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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. Played this BA600 210 [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/bassamp/ba600/210.html"]http://www.ampeg.com/products/bassamp/ba600/210.html[/url] It was decent....had two channels, vintage and modern, but I didn't think I could drive it that hard with just 2x10's onboard. IIRC, it didn't have an extention cab socket either..which was odd. Not sure what the price was, but its competition, IMV, is the MB 102 which is better. You still have the problem with just 210..but at least you can add an extention I'd be wary of cheap chinese Ampeg, if it were me...but then I'd say that about a LOT of chinese stuff.
  2. I've seen this before. I am not quite sure what a 'sealed' packet inside the box may be... all my Dr string come in a paper envelope/sleeve type packaging which is not 'sealed' All I can say is that buying a pack of pretty expensive DR strings only to have one out of that batch fail, is as annoying as it is inconvenient. As far as I can trust them, I'd have to have 2 clean sets to put on a bass and it is this factor more than anything else that makes me try another brand. If my perception of the strings was the same as it was a few years ago, I'd still be using these faithfully as I think they are the best I've found...just that the extra expense is no garauntee anymore, it seems. I am assuming that DR will replace via their distributor, duff strings, and this is ok, but by that time I have had to make other arrangments..so I'd just as soon as take that uncertainly out of the equation and put my trust elsewhere. I now carry a few new sets and a few clean sets to cope with this..whereas I never had to accomodate the idea of duffers before...as one clean set was enough.
  3. JTUK


    Don't get wrong, I think they are well made..but the lack of finish on the neck..?? that untreated lock always looks terrible to me. The paintwork is good, the woodwork (joints etc) is fine and I don't think the shop set them up too well... the action was average, which for me, makes it harder work, but they played ok and sounded good. I am sure the action is a 5 min job, tho' I just think the price of the best 5 they had, IMO, at £2100 or so, is into other makers territory that make better looking/made basses. And that is a strenght of Sadwosky, traditionally, as they can make some really pretty basses, and get all the right things right..it is just that I thought the price was about £600 and counting, over the top. Last time I looked the $-£ was ok-ish... as per recents times, so..?? Haven't seen a NYC of late, but for their money, I would hope they are on another level completely.
  4. Take the bass that does the gig. A ding is a ding... if they get too bad..get it refinished. Anything else is just looking after it and being careful
  5. [quote name='mrtcat' post='1311773' date='Jul 21 2011, 05:12 PM']Yeah the horn loaded DR series tops are definitely an interesting build. Theend result is really impressive though and they wipe the floor with pretty much all commercial passive pa tops for sensitivity and articulation. The dispersion from the tweeters is awesome too.[/quote] Hm..don't want to rain on your parade but that is a pretty bold statement when you consider that the competition might be.. Nexo, Martin Audio, Turbosound, to name a few.
  6. JTUK


    Had a quick mess around on a couple at Gtr/Gtr Epsom... They looked a lot of money for the prices they were charging. For £2k for a Metro5...????? ...hmmm... I'd be pretty confident that a few local makers would make you a better bass from what I have seen or played.
  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1313551' date='Jul 23 2011, 09:26 AM']Am I the only one that plays with my thumb on slow songs? It gives a really smooth deep sound that is different to playing with fingers, I have been doing it for years but I never hear of anyone else doing it.[/quote] I'll do it occasionally... and also palm mute after a strike with the thumb nail. Gets close to that 60's Hollywood film music
  8. Classic...they deserve their place in the hall of fame and musical history.
  9. I have an old SWR SM400 which run really really hot and doesn't need a fan. The amp tech says it superbly made inside..albelt with a pre amp design quirk which he wouldn't do himself... but this is documented in the whole SWR/EDEN/Thundefunk personell roundabout.. and the components are top notch. Only had one problem with it when it was knocked off stage..in 20 years..and cost pennies to repair by said tech. You don't know what you have bought, mostly, until you need someone to look at them and then repair them. Most of his work is valve gtr amps...and I don't think he would say that is especially down to age.... it is their initial build and design in the first place. Mention a few classic valve amps jobs and he will despair. It is all very well swapping out boards but then we get into the problem as with cars these days...nobody fixes anything, they swap out the whole board or kit which can be very expensive..even though labour is likely to be less. They'll have you where they want you now.
  10. On the basis of hearing 1 RS210 with a 5st, I'd pair it up with another RS210 with a 450 or pref RH750. I think that would a fantastic rig. Chris's bass sounded great through the one..so 2, I'd be expecting 'OMG'..!! I get a fantastic tight focused sound from 2 DB2x10's, (IMO)...and 2x210 is a better sound than 2x112, IMO. I have both and they have their uses..but the 1st and best choice is 2x210.
