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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1461868978' post='3038410'] The difference between solo and in a band mix is the volume. Not all cabs sound the same at high volume as they do at low volume. So your nice sound at home or solo might be boomy on a gig, as an example, or your cab might not fill the stage very well making it harder for the band to hear your bass. There are many other differences. Frank. [/quote] Or the difference between solo and band is that the solo'd sound might not be pleasant but it cuts. I don't agree that this has to be the case. I've done away with semi para amps which were great at notching....as well as GE's as I don't see the need. I do recall a 'friend's band having massive problems with a room with a Warwick and a GK combo and he couldn't dial the bass boom out for love or money. It ruined and took over their sound check Our sound went straight up and was complete in around 15 mins. Their bass player had to play thru the monitors and ditched his amp. These are the things we should be working on as well as our scales, IMO.
  2. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1461861827' post='3038321'] You misunderstand, I can use my gear at home, but I choose not to. Anything can be made to sound good in isolation, but how it works in a band context is (for me) the only thing that matters. [/quote] And we've been down this route before. I don't see what difference a band mix and solo mix should make. To me..it is the same. I don't fine tune my tone for 'the band' ..and I very rarely touch the amp either. 95% of the time the only thing I adjust is the volume. Cutting through is mostly a bad mix in the first place..as in you are fighting someone else for the frequency. You are getting in battles you just don't need to mostly.. IMO.
  3. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1461854119' post='3038237'] I don't see how you can judge whether a bit of kit works for you or not without gigging it. I only ever use my rig when I gig, I use a small combo for rehearsals and very rarely play at home, and if I do, I use headphones. Surely, using a cab in the environment it was made for is the only way to tell if it is useable for you or not? [/quote] Sounds like you don't have a chance to test anywhere else though I have my rigs set up at home and can get them loud enough. But as I said, I'll also have worked out what the kit can basically do pretty quickly. So that and any cosmetic equations can be determined.... and no, there will be no need for endless knob twiddling. Gigs will fine tune it but I don't buy a bass, for example, unless it has a few core things working for it.. When I try something I pretty much know what I expect back anyway.. it has been 'grooved' in over many years. If it doesn't hit that mark..then pass... if it does, then great and I'll likely improve on it..IMO.
  4. I agree any part of the signal chain is a work of progress. Recent purchases ( 6 months or so) include an amp, cab and bass. I knew pretty soon (quickly) that I could work with them though.........
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1461766355' post='3037432'] [b]Yes - or people who think that it is their prerogative to post in order to restore some sort of "balance" to the argument. As if too much praise for a product cannot be allowed?! So they are actually sticking their oar in for our benefit![/b] I like Barefaced cabs (or at least, the ones that I have tried and/or owned). I make no secret of that fact. However, I don't think they are perfect. The fact that the range keeps expanding and revising shows that even Alex Claber shares the view that perfection has not yet been achieved. Unlike some people on here though, he listens to feedback and responds to it. I was always dubious about Bergantino products. Probably because I don't like it when people shout from the rooftops that "such and such a product" is the best. Anyway, I bought a pair of HS210s and used them for a while. They were good. Very good even... but in the end I sold them because I found them too heavy and bulky for my needs. Also, although the tone was lovely, I found the dispersion average. I went back to a Barefaced Compact (and a TKS H115) because they are my favourite cabs as they (for me) offer the best compromises in volume, tone, size and mass. I love them both equally, but for different reasons. Other people will reach other conclusions for their own reasons. On the other hand, I owned a Barefaced Big One that, while in some ways being outstanding, caused problems due to its incompatibility with certain amps (including the one that I just happened to be using at the time!). Again, no manufacturer is perfect in every situation! I guess what I am saying is "horses for courses" and that variety is the spice of life. Or something like that... [/quote] Why should it be any different tho... the question is generally, 'should I'..? often followed by something along the lines of 'BC loves them so I'll buy etc etc '... No,... certain BC-ers love them... and some don't, but the people who sing their praises a lot and start quite a few posts seem to think that they can't be challenge. What starts a lot of this nonsense is some one saying they don't like them and daring to post that. Some 'likers' seem to react to that and the 'non-likers' react to be told their opinion isn't required when the OP initially asks what do WE think. I think warwickhunts post was fair enough. It is his opinion, he wasn't rude to anyone,... but here we are again... Somebody is being too precious here... and you can't not like 'BC's favourite cab'.. so until anyone bans any anti posts and the OP doesn't actually say 'non-likers' don't post your opinions because I don't want to know, lets carry on as usual..but grow up a bit. FWIW, a friend who had/has one, asked me what I thought of his sound... it didn't make any difference. His sound was poor in the first place ( before he got the cab) - to my ears- and it is still poor now. The problem is often in the ears All I could say was you might want to play with your amp EQ and get used to it... he is still gigging as far as I know...hasn't got fired yet.
