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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. A 2x112 option is underrated in my view. I've done two outside gigs with minimal support and the bass carried really well. Not soemthing I'd walk into myself as I think this can be hit and miss but with the right cabs..and I think the SL's are very good cabs, you should be able to do this with confidence. The trade off is that a 2x112 is 5-600w whereby a 410 should be at least 600w and upwards but if you are playing this sort of gig that requires this sort of power then your amp will possibly be in more trouble than the cabs and you should have P.A support anyway. Don't want to add to your GAS, but I rated the TKS S112's higher in my test and I know they work REALLY well pushed outside. Having an amp with valve pres compliments these cabs perfectly with a nice touch on natural compression.. Aguilar make a fine range of cabs themselves tho and they know what they are trying to do and produce. The DB range is a case in point, IME so no reason to think the new SL410 wont be as well.
  2. I'd take both basses out.... If you feel you want both basses covered. I don't hear I want anything the jazz doesn't give me and I do have a nice thump from it, but if I didn't have that on the bass and wanted it in a track... I'd have a p configuration. It is always a question of pot luck with these things so maybe you just have to go for it. But you should chat with arron Armstrong about pickup options.
  3. I've thought this for a while now... But my Demeter is the best I've used (Markbass, Ampeg, and Th500) and including thunder funk which at 18lbs qualifies as lightweight, and to me. I'm quite happy to do outdoors where you get a chance to drive it and wind the valves up. Just a very sorted piece of kit.
  4. What does the engr think when you put a compressor in line
  5. It is funny how a popular opinion or trend gets picked up on here and comes back completely different after a while. It happens quite a lot here and this is one of those subjects. Never used it, never needed to. In studio and out front are places that the engr will likely address, but I don't see any point for backline. Where do you put it in the signal chain?
  6. I'm not sure of the Delano pre but I swapped out a Fender pre with Glock 3 way and the bass is more articulate across the pre amp spectrum by quite some way. I found the Fender had such a narrow window for getting the pre to sound nice..and you had to have new strings. Now, the Glock works anyway you dial the sound in. A quality piece of kit. Not extreme like the East and quite flat and transparent. This brings out the sound of the bass and me better. It might even rescue the Fender pickups. If you like the Barts who not look at Bart pres.. I've got the same issue matching up pickups which the Glock..at least you have pre and pickup option by the same maker which is probably where I'd start. I always tend to think powerful pre's first task is to mask the sound of the instrument...but if the core sound is very good, you need the extremes less..
  7. I don't use them live for my stage monitoring Studio and FOH is down to the Engr.
  8. Beautiful...
  9. I liked the SL112 but didn't buy.. but I thought it was more than a pretty fair effort. I don't get NEO 410's tbh... I understand NEO 112 and 110's,,maybe 210, but if you need/want a 410 then you/I assume weight and carry wont be the issue. And, if I was thinking 410, I'd prefer a 610. If Aguilar made a DB610, I'd be all over that but not at £1200 I have to say.
  10. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1469784924' post='3101003'] Having worked for manufacturers, I can tell you that their development labs (or cupboards) are littered with competitors products. There are two reasons for this. To learn from other people's ideas and to find weaknesses that the marketing and sales team can use in a subtle way to "dis" the competitor. [/quote] If people are interested they'll search out the link. I'm not sure the industry agrees universally on certain products or makers and I would think people would research further than these pages, for instance. Whether they do or not, is up to them. The point about 'pushing boundaries' is what registered as this would imply a premier maker.
