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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. This is one reason why I'm not a fan of a larger cab being lightweight and one handled... The swing weight and generally awkwardness sounds a PITA ..even more so that weight. If I know the load-in... then 2 men on it is better than trying to navigate thru a bar around chairs AND people. Small and light..?? fair enough and better in this regard which is why the small ethic works for single cabs. You still have to carry two tho..and it is an expensive way round it all, but for me, that is the way it works. The deal is, I'll help with the traps case and the keys if they help with a 60lb 212...
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1463511070' post='3051989'] I'm pretty sure you'd know, even blindfold. The good news is I have played an SVT/810 this year and I was gratified to learn that it's just as I remember it, if not better. Still the benchmark, imho. But I'd like to hear an SVT through a BF Six10 or Eight10, I think that might well be an acceptable compromise... or even a Big Twin 2, in fact. [/quote] I think that would be completely missing the point.
  3. Interesting bridge... what is it?
  4. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1463509576' post='3051962'] The sheer practicalities of my gigging life apart, I'd be very interested to AB my present rig with a SVT/810 (preferably blind, to remove the 'phwoooar, lookit that' factor), just to see if what I remember about the sound really was all that in a live situation. I'm one of the people on here who always say "SVT/810" when dream rigs are mentioned, but it's been a loooong time since I played through one, and lots and lots of things I thought were fantastic back then might not be quite as I fondly recall. I had a shock when I bought a Rickenbacker a while back as I really didn't like it (though it looked great), and there's waaaay to much photographic evidence still remaining as to my fashion decisions which really don't bear scrutiny. I wonder if it's the same with my old big heavy rigs? [/quote] I have current rigs so my reference is not a memory. Having said that, I'm pleased that my light rig gets compliments too.
  5. [quote name='Veils' timestamp='1463497381' post='3051820'] I've just had a look at the original ad from when I bought this bass. Apparently it has a glockenklang EQ in it, is it likely to be worth anything to anyone? [/quote] I've just bought a 4 pot Glock 3 band. What is yours? They are reknown for being discreet and being level active v passive
  6. Depends what you have the pre amp for... mostly it is level anyway.
  7. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1463476440' post='3051572'] Anyone who carries heavy kit purely because it *must* be better just because it's heavy is an idiot. If a particular sound is only available with heavy kit, then so be it. But other than that, there is no good reason to not take advantage of the tech advances. [/quote] You assume there must be advances.... unless being light is an advance in itself. Personally, I've done enough 'research' and I know what gives me what. Doesn't mean I don't have a light option but I know it comes off second best in my quest to find what I need.
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1463485727' post='3051686'] Apparently you've not experienced dance evenings, à la française, where all are on the floor from 9 till 2. Woe betide the band that leaves a 'blanc' in the proceedings. Taken over more by the disco-type scene, 5 hours non-stop is the norme in some circles, and poses no problem at all for serious musicians. [/quote] And I doubt you'd get me playing them either. I did 4 hr dance gigs years ago...and have no desire to go back to them. You'll need 3 strong vocalists for that or you play instrumentals as well. Tough call when a lot of bands barely have one... My defintion and thresholds for 'sh*** gigs gets larger all the time.
  9. Jim Leverton is doing the Caravan gig of late, IIRC ...depends how long ago that was.
  10. I have to say anyone is welcome to a 4 hr playing gig. 2x 1hrs is my limit and that includes weddings and functions. Anything more than that is filler and no one will take any notice anyway... maybe a few drunks but the bar determines their interest more than anything else.. Depending on your set, I'm favouring 50-70 minutes now..as 2 x 45 or 1hrs breaks the flow.
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1463399935' post='3050982'] Here's something I did in a spare two minutes to show the difference between the P and the 'bucker. The bass is just DI'd, no EQ, just a smidge of compression. There's a couple of bars of P, the rest is the humbucker solo'd. [url="https://soundcloud.com/wateroftyne/maruszczyk-jake-p-vs-humbucker"]https://soundcloud.c...-p-vs-humbucker[/url] [/quote] That is a really gobby rear pickup... and I mean in a good way
  12. [quote name='Thestonekid' timestamp='1463399901' post='3050980'] Well the 410 is 400w handeling and the 210 is 200w handeling.. Does this make a difference?? [/quote] Yes, IMO... as the lower powered cab gets half of the amp output if the impedence is 8 ohm per cab. I'd say 200w of bass is a tough ask ... but how do you know what output you are pushing..? So, the only option is to use your ears and at those levels you might not hear it all in time..before damage of the chassis has occurred. So, my own adage is to have the output balanced across the cabs ( impedence-wise) and MORE cab than amp...IME.
  13. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1463407561' post='3051079'] In terms of the strength/weight issue; I've said for a while that people complaining about sore shoulders or backs after long rehearsals/gigs should be looking at weight training - it really does help (and the results manifest quite quickly)! Deadlifts, squats, bench press, overhead press etc... all work large muscles groups & improve your core strength - it's so cheap & easy to do I would recommend that people do it even if they're not currently struggling. [/quote] When people talk about bad backs, I kind of lose a bit of sympathy if they are carrying 2-3 stone around their waist. I think you can help yourself a lot too... I've got two prolapsed discs thru a football injury injury but I can manage things and need to focus on keeping that area in shape. I have a lightweight rig but still take out a heavy one if the situation requires it..