  11. Yes.... can listen to that.
  12. I heard one with a RH750 and that a great package. Very impressed with both. I was on my way to buy an amp, so didn't really explore, but that pairing sounds a great match. I would reserve final judgment on hearing either out or context with the other, but the signs were very good, IMO.
  13. I've posted about DR's QC of late. Used to use them religiously, as they were excellent and cleaned up very well..which made the hi price justifiable IMV. But I do the same things now... and I can't rely on a cleaned batch being useable..so have to have a new set to hand..and waste time putting on other strings.. Also, the string kinks like they never have before..when coiled. I've also had the odd duff string which is very annoying. So after a major experiment with various brands I am going to give Newtone a go as these make custom winds, ie T-core, off a batch of Diamonds gauges. And for £28 for a 5 set which is on par with Daddario's XL pro steels. I use anything from La Bella SS, to XL Pros, Ken Smith and other La Bellas and I far prefer DR..just can't rely on them as I used to be able to. I have some old set of DR's and am going to clean them up..and see how they do. I am thinking that QC or the metal in some string makers has changed to some degree. The only reason I say this is the inconsistant batches of the last year or so.
  14. You need to make up your mind what is important to you. If you are makiing a living just from the wedding band you are doing well...but you probably need 2 salaries for the house anyway, and that is without kids. If you are just playing weddings..that is a lot of wasted time that could be put to good use the rest of the week. Sessions would have been a natural gig..but that scene has changed now. You need a job that pays 2-3 days average wages and then you might have to room to juggle around dates. If you quit the wedding band/main income, you'll lose everyt5hing...as no doubt you know..and getting back on that housing ladder will be nigh on impossible..??? Write down what you have to do to earn £30k p.a. and work out what your compromises are going to be...because there will be some.
  15. I took out a MM pickup and electrics and put in a custom made KA pickup which made the bass passive. All KA needed was a MM pup cover and put in his own wind with 4 taps on it. It was a good player but I got away from the MM sound and used it for years until I sold it. Worked out fine and the buyer put the original stuff back in and all was well as I haven't modded anything
  16. I like what she does.... not sure I could put up with a whole album of it, but you could say that about a lot in that genre. Maybe she gets a lot of attention for being a woman, but so what..!! I prefer her to Nathan East, who must be after the same sort of gig. That puts her at that sort of standard.
  17. It is no problem at all... Just put your time..
  18. I think a typical MM sound can be pretty peaky, even harsh. If you just wanted to clean that up a tad..I'd back off the boosts on the pre..that is a lot of DB at your fingertips. I deactivated a MM at one point..but that is getting away from the clasic MM sound.. Is that what you want to do..?
  19. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='1308020' date='Jul 18 2011, 04:09 PM']no love for the Genz cab then?[/quote] I'd go for GB if only cos it should be easier to sell and hold its price. Nobody has heard of BF outside of this forum, hardly, and if you didn't know it's history would be hard pressed to convince anyone it wasn't DIY.
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='1308385' date='Jul 18 2011, 08:34 PM']Will do [/quote] Cool... anyone else I know..? but functions..?? you sure..?? Beer fest this week, did you get on it..?
  21. If I don't know for sure..I take the whole rig.
  22. Rehearsals and band meets are the places where you can disect everything and I think it is healthy to work on where the song or songs are going...or not..in relative privacy. In this regard you can tell someone their part isn't working...as you would in the studio...and if done properly, this should enhance the band not allow little things to fester. As for the rest... well, it clearly wasn't working and that is close enough..they might have had issues with you, but not said...and that doesn't help the situation either. I would have left ages ago or not got involved from the off. In the audition type stage where you get to get to hear how things are going to work...it pretty much needs to be all in place there and then..and all that should be allowed for is a tidy-up. If at this stage you have concerns... I would focus on if they can improve...but a few rehearsals will do this...so no hanging around after that. It is ALL about the music..and if that doesn't work on most levels..the position is not tenable, IMO.
  23. [quote name='andydye' post='1308344' date='Jul 18 2011, 08:05 PM']Having looked at all the options I could, epi, aggi, van derk, genz, barefaced, very, I would have beef if poss and then barefaced over all the rest, I don't yet own any of them but that's where I'm at...[/quote] What have you tried so far..? I can tell you that a friend of mine uses VD cabs for their sound and punch plus they are lighter than ceramics...loves them, but the wieght is paramount over all else. Not a fan of the classic pillowy Epi sound on their 12" range. Aguilar are good solid cabs but not NEO..unless you are talking newer SL's..which I am not. If you fancy Berg..get your money out.
  24. One of the few 15's I'd entertain. So add a 210 for those big gigs and you're done.
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