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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1459290763' post='3015275'] Hello all, Does anyone else ever feel a little depressed sometimes about not playing the sort of music you'd really like to be playing/creating? My problem is, is that my tastes change from week to week. Sometimes I want to be a vocalist for a death metal band and then the next week I want to start an acoustic duo playing Elbow covers. I've got a band which I'm really happy with but I find it really hard to focus when my mind wanders and starts thinking of other projects I could start. I've had a couple of jams with some friends playing different stuff to my main band which was great fun but I'm bored of it already and totally ready to try something else. Anyway, it just gets me down sometimes when there's so much great music out there and, as a musician, I feel like I'm not contributing enough or I'm not playing stuff that really means something to me. Does everyone else sort of swallow this feeling and get on with it? I'm amazed by people that can play the same songs over and over for years. I've been playing covers for a while now and even though I've always made an effort to try to stay away from the usual suspects I still feel totally unfulfilled. At the same time, I really enjoy being in my band and, aside from the music, it's good for me to have a regular creative outlet to distract me from work and stuff. Sometimes I feel like it'd be a good idea to ditch covers and work on original stuff but I dunno I just worry that my ideas would get lost in translation once other people get involved so I don't bother trying to make anything of it. Anyone else ever feel very very small against the sum of human musical endeavour? I certainly do! [/quote] I have very clear ideas and goals so the plan is to push on and improve on the last incarnation. I feel I'm doing that as a player so I expect bands to do it as well. The reason it is hard to join bands is because the line-up predates you and is out of your control so it is best to put your own outfits together. If I felt unfullfilled I wouldn't be in that band that made me feel that way... You have to make compromises, sure...but they shouldn't be fundemental ones..
  2. Should mix it up a bit...not all in the same numnber..,depends if the lead can determine the best moments to do them...and do them well.. otherwise, script it..but that wears pretty thin if people see you 3 months later and remember the band doing the exact same thing.
  3. Normally target a few. Stay away from the free ones, which altho they can be ok, paying bands decent rates isn't high on their list. Around here, you could probably knock out quite a few for that reason.
  4. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1459281168' post='3015143'] The OP didn't state that the guy is an alcoholic, and in my experience alcoholics are too clever with hiding it to get so sh*t-faced on a gig that they're falling over. [/quote] Neither did I
  5. If he is an alcoholic, I'll give him the benefit of it being an illness.. but I'll still only give him one final warning...
  6. Sit him down and tell him the deal. The collective agree to give him one chance...assuming you have the gigs to accomodate that and when he stuffs up again,,,, there is your out. You are doing it this way out of respect for his illness, fairness etc etc etc... and you know'll he'll most likely stuff up and you've tried to help. Or.... just sack him...whichever your conscience will allow, but you know it will very very likely only end one way, but at least you've given HIM a chance to help himself. Just my take on it
  7. I like some of the stuff he does.. always worth checking out.
  8. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1459114933' post='3013690'] Exactly - Which leads us back round the circle. If bands did care, every band would have a contract - then in the case of 'wrong doing' they would be quick to support each other and boycott the venue for being sh*tty and others venues who treated said bands the same way. It'd never happen though and that's why bands are still being paid exactly the same amount that they were when I first started, yet the cost of living alone has gone up greatly. It only cheeses me off because I hate seeing all this hard work and energy that my fellow musicians put in being screwed over. - Yes there are great venues out there and they deserve to thrive, but the whole live music culture is a mess and plenty of venues take advantage of that. [/quote] Which is why I always say too many venues and too many bands... it perpetuates crap deals and money and conditions as there is always others desperate to fill the place.
  9. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1459114307' post='3013685'] That's the whole point of doing pub gigs verses function gigs. Either party can pull out at a moments notice. It's why the pay is so low and the terms so loose. Easy gigs, no pressure. [/quote] Exactly... it cuts both ways. Having said that last minute cancels are very annoying, and this lack of business focus seems typical of some pubs. Which is why you might want to review which pubs you play. Around here most pubs get a hand from the Brewery..and one Brewery in particular has pretty much saved the local music scene, IMO and now sponsors bigger gigs. They certainly buy into the value of music.
  10. Do you just have a problem with them in general or do they exist in your band..? If the former, you can always avoid that band,,if the latter, then sort it or leave.
  11. Good show Wiz... Was talking about all the bands that used to get down the Leas... And a lot of pubs round here that take their music bill VERY seriously are talking about upping their game in terms of acts they can book/attract..AND afford to pay. So, good to hear.
  12. I think it is ALL about where the money goes... Nobody wants a cash environment and 'dark' economy. Not the Brewery, Landlords or HMRC...