  14. [quote name='Kex' timestamp='1463336855' post='3050591'] Just googled it, lots of sound clips, and its only twenty squid!!! Incredible - if people can make a stand alone pedal for that why are manufacturers not all incorporating the technology ! [/quote] Nice one
  15. yes... went back to check that.
  16. I think you'd have to be pretty pleased with it ticking so many boxes. I'd be well pleased in those woods choices came up that well... the flame and dark R/W nail it and the bass sounds great as well. I can hear that S112 working and the bass has got that greasy sound right down. I was waiting to hear the rear pickup on its own...but the sound is getting gnarly with the front pickup just backed off. Which pickups and pre are they..? I'm looking at a Glock pre amp swap at moment and I thought these basses used them sometimes?
  17. I have 3 basses set up with 3 straps so the strap locked on is as part of the bass as anything else... I never remove the straps.
  18. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1463270111' post='3050126'] Fair enough. I get the need to make things lighter for the gigging player. Just saying that for guys who remember lugging SVT rigs etc for years, even the' mid-weight' set ups are a godsend. Also, ever noticed that an awful lot of pro players with road crew still favour heavy valve/ big cab rigs? Just sayin.... [/quote] Well, no, if you have crew, then the only consideration is what does it sound like. If I know the gig is a awkward load-in, common sense says you'll make provision for that. It can be way easier rolling wheeled heavy cases off a truck and over ramps corridors straight onto a stage than it can be trying to squeeze a bulky but light cab through a packed pub, down a few steps and into the car across the car park. So, what we are saying is that lightweight gear is predominately for your weekend warriors.. as the vast majority of bass players would go for sound over all else, if they had the wherewithal and back-up for that 'indulgence'.
  19. JTUK


    My general view is that what you can get away with is not what I'd personally want to do. The guys with the best sound round here invaribly use two cabs... or at the very least more than one chassis in a cab. If I was building to compliment a 115, I'd be looking at a 10 plus a 6" possibly...and the trick would be how to 'balance' the power into both cabs..
  20. Very nice woods and colour scheme.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1463245433' post='3049929'] That's interesting. So by that logic do you think it's only Basschat members who are interested in buying lightweight equipment? And therefore companies who make and sell such gear largely rely on Basschat members to keep them afloat? [/quote] Not only BC-ers... but I think non BC people think the premier lightweight gear is Markbass. I'm sure some lightweight companies put great store in BC-ers buying their kit. Off the top of my head, I think Hartke, TE, Markbass and possibly Ampeg are the most 'popular' rigs around here that I can recall. Also, ...oddly enough, the guys with the best sound, in recent sorties, have been Markbass. My conclusion of it all are some players are sound sorted and a lot aren't so much.
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1463242626' post='3049899'] 1. How do you know weight isn't a factor for a lot of bass players? 2. How do you know a lot of bass players have never heard of BC? 3. Even if 1. and 2. are true, what possible bearing would it have on this thread? [/quote] 1) because they never mention it and gig older heavier rigs. 2) because I knew a lot of bass players and I can only think of 4 who have logons here and none are are big posters... (that doesn't include 2 I met on here) I'm saying I agree with a previous post that BC isn't a factor in a lot of (bass) people I know and in a lot of ways, IMO, not so relevant in the bass world.
  23. I agree..... weight isn't really a factor for a lot of bass players and they've never heard of BC. IME, I'd say out of 10-15 bass players aquaintences, 2 know BC... and a couple will use MB as their lightweight option. The one or two who are gear heads, for want of a better term, have done with NEO and your Vandekleys etc etc and back with Glockenklang for their best ever. If you have a fitness issue, the light weight becomes THE criteria first and foremost. For me, I have a light weight option but the full beans rig is heavy tranformers and ceramic. That is just the way it is. If people are happy with their choices, as are the people they play with..fine. My best option does not happen to be NEO or Class D, as it happens and I think sound is a big thing in my gigs. I knew this thread would be fun..
  24. Most bands can have 4k if they run subs. That will do a small stage indoors and outdoors and if probably overkill for a pub but YMMV. Companies may spec prices by the amount of people..so that is a reasonable reference to measure against. 8k for weekend for 2 man crew is going to cost you the best part of £1k for something like EAW and an LS9-32. There is a world of difference between the 4 box 4k rig which can go in the back of a decent sized hatch back and something needing a 2 man crew. I'd carry a few lightweight subs for the former... but really the save in minutes is marginal.. A 2 hr breakdown is something else and he will/should have priced accordingly. In general, avoid one man crews, IME. if you can.
  25. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1462899847' post='3046821'] Unless he's agreed otherwise, this guy should be providing a full service to you....... [/quote] Yes, depends what you have been quoted for. How they staff/resource it is down to them, If it is a two man job then expect it to be priced as such. If he has said, he needs help with the load-in etc...expect that to be reflected in the price.
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