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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. We might have to go this route as our drummer uses a lot of these dynamics..plus he is just so used to hitting hard if without engr'd FOH. I think this invites problems..as the dynamic is so large, IMO. It is strange as he does a lot of work with FOH.....so I would have thought someone would have told him to keep it more consistant. I not talking about quite track/loud track, I am talking about playing very hard to get past a noisy unsupported band level that creeps up in volume throughout the gig.
  2. Nope. looks absolutely ridiculous, for a start.
  3. The drums have to be hit constantly... unless you have an engr attending to the levels all the time..ie, wehn the drum and the track goes a bit wild..he may blew the levels if nobody is attending them... and that will blow the band sound as it will likely be over-driven. For 2k..?? best bet is e-bay or.. There was a Martin rig here, F8 and F12 subs...not sure about the amps [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=72933&hl=martin+audio"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...hl=martin+audio[/url] this would blow a lot of P.A's out of the water, IMO, if you can handle it. The F8's could be used for acoustic duo's on their own otherwise for a band you'll need the whole rig..no controller tho. I'd want to see and hear this fired up. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=136616"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=136616[/url] or [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=137767"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=137767[/url] and you still some money for mix etc.. or [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130524"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130524[/url] your mate might have an opinion.
  4. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1257569' date='Jun 5 2011, 06:30 PM']By changing the setting for different sounds you are only limiting your own ability IMO.[/quote] Don't get this at all..... the exact opposite, IMO. There is no way you can have a jaco-esque sound and technique going...with all the ghost notes and octave slur type notes with a lot of basses. It is ALL technique but you need as much help from the bass as you can get and rear pickup and tight hard sound at the bridge with top rolled off is the way to go. That sound will likely stink for slap. A P-bass sound is a million miles from it as is most twin pickups sounds...you need bridge soloed, presense rolled off and a bass boost,for starters...and that is without even starting on the technique.
  5. [quote name='Kevin Dean' post='1257124' date='Jun 5 2011, 09:28 AM']I,m looking at getting a Pa for my band I want to be able to get a decent Drum sound in an average pub at the moment I,m looking at getting a Peavey XR1212 with Subs & tops 600w per side ,any comments welcome .[/quote] I don't know the stuff...but the drum sound is all about good sound for the kit in the first place. If it sounds not great acoustically...you'll struggle..and take a load of time ..getting a useable sound at all. I'd start with working on the kick drum and then add an OH at some point...but it really depends on how hard the guy hits the kit and whether it is engr'd all the time. If not..then it is crucial to get the level and stick with it... which is beyond or so many who inisist on volume creep throughout the gig.
  6. Great gig at a new venue, The Vault in Faversham. Rammed and buzzing and the rider was something else...which you can guest being sponsored by the local brewery. PA decent enough and a few teething lessons learned but nothing to take the shine of a brilliant venue and a much sort after gig. We are already cooking up another one.
  7. I think you need to put your money into the vocals ...if it doesn't work there, it will be all uphill which is why I wouldn't want any compromise, personally.
  8. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1256382' date='Jun 4 2011, 12:20 PM']I'd prefer to just one sound that covers all the bases.[/quote] ok..but stylistically pretty limited, IMO.
  9. Sounds like a decent bass monitor is required for mainly stage use and some out front gigs. I'll look at a Markbass 102 combo...very portable and versatile...you can add another etn cab to get 500w..if you should ever need such a thing. Not sure about whether it has your GK thing so you could consider a GK combo but I couldn't vouch for it..IME
  10. I would also check out that speaker..it could be so 'average' that you go to all that effort and you don't get the returns...?? I'm guessing here..maybe someone has more detail on it..? If you can afford to get it reconed..I have a JBL that might be worth it...if fact I have two.
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1256298' date='Jun 4 2011, 11:07 AM']i totally agree.. a preamp like a J East has the options for a reason.. if your fiddling with it, its because you dont know it... when you find your tone just leave it alone..and when you know it you will know how to adjust it to your preference[/quote] kind of.... but you turn up on a gig and the sound needs a little tweaking, strings have just gone off or whatever and you just don't get the time in sound-check that you wanted and you are searching... Now, the adjustment is never huge..or need be, and you can easily live with what you've got ... but that mid sweep is so powerful so I go centred and middle...the bass is boost only, AFAIR..but it doesn't matter as that is easy anyway. It is the mid sweep that can throw you off...when all hell is breaking loose and you don't have time to twiddle. I know where my default start is all the time... but rooms and stuff change...you really don't want multiple taps all over the place as well. I rate the Retro and that is about as variable as I want it. If I need another sound completely, I'll use a another bass that can do it. I have 3 basic sounds anyway.. finger-funk off the rear pup, full song fingers and slap, and you want to be able to go to all 3..IMO..with a flick of a switch and dial down the presence/tone on a jazz...ie mid solo, if you have to.