  11. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1469651913' post='3100129'] What sort of gig was it? I have become vaguely interested in this aspect of bass thrashing of late and just wondered if all the woodshedding had led to financial reward for anyone on here. Mind you at my age I rather doubt I have the look that most bands "doing" slap style stuff eould be looking for, although I did do some dep work for a rather splendind Glam Disco band last year. They were somewhat disappointed when I said up front that I didnt slap or tap, so probably no bass solos would work better than me making a horses ass of myself! Funnily enough, just hitting the groove was more than acceptable & I got asked back. One reason for me asking the orioginal question. [/quote] I don't feel there is a gig for it, tbh... I think you need to be able to cover it, but nobody is playing a song 100% slap, IMO. And if you do... you have to work very hard to make it work, in terms of carrying the song. For me, I have it for a fill and not much else... If I use it more, then it will drive the song, but I wouldn't say the style is intergral, so much. It depends who is asking and why, IMO. far better effect is to have it jump out and be noticed. Most songs of the top of my head..that MUST have the part played slap would be RHCP type songs which for me totally defeats the object of trying to be funky. It is more of a riff than a feel. You could do a Chic set and hardly touch slap.. that Bernard Edwards knew what he was doing having said that, I think Barnes is great and I love a lot of his slap fills... BUT they make a feature out of it, the gig is fingerstyle for the best part.. Hardly surprisngly.. .
  12. Lol weddings..... Wonder the happy couple think. Hourly rate would be OK, but this venue will push your prices up massively. You could try the insurance angle with these people... That would be funny.
  13. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1469667910' post='3100228'] I played a gig in Dundee recently, where the regulars were living examples of the failure of 'Care in The Community' and where, when I attempted to use the lavatory facilities, somebody had done a sh*t in the urinal. Just in case your depping takes you to sunny Dundee, The place is called the Artic Bar. I recommend you pack a crowbar (the bass you take is up to you). [/quote] Pass.... Would turn me off gigging even more. Well, actually, I like gigging, I just don't want it to be a hassle or something I don't look forward to..and certain gigs and certain venues, I don't look forward. Generally, you stand a chance of screening them out, but out of 16 or so gigs in the next 5 weeks I'm going to get more than a few dogs. But, then that is what favours do to you... After that, I'm out of there.
  14. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1469638531' post='3099968'] I unplug my active bass when it isn't being used. That is any time I'm not playing it, including between sets. . [/quote] Me too... I'll use it every day and expect to get 6 months plus life out of it... possibly a year but I'll retire the battery before it fails on me. I also have passive options on all basses..just in case.
  15. The cheapest rig I could take out would still cost £5k to replace but that isn't the reason I wouldn't play dives. I don't play them because they ARE dives...not because I wouldn't take my kit there. I wouldn't take ME there But.... this also opens up other issues which you can get caught up in. I've taken a few dates to help out a mate and so I'm finding that their booking criteria and mine are way way apart. If you dep... at what point do you decide not to do a gig and for what reason.. Might be another Topic.. I have what I have because I see the need to have it... it gets used because I want that on the gig. Fortunately, there is quite a bit of cross over in my basses and the way they are set up..and also the Amp/cabs so they should be pretty interchangeable. They are tools and they'll be used on the gig I take. The question is more whether I should take the gig in the first place
  16. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1469533938' post='3099036'] If someone is not interested in hearing any other options other than the two options they initially supply......don't ask on a forum Si [/quote] Yes..the whole point of a forum..or a good one..is that there is a large cross section of opinions. The fact that well over half are completely wrong matters little... You need to kiss a few frogs etc etc etc. FWIW, I didn't realise my Jazz 75 was a complete dog.. after all it was a Fender. And after all this time, I am very sceptical that Fender made any decent ones thru the 70's..and you'll see them upwards to £1900... !!!!!!!!!!!! You have to read between the lines... some good, some bad...nothing absolute. But...to this day, I'll not buy basses below a pricepoint blind... unless the deal is so good, I couldn't possibly lose out. ( and even then, who wants the hassle of selling on) Works for me...