  6. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1461746284' post='3037235'] Oh FFS!! To the OP - Please just buy the cab. Any cab... just put us out of this state of misery!!! [/quote] and then don't come back here and moan as one or other party will be able to say told you so
  7. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1461700048' post='3036960'][list=1] [*]The BT2 is light, has casters, grips on sides and top, sounds awesome and goes loud as f***. [*]I have been playing live since 1991, owned a large amount of different cabs (Trace Elliot, SWR, Eden to name but a few) and never heard any cab that sounds better across the stage then my current; a Bigtwin II Gen3. Everyone now hears what I am doing even when I am not being overly loud. THAT is the difference. [/list] Other options if you consider a Bigtwin:[list] [*]Begantino 2x12 (they have several) [*]VanderKley 212MNT [/list] P.S. I think the BF haters on here either clearly have a hidden agenda and will most likely be somehow allied with another cab company or shop OR should simply be considered internet trolls. Nothing they have come up with has been based on real life experience with any current Barefaced cabs, it is all copied hearsay nonsense and should be regarded as such. [/quote] If you looked at other threads you'd also know that some have tried and god forbid, didn't like them. But they don't have to start a new thread about it every 5 minutes. Your last sentence is laughable so I'd suggest it is you who are trolling.
  8. If they were worried then they would have approached this gig differently. Treat it as another dep gig where you meet the band at the gig... plus you've had 3 weeks to learn the numbers. It'll be fine... or you'll find out why they've got thru so many bass players
  9. Saw some with a black cloth front. Looked great... but I think I'd have gone red cloth...
  10. As sounds go... should be easy to achieve. I think the TE were never that great way back then..depending on its vintage and miles on the clock too.. so that sounds a week link in the chain, for a start. But if the OP has ruled that out..??
  11. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1461495799' post='3035083'] Yep, US Standard Mark, made in 2015. The ones with the Custom Shop Pickup. Deep chunky neck, deep chunky sound, everything about it says old-school, but it just plays so well and although still just over 9lbs feels so much less cumbersome than older instruments. [/quote] I've got noiseless pickups in a bass but I can't decide what to swap out first...those or the pre. I 'believe' there is a drop in volume which is why I can't take just this one bass to the gig...but since the bass isn't active/passive I'm not sure where to start.. The sound is ok... but I feel the pre is a bit agriculural..and I'm used to East's. so I'm looking at possibly a pcikup and pre swap I'd want passive option... and I do like the pickup blend of the Fender pre on the bass and I know the East offers that as well but I like the mid sweep. I'm think the original Fender pre 2 band is a bit basic..?? and it doesn't seem regaeded either. I'm looking at other pre and pickup combinations but a minefield atm... I'd have a vintage bass but since I play only 5's... not going to happen.... so it is just as well, I can't afford a 60's.. I can get those sort of sounds anyway... One thing...and apologies for the Active/Passive thing, but no one can seriously run an active flat-out surely..!!!
  12. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1461506067' post='3035215'] I think this is the point where a decision has to be made. Bill is right of course a set of reliable ears in the audience will be the biggest thing you can do to improve your sound once you've got a basic package.[b] Getting a decent mix is something that is going to make your band sound so much better than the other bands around and potentially get you more and better work. There's really no substitute for someone hearing what the audience hears.[/b] However IME there is a shortage of people with decent ears who are prepared to give up their time to do the job week in and week out. I've never found one for any of my bands who can make every gig. That's where you pretty much have to make the decision to keep it simple, back line and vocals only PA. There's little point in miking up cabs etc if there is no-one to mix and if the technical help isn't always available you have to design a system that works without it. [/quote] Or as I would do, I'd trump that with a better player and would see that as far far better value for money. If we are talking small shows and club type venues, then that is different... but bands should really be able to self mix in a pub. I agree some don't or can't but their problems might not be solved by an engr either.,.
  13. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1461502105' post='3035172'] Common arguments, but IMO they don't hold water. If you're taking pub gigs to get rich you should consider a different profession. As in any line of work entry level positions are a means to an end, not the end itself. If you want to get better gigs then you have to sound better, and if you want to sound better that means doing whatever you can to differentiate your band from the rest. That means good PA, and someone to run it. Even if he's not George Martin he will still give you something that no one on the stage can: a set of ears in the audience. [/quote] I know they don't make anyone rich but I can't see they would be worth the difference. I'd rather put the money into the band and getting the right people than pay for someone who can't really make a difference. I'll bet that our small venue sound is good at minimum... there is no reason why it wouldn't be and so I don't see what tangible difference he will make that makes him a 'must have' on the gig. That is assuming he is any good anyway. And if I thought an engr on a pub date was a good idea..and you get the idea that I REALLY don't, as far as I'm concerned, the players would want his money shared to them anyway...
