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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. For me, I play on muscle memory an awful lot so by the time I've thought about something, I've done it and we are moving on. This means everything is to hand in the right place. I haven't got time to worry about spacing... it has been grooved in along with everything else I do..and it took me 18th months to be that comfortable. If you don't need that, then that is the way you approach things
  2. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1472467902' post='3121264'] I played in a functions band for a long time. They are employing you to perform at their big day. We had a very charming and diplomatic lead singer who dealt with all that stuff... and it usually all went very well. I'd just cadge a cup of tea and keep out of it. Sometimes the family were arsey and sometimes the venue were arsey, but luckily never both at the same time. [/quote] But the venue is paying money to have a band, so to me this smacks on afterthought... and more afterthought. If the total fee is £350, this couple are paying £150 tops towards an evening they are dictating..?? The pub wants the takings, and the couple want a party, to their order and they both want it on the cheap... Bands should be strong enough to tell them like it is... but if the band's hand is weak, you may have to modify the tactics. If you do go ahead and do it, don't play overtime... and the price should be £100 for an extra 30mins. I'd still like to know how much the solo act is getting, no one I know goes out for less than £150.... so if they have a name to 'protect'.. you can double that at least..? And as for other bookings coming from this... I'd be thinking they aren't the type you'd want if this is an example, but you've set a 'known' precedent' now..
  3. Newtons play light and I use 42-118. Not super bright but last well and I'm very picky on gauge and longevity. Send them a mail as to their custom options.. They are very helpful and I'd suggest a 40 or 42 may be worth a punt. I detune them for one gig by half a step and they are fine. I use to use 35 and I'm considering going to 45 such as they fit my style and play light.
  4. No, they aren't in that league either but I've used few decent jbl tops of late. I went off them while back as they downgraded from their old position which was quality, and quality and quality but that was some years ago. Their horns were a bit susceptible but I've not heard of that fragility of late. For pubs and upwards, I'd go for ksc10 for £800...if you can find any second hand and look to add a sub when money can afford it Failing that rcf, and 710 for that price new ish. The reason Martins are that price is the trade off and weight is the issue. I never found them that heavy but if they were mine to transport solely, and I'd go light class D actives too. At this price level qsc are the benchmark and you need to spend quite a bit more to get onto another level of quality. Imo.
  5. A band starting out can be exactly what a gigging pro needs. All they need to know is the standard is good and the gig pays x. They won't make this band their top gig and will do it to make up money on a down day. For sure it will have to be a fun gig but sometimes a gig is a gig to them. What the band gets, is what they can bring to a party.
  6. I would think I want a say of the types of gigs and everything. I they canvass my opinion and then we go with a vote then fine.. Otherwise if they just want bass and to shut up then they get a fee for the services and a time I'll be there.
  7. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1472417190' post='3121016'] With functions you have to be flexible otherwise don't do them. Joe public have no idea how a PA works so they wouldn't think of needing to ask. As for people saying to pull out is very harsh. This is a couples big night and to ruin it because of their naivety is wrong. [/quote] They're getting an engagement gig covered for a small contribution and then they have introduced a other act which uses your p a. It is not unknown for this sort of underhand carryon where a party invites themselves to a pub gig.... Whether they should have any influence on that depends how it all came together. If this was a £600 plus gig, I'd say that is the way things are.. I'm not sure this falls into that place. Depends which came first.... The pub is paying the band too.... What sort of Gig is this
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1472414549' post='3120979'] Dave, it's not uncommon for young new bands to have multiple requirements while having nothing but a dream to offer. I have followed up on some of these ads. The common denominator, very sketchy when you ask about gigs or how they plan to get gigs. How does a new guitarist even have a voice? I've been in my band for 5 years and I don't shave a say in anything. I can be replaced easily and bands with paying gigs are hard to find in Milwaukee. Blue [/quote] I think 5 years in a band and not having a voice is pretty poor.