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1469398492' post='3098045'] I tried glock 2 band with a Bart Pj set in the streamer- wasn't a good mix. I had a treble control above anything that made a difference and a bass control that was either overpowering sub bass, flat or no borrow end. Possibly it was the sound of the bass rather than the pups that didn't fit - and maybe in a fender style bass they would work. [/quote] I do think the bass construction plays a mighty part in the sound and am happy with the Glock ( it is 3 band) but I just like where they centre or bias the tones controls. I'm thinking Nords or Fralins but I need to bed in the Pre, swap out the bridge and get that working and see where I am after that. Too many changes too close together could mean I lose sight of what made any difference. Could I live with the bass as it... yes, but I also think I can improve it as nothing on a Fender resonates quality or best-out-there to me. They build to a pricepoint--which is on the cheap side--- and trust the name on the headstock carries it. The bass is a block of wood-compared to some-- but I think the core tone is there so it is just a question of amplifying that up with sympathetic/compatible elecs. Why did I buy the f**** thing..? It works on some level.
  18. [quote name='deanovw' timestamp='1469537014' post='3099094'] Before the weekend I would have thought you were correct. I can testify that is def not the case in my experience. [/quote] I never swallowed that line to be honest... and yes, I agree, most people get the 810 experience..(with a big lump driving it) and so the reason why this has been the rig of rigs for so many for so long is because it is tried and tested. I don't know of anyone who wouldn't go down this route if they had the gig for it.
  19. For me, it is simple..if you have the situation where it all fits to together and can laod it, get the FO rig. The sound is the payback. If you don't or can't handle that, for various reasons and the weight is THE defining factor in a lot of cases, get something you can live with. I have two rigs and both are mighty pleasant but Rig 1 trumps Rig 2 every day of the week and twice on Sundays. I'm aware of this and plan accordingly. Bases covered.
  20. No real idea... They will suit the pre amp for sure and for that reason should near the top of your list but with so many variables, it is a game of pot luck. I think a pre amp can determine the sound more than anything but I tend to want pres which are more nuetral which means the bass build itself is more pertinent.
  21. He will have a basic spec rider.... and there will be a few comparable options on that list. That is for the hire company to source and supply. So yes, he wont accept any old backline... if the tech rider says 4 410 of a certain nature etc etc.... he isn't going to be best pleased with something too far off that spec. If he said 'not Ashdown' ...and this is just illustrate a point and not a dig at Ashdown... no one is going to put that rig up on stage as it is just inviting trouble that no one needs. For well run festivals with a certain budget... they'll very likely have a whole backline truck to take your pick from...
  22. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1469370236' post='3097751'] Define ok, though. That's my point. I want something that is objectively good, not just good-for-the-price. I thought the Revelation was ok and I don't regret buying it. But I find it uncomfortable. It feels too big and too small simultaneously, I can't dequately explain it. [/quote] I didn't want to say good luck with getting a quality bass for less than £1k... but for that money I'd be looking very very closely at the hardware....and er...woods and build. The difference between an ok bridge and a good bridge is not that much in the grand scheme of things but you have to check who puts the better kit on...as opposed how cheap they can get away with. My thoughts are based on a used very well known bass... and I'm basically going to swap out the lot..
  23. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1469387447' post='3097934'] slightly different sound to your trad fender sound. Bubinga5 is right - take your fender pickups, replace them with the best fender-a-like pickups out there and then add very expensive cream... Barts and Nordstands are my fave pup makers i've tired - v. different from one another though. [/quote] I use Barts elsewhere... and I just am looking for a pickup to complement a Glock pre amp. Something transparent---ish ( i dislike that term as it implies 'true' which not not be the case at all..) but I don't want a huge lot of influence on the sound. In that respect I have always thought some stock pickups rob you of nuance.. as they are too forced. But the real driver behind the propsed pickup swap is balance... I'll only really know how 'poor' they are with a brand new set of strings..I think.
  24. I'm looking to replace some fenders.... was looking for some ideas/feedback. hmm
  25. Quality shows up in the wood, and build and hardware. Personally I don't think you'll find it in a cheap bass but if you can reconcile what you are happy with for the money you are able, or want to pay, then only you can answer that question. Revelation look OK for the money..
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