  14. I believe he has taken a back seat but the other guys are still running it in his 'image' so to speak. Didn#t know what pre-empted this but I think he has taken retirement....
  15. I agree...what does he sound like..??? You just need a hard driving sound that you can play with... TH500 can do Ampeg... but maybe the Pf500 is a good choice for drive and grind in this type of band setting.
  16. Also, pubs are too much work for the money anyway, IMO, so there is a limit to what you want to rig and another mouth to feed. If you have a load in and out or around an hour each, including set-up/break-down, of course, you will not be able to charge for it. Diminishing returns etc and I don't think a small P.A/gig needs mixing beyond the band anyway.. If you can't hear someone in the band...there is something pretty wrong IMO, and for pubs, it is that simple and basic.
  17. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1461492576' post='3035032'] That's the right way to do it. I never sell anything until I've gigged the next piece and proved it's a step up in tone and fits exactly with all the other parts. Barefaced cabs will sound very different. [b]There's a learning curve, where you have to readjust your ears, when you start hearing your playing in more detail and definition than you've been used to.[/b] I used Mesa Boogie EV 115 and 210 cabs for 10 years and I'm now using 2 Barefaced Super Compacts. In between I owned Epifani and Bergantino. If neo cabs didn't sound good I wouldn't be using them. If the SC's didn't sound better, a positive upgrade, I'd have sold them and kept the Bergs. [/quote] This is not exclusive...unless you have previously been used to just not listening to your playing. From a technical point of view, I can understand this might be the case with certain players depending how they play but nuance is a big thing for a lot of players so they will know exactly what they sound like. Their whole practice regime will have been geared to that.
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1461488177' post='3034951'] LOL indeed. [b]The history of Barefaced has a lot to do with it ... essentially the company could almost be seen as a spin-off from Basschat, with Alex Claber[/b] proving his point / putting his money where his mouth was by actually designing, building and marketing his own cabs. For no reason that I've ever understood, that's left a legacy of ... best choose my words carefully here ... friction between Alex and a number of others with ... erm ... strong views on the subject. That in turn has spilled over into a daft feud between Barefaced fans (including me, though life's too short for feudin' and fightin') and the inevitable Barefaced haters. Just another day on t'Internet. [/quote] All before my time then. I'm not a fan because I thought they were built poorly ..not sure if that still applies, but I also don't much like the modern asthetic or the sound. I'd be quite prepared to leave it at that... but I think it should not be assumed that their is universal love for them so I post for the balance if nothing else. What people use hardly matters to me but new posters here shouldn't assume that everyone here rates them. But yes... no other cab generates as much OOT love or hate. Must be something in that..??
  19. It is just that the bar sells the 'hat' as a tip to the band and that is what people are tipping for. If he went round and said he was collecting for general running costs...I doubt he'd get as much on a regular basis. No one really objects ( or I don't ) when the bar puts the price of a pint up on a music night...so I have less problem with supplementary payments in themselves but if I asked where the 'hat' was going to and was told a), I wouldn't appliciate that lie if it went elsewhere.
  20. [quote name='Hugh971' timestamp='1460750937' post='3028562'] My custom Elwood arrived today! I'm proper chuffed with it. The craftsmanship is excellent and it plays like butter. The setup out of the box is perfect for me too, which is unusual. Usually I've got the allen keys out within 5 minutes of opening the box. Hugh [/quote] Great grain pattern...
  21. Tone cabs, pure and simple, IMO. I put them above the SL and the Berg in that regard, in a shoot out...and we ran the cabs a bit. I'd not use one on its own, but then I'd say that about the other 2 as well.
  22. Great shop.. always worth a visit, IMO
  23. Always like Newtone. Great strings too.
  24. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1461255731' post='3032982'] One could make the argument that no decent musician would either. Engineers are just like any other artist. You do it because you love it. If you do manage a living at it all the better. [/quote] Well, you could say that... but a bit churlish to do so when that might apply to the vast majority on the forum.. I'd say you could get top class players for around £80 around here but it would be a pick-up gig for them and not a committment which is a BIG difference. No problem putting engrs on the bill but you have to have the gig and money for it, IMO. but that would also rule out 80% of the engr guys I've come across as they wouldn't be worth the money unless you consider them general crew/engrs and the drove and rigged.
  25. Huge miss... HUGE talent
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