  12. Indeed, but these guys get found out pretty quick and that is why you get a reference. If you know the guys that play..then you'll also know the general level of that circle. People can say you want to hear this guy and that guy... but things like comfort zone, genre, style, etc etc can all have an effect. You can't put a 80's shredding genius on a jazzer and expect it to work. It may do, but it may just as well not. For a start, he'll be following a chart of some sort, 90% of the time, and playing in horn keys and will not be allowed to blast everyones ears ...that is a starter for a train wreck or two..!!!
  13. Have to say this sounds too obsessive to me.
  14. ttt
  15. Always an iconic image growing up and I would have loved one at one point...but I played one and was massively dissapointed with it, crushed even, and then my whole musical taste and influence went elsewhere.
  16. JTUK


    [quote name='risingson' post='1254844' date='Jun 2 2011, 11:45 PM']It's probably total blasphemy to say this but I got to see The Who with Pino Palladino on bass who is one of my favourite bass players and it was brilliant! I was never keen on Entwhistle's playing, although I understand he was integral part of their sound and a really unique player.[/quote] ha ha... a train wreck waiting to happen was Entwhistle and Moon, IMO.
  17. Could be very confusing to have too many options.... I have East pre's which can accomodate pickups switching and active or passive...plus mid sweep and TnB cut and boost..that is enough and pretty confusing in the early days until you get a default return set-up. Although some basses with all these options sound a good idea in demo, in practice, they are too much, IMO....and becomes an unconvincing jack of all trades but a master of none.
  18. My 210 would sit very well on the top on that.... but I can't carry it....bug...!!! The 2x210 stack up well anyway. Would have loved to entertain the 212 but was just too big for my needs.
  19. [quote name='plyguy' post='1254538' date='Jun 2 2011, 08:24 PM']Still not in my budget I thought that with the new SL range coming out that people would be selling off their "heavy" DB cabs but that doesn't seem to be the case...maybe it's too early.....[/quote] GS and DB 112 type cabs are around 40lbs so not a factor weight-wise to many...IME.
  20. cough cough..price match ?? PM me for details, but it isn't rocket science.
  21. Just to add.... when I got a DB210..I was torn with getting another one or going for a DB115... the DB210 is quite shallow and lays flat in my boot..which is not at all big.. 2x112 fit in ok as well...the 212 option wouldn't due to its depth I went for 2x210 thinking I would trade a little bottom end over a 115/210...but I don't think I'll notice it at all. 2x210 sound very big to me..as a few BC-ers said they would. Sound-wise, I'd tally up the cab dims of 2x1 single cab V a double...and you might find that the singles are shallower..which is good for loading..but taller..so you get back the same internal DIMS...????? Quite prepared to accept the DB212 is a very good cab..but any gains over the singles paired up would be minimal, IMO. There is enough testament here to confrim that 2 112 paired do not lack bottom end at all. WH tells me that the DB is comparable to the GS112's in his AB'd tests in that regard, so I'd say 2 DB112's would never struggle for bottom-end.
  22. I can't help with the DB212... but the choice is money over mobility/flexibility, IMO. I run 2 GS112's which pr up very well...one on its own is ok for a decent volume but you will be fighting it..or I was. It wasn't that bad in that I didn't know one cab had packed up and it wasn't that obvious but it didn't cut like I wanted. I put it down at first to the odd heavily damped room which I had never used before. I also run DB210's paired up and they sound great and the DB series has more presense about it. For your decision, it is simply money for 2 cabs against the one DB212 offset by the cab config being less flexible for small gigs. I'd take the 2 singles as there will be times when you can use a single..and that will be a a very easy carry gig.
  23. If the kit is current then best go through that distributor, even if out of warranty for things like chassis/speakers' As for the amp...what is so special about the electrical parts they use anyway..? My amp tech..who has a very good CV/background in design could write his own stages anyway, so making sense of most kit is easy enough to someone who knows.
  24. Drummers..huh..?? First thing... can he tune the kit and does it sound good from the off? Is his feel good..? is his time good? A little latitude there is ok-ish but only bass players will notice, IMO..anymore than that is not good. If those things are right but his bias is rock and the bass is funk..you might need to find solid middle ground but timing will save all sorts of things as he goes for something and you do as well... Having to watch him find 1 is not good and something would have to give. Basic time is basic and the band has no chance of sounding good if it is not there. Groove is something else and more subjective so it helps if the people are on the same page. We have a group of guys round here that are great, IMO..maybe 4 or 5..and funnily enough they have one or two sons, who at 16 are going to be very good as they have got the basics at that age. They are looking for gigs and most bands round here should/could find room for them, IMO. What I would have done for guys like that when I was their age... different world...!!
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