands reporting bumper crowds. Of course, that would impact some gigs as well.
  6. Headlined or been part of..?
  7. Go and find old Chic records and learn these... You won't be able to do it with out using a good two finger technique. It will take a lot of time. Practice drumming with two all the time. Do it when driving on the steering wheel etc etc..
  8. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1473020979' post='3126194'] At the pub and other small venue level, what percentage of the audience has actually travelled specifically to see ’your' band rather than just turning up to see whatever live band that happened to be playing at that time? In other words, how often does the audience come to band rather than the band coming to the audience? [/quote] Pubs... The better ones also have a regular audience but will only give you the one chance... So your first has to work. There are too many other bands that will take the chance so you need to be well worth getting back. If the pub provides 30 plus, the band is expected to do like wise. Venues.... You won't get booked unless you are known to be able to sell tickets. It is pretty competitive out there... Or is around here. Imo.
  9. I've only read the first few posts but if it ain't working, it ain't working, but so if this is typical, give it up and move on. As you say, what is the point.
  10. Good time, good feel and good groove.. You can't be a good band without those. It doesn't matter how you get on with him. As long as he does what he supposed to do, but then he is in. I don't get this mates thing but then I take it rather seriously as in do it well (as good as you can) or don't do it at all. There are ways you deal with these things if the guy deserves it, but I don't see this issue going away without a change.
  11. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1472975361' post='3125638'] Thanks for the recommendations - I've just looked up the La Bella Steps and unfortunately they appear to be stainless steel and not nickel plated. I'll look up Newtons - being custom made, are they stupidly expensive? [/quote] I don't think so, I put in my usual order of tapers on all strings for a 5 and 3 sets cost me just £90 Inc postage... Iirc
  12. Newtons will do this custom. La Bell Steps are tapered and DR also had a T B option as well.
  13. The reason I like lighter strings and newer strings is because I can get rid of that thump and articulate across all strings...as opposed to have the bass down on low strings and lose the balance across the higher strings. It just all round suits how I like to play. Add bass is far easier than to get rid of it.
  14. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1472897475' post='3125147'] Rehearsals are an absolute nightmare; he's so blinkered, frustrating and unproductive, but by and large when we gig, generally he does seem to be able to pull things together, but again we're subject to the same ups/downs and lack of dynacism. Literally, just going through the numbers. MacDaddy saw us a couple of weeks ago...his opinion might be useful here if he's willing to chip in. [/quote] You have to achieve something from a rehearsal so if he is holding you back there, he is holding you back full stop. I'm guilty of zero tolerance with drummers and they are very likely to be very near the top of reasons why I don't gig with a band.
  15. I really can't be doing with a drummer who is not up to it...whatever 'it' means to you. Ruins the whole band so they need to be at the top of the level of the band IMO. So, it is a no for me..he goes.
  16. sure, but then I think they worth the diiference... or rather, 2xk10 inc covers, for £800 the pr is a better deal that paying for other marques, new at that price. IMO.. BTW, I saw this price on Gumtree not too long ago....
  17. Not impressed by Fender for their money so I'd always buy second hand... and even then I think others do it so much better, IME
  18. No, never done that... but I'm used to be pissed off about gigs which is why I try and pick them as carefully as poss..
  19. Winging it is good for your playing and I think more people should do it as a learning tool... but I don't play with people who are my friends just because they are my friends. It has to work on another level. Getting together after 20 years or whatever is not a reason to do it again so I tend to not go there... definitely NOT go there, You are either into or you aren't. That is it for me.
  20. I did try out ZLX 12' at Andertons and thought the Yamahas DXR12's were better... but really wanted QSC. I eventually went DXR12 which were good value and bundled competively in a P.A package. Not saying ZLX's were bad but they didn't stand out and I think I recall there was a slight premium on them. If I was looking now, I would buy s/h K10's for £800...in VGC, (assuming I could find them) over the new prices of all the others in this range. I like the smoother horn and warranty of QSC ..plus I've never heard of one break. I found the RCF310 very harsh directionally ..but that makes them a decent monitor. You will definitely hear them if they are pointed out you..not so good for a close-up audience, IME.
  21. Have to say not a fan of Mackie in their latest versions... and I would be wary of the Mackie subs. I wont say any more if you have bought it but with subs it is hard to skimp..or rather justify skimping, IME. Wooly takes on new meaning but if you've tried them and like them, ok. Our thumps lasted one gig before being moved on. I think you can get away with a lightweight 12" sub...to compliment 10" tops but be reasonable with your expectations. I generally apply that thinking to a lot of cheaper end stuff and that way I am sometimes pleasantly surprised..which is far better than being pretty disappointed.. General rule for me is look at a suitable bass end speaker so 15"s cope with kicks..and preferably a 2" horn. 725's were always good. RCF is reliable and QSC tends to be the market leader. I'd run K10's for vox only and no kick and they'll excel..the kick drags them down quite a bit but then that is your accepted compromise. I still say those Martins are GREAT value but you have to make your choices for your reasons. If you are considering 50lb cabs, then they'd be back in the equation, IMO... But..round and round we go...it is a minefield
  22. No subs and you want the kick to work... you need decent 12" minimum... or even 15's and then you've given back all you saved in weight... I'd be thinking 15" actives would be getting to 50lb in weight,..?? more if it is a wooden box. RCF 715a= 40lbs..?? The QSC kw12 is a better box that the composite k12 IMO for this purpose.
  23. Certain gigs image matter A LOT..others not so much. I settle for looking (and sounding) like I belong....
  24. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1472466060' post='3121239'] If this is in reply to my post, what i meant was a band with no gigs. Really just starting out as in a couple of songs, and trying to get a full band together. I agree with the rest. [/quote] I always think a band starting out has gigs..just not as many of them.
  25. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1472475216' post='3121374'] That's a lot of thinking and stressing there... now back to me cup of tea... [/quote] Not really, I've declined it already..
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