  9. The other thing here is that the couple have got the band cheap..... pub money for a function, The pub must be putting up £250-ish.... so this couple have a lot to say for a £100.... plus they've 'hired' out the P.A to another act... AND I have the distinct impression they are paying the solo more.....?? Bad form to book a band for a pub gig and then turn it into a function gig. I get that the band is keen to do the gig etc etc ?? hmmmm
  10. The controller is like a cab map... so these cabs sound fantastic with them. Without, not so much. These are 500/700w cabs as each cab has 2x10 plus 2 10 woofers. You could put kick if you ran just a pair, so running 4 is a full ranger unit, pretty much. Wooden boxes and made by Martin Audio...these are a LOT od cabs for the money..PLUS you get the controller. For that money, I can't imagine what might be on a par, tbh..as Martin Audio is up a good few notches on what a lot of bands use, Traded 2 ICT500's for QSC KW 12" cabs and the QSC were not bad by comparison. They won out on light weight, but definitely not on sound..IMO. Ran it with old Crest power amps ( ICT isn't active, of course, ) but I'd have 2 lighter weight Powersoft type amps. You can't mention Mackie in the same breath as Martin, and it is not even up for discussion, tbh,
  11. hmm... depends how you perceive it all.... but if it wasn't what we wanted to do, I'd pull out of the gig. £350 is no real fee to worry about -if you don't do it-... and if this person has a name and wants to look after it then they should be talking direct to you. If they are also being paid more..etc etc... they can pay a hire fee for the P.A. From this distance I can't sense what is really going on but anyone who pays £350 for a band for a function, well, they seem to be doing things on the cheap. you might now be the support act..
  12. They should have asked.... They really should have asked. I can't decide if they are taking the mic or just don't understand these things. The fomer would piss me off.
  13. Say hi to Pete.
  14. I'd look VERY hard at these... a pair will blow the Mackies away completely and a hell lot of other cabs too. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Martin-Audio-ICT500-PA-Loudspeaker-System-/172291274221 You must get the controller tho...
  15. Depends if those people can function after having a drink... I'd expect a couple of pints to have no effect at all..
  16. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1472290579' post='3120057'] I think this is why you don't see any Adam and the ants tribute bands. Two drummers would be hard to get in a pub. [/quote] I don't get why tributes would play a pub.... unless it is more than a typical pub venue and there is a door charge.
  17. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  18. I can't compete with gtrs if they wind up their valves...but the point is I shouldn't need to. If the gtrs are too loud...there is no point chasing them. And you only do it once as well.... A current outfit I'm out with use 2 gts and keys so all those guys need to know the value of space and dynamics. Single gtr bands in a 3 piece can be just as bad as they think they have to fill the sound out to carry/drive the song. I get that the video about might have all sorts of compromises if someone somewhere was using a phone but I can't imagine that mix being any good..having said that, I wasn't there, so....??
  19. Does a '62 count..? played my mates one which wasn't anything special, IMO, but then he wasn't a bass player so it probably wasn't set up well... But it had the finish taken down to the bare wood-which was ugly- and that knocked so much money off it. I'm pretty sure he said it was a '62, but I didn't have much regard for it myself.
  20. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1472164463' post='3119127'] It's no perception. The TKS 112'S were not powerful enough for me. End of. My opinion etc. And the gtrs were helping the band to get return gigs each year for 5.5 years. [/quote] I'm never going to say the TKS are the loudest..I think they trade tone for volume to a degree but I can't imagine the gig they couldn't handle. Those gtrs must be very loud. I have to wear plugs with just the one gtr and if I have to wear them there is a fair chance others should need to as well... The fact that they probably don't is another issue which will get more and more serious in the next few years, IMO..but that is another topic entirely. I also think 2x112 have a limit to what they can cover...just as other configs do ... but I can't see the EBS's cabs doing it either then.
  21. JFDI..... if they call you back, they like you. When enough of them call you back...you're on the right tracks. After a while the penny will drop and you know what is required....
  22. Typically, if two gtrs have 412's, then you have to know why they are using them. If they can't tell you .... that is all you need to know. You can tell a hell of a lot by the gear they bring...
  23. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1472204435' post='3119371'] When it comes to the internet I never cease to be surprised by the absolute self confidence of the immature, inexperienced and logically challenged. [/quote] This place isn't immune from that either, tho.
  24. I'd say 22" is typical but most drummers will be able to tailor any kit or kits to the gig...they'll ask what is expected and know the band. Personally I expect the drums to gear up properly and respectfully. Does depend on the gig a lot tho
  25. Wouldn't have cheap tuners anymore than I'd have a cheap bass........... but depends what you want the bass to do. Putting on great tuners might not really achieve too much
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