  13. Loud on one gig is not loud on another... so if the venues are known to you then you might want to consider a big rig and a smaller rig... ditto the drummer etc ... Most gtrs I know have a few amps and pick them for gigs...as do Drummers.
  14. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1459083853' post='3013376'] Ha. I don't even know who they were playing against, let alone the score. [/quote] Playing the old foes and current World Champions in their own back yard going into the 2016 Euros so yes, a BIG game, even for a friendly. And that is 3 wins in a row against them, iirc... so yes.,. last nights result was huge...IMO. Most venues would capitilise on a footie crowd and start the gig late... but as always, needs comms...
  15. Easy answer would have been to start late...but the game was booked ages ago..had plenty of time to deal with this.. Poor show.
  16. I'll be going after a certain sound that suits the style I'm going for... so once I have the bass that does that, I'm not after chopping the sound too much.
  17. I can see the comparison with Wal, but it has more to do with concept and nothing to do with style or cosmetics. Wal are niche and a very good niche. I think Enfield are aiming for the same sort of customer.
  18. It was a good option for a lightweight rig but not loud enough. I liked the sound but I had to work a tad too hard on it... so I went with another amp and then that confirmed I wouldn't need to keep the TH anymore and I had 4 amps already.
  19. I'll give it a go.... I like the tightness of typical 10's and dislike the flubbiness of typical15's. People will say this is outdated but you'll hear this pidgeon-holing in plenty of bass rigs so whilst it may not be absolute, it could be typical. I use a 212 underneath a 210 and that works well for powerhandling and a fullness of sound. I prefer 2x210 typically but the 212 underneath just underpins it a tad better. I see no reason to go for a typical 15 myself... so a 12 is a good compromise. 2x12 is a solid cab set-up and a better carry than a 2x210 but I prefered my 2x210 from a sound POV. The 212+210 is just a bit mor capable power-wise. So yes, I have 12" and 10" cabs depending on the gig and A and B rigs.
  20. Quite right too... my reservations were always about the block pickup 3-1 idea. Martin seems convinced by it... and it does what is supposed to do otherwise he wouldn't put his name on it. A walk around his premises quickly tells you you get what you pay for.
  21. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1458656553' post='3009485'] So I gave all of the band a diary & asked them to put all the dates they couldn't do in them . Yesterday I booked 12 gigs with several pubs & let the band know , Only to get a text from the guitarist to let me know that He couldn't do 5 of them..grrrrrrr!!!!! He expected me to phone him while I was in front of the landlord booking the gig to see if He was available. I'm thinking of turning the band into a Cooperative ( mainly having a list of guitarists ) does anyone else do this & do you think He has a right to object ? [/quote] This is what happens when people can't use a diary...him, not you. All he had to do is update the diary and you shouldn't be expected to second guess his plans...altho I do tend to do exactly that, as the guys I use can be very busy...so I always say I'll come back and confirm.. As for running deps... good idea, but a lot of people are precious about it so tread carefully. They'll see it as a power grab or somesuch... diplomacy is required. Runnind bands of deps can be a lot more about the money than being a band. Personally I think it can work, but it depends who you use and their level of professionalism AND where your band is in their list of 'priorities'...
  22. Martin's shop isn't that far away from me... so yes, I've visited quite often and he has done other work on my basses. He had a whole host of Enfields in the demo room obviously. When I played them, I instantly thought of Wal and what they achieved. My thoughts on the pick-up stands, I'm afraid, as I've played and heard them. He was very keen to point out that position of the Pick-up was key which is no surprise. For other things, I'll always recommend him as you'll know, re pickup guards and definitely spray jobs. His reference rigs aren't bad either. Is that classic enough for you..?
  23. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1458504732' post='3008179'] Really....,? [/quote] Yep... deadly serious but don't ask why, I can't be ar$ed to explain it, tbh.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1458501188' post='3008134'] You did the right thing, imho. You can't possibly carry on like that. Any situation where people don't bother to learn the material or keep cancelling rehearsals and gigs because they want a night down the pub is a waste of time, and I'll walk. They won't change. I've been a random on many occasions and frequently had a lot expected of me. What if you don't personally know a suitable guitarist or singer or whatever? Quit? Or just not have a singer or guitarist or whatever (my favoured solution, actually ) [/quote] Not saying they never work, just that I don't expect too much... I always know plenty of people...... or know people who know them, so making contact isn't usually a problem. In terms of putting a 5 piece band together, I could do it in an instant.... but making it work is harder ...so it is all about who fits with what...not least musically.
  25. I'm not sure............. no denying the quality and build but for me they try to be all things to all men...and I don't really get why you'd want a P, Jazz and MM in one bass. For the prices... you could probably buy all 3.. But..big fan of Sims in general, just not sure on this bass idea..
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