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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='1226463' date='May 10 2011, 05:21 PM']Or not. They're also sensible enough to know that the only thing that differentiates heavy gear from lightweight is that heavy gear weighs more. Moot. All that proves is that you prefer one recording to another. A recording is only as accurate as the gear it was recorded with and listened to on.[/quote] Sure..that is where it all started...but subsequent outings have confirmed the 115/210 is the way for me to go...despite weight.
  2. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1226448' date='May 10 2011, 05:12 PM']Cabs don't vary in how they 'throw' sound - they're all loudest close up, silent at infinite distance and obey the laws of physics in between. Any variance you hear are your ears playing tricks - the cab that sounds loudest and fattest at a distance is the louder fatter cab.[/quote] Not talking about loud or fat otherwise I would have said as much ..I am talking about a weight to the sound. It was most apparent out front. I didn't much rave about the 'local' sound. We can go round in circles here, but this is my subjective view. Counter arguments/views cannot be proven anymore than I can prove mine, IMV. So lets not get into this 'tell me what I hear' roundabout against a piece of paper saying this or that happens I said all along, it was subjective. Anyway..after all that... I'll still be buying the 115/210 config. so sell them cheap to me..
  3. To the OP.... REALLY..??? I accept that they were ok at the time but that was in a very shallow pool of anything decent. My local studio has a combo for use so I can attest to their present day use...and all I'd say is I lug my gear up or use an Ashdown combo which knocks it into a cocked-hat..and that thing has had a caning and runs out of puff around 3.5khz... Sorry.........just a counter-view..!!
  4. [quote name='51m0n' post='1226386' date='May 10 2011, 04:28 PM']Oh dear God, Neo is NOT a fad, serious PA have been nearly all Neo for a very long time indeed, simply put the haulage cost for a big neo rig is significantly less than that of a ceramic rig. Too many other factors to say why you like the sound of rig a over rig b, but the actual weight of the rigs is the least of it IME. ..........[/quote] Sure, IYE... not mine. and I did say fad was too strong a word, but.. far from conclusive either way, I'm afraid. I don't run NEO's atm..and as I have a light enough 112's, I am not really in that market and what puts me off more than anything is my simple subjective experiments. If you don't gig, you might not be quite so aware of this distance thing in backline I allude to but I noticed it straight away. Of course, different cabs configs and all that..!! but we buy on the basis of what we hear or perceive we hear.
  5. What tops do you run with these..?? assuming a EV match-up would be the best..but they don't come along very often..!!!
  6. Actually, I have some thoughts that there is something in this as I've messed around with NEO's recently. Very difficult to tell unless side by side and then different specs etc etc...BUT..I have recordings of a 1x15/210 config over 2x1x12's and the sound of the latter does me fine atm and the best thing about it is I can live with the compromise main beneficiary, but there is something in the weightier sound of the heavier rig. Not so much up close, but out front, IMO. Of course, it is not like for like..but I can hear a difference enough to not dismiss this out of hand. I am really enjoying my 2x112's but I am also putting together a main rig around 115/210 which will come out on special days and when I can justify carting it around. I would have gone for 610 as this would have been a cheaper and better..to my ears..option, but I can't fit that into the car. I have also had NEO's over ceramic in the same box and the cermanics were supposed to outclassed by the more modern NEO but not in terms of the sound, IMO. Subjective..?? sure, but then the whole subject is subjective. My feeling is that NEO's are a fad...maybe tooooo strong a word.. albeit one with major pluses in weight but what will keep them valid more than anything is the weight issue and schlepping them around rather than better sound. If Neo prices remain high..and that is an IF on commodities pricing and futures, then I wouldn't be surprised at all to see ceramics/traditional cabs making a comeback. So buy up a few now, would be my hint..!!
  7. Welcome. The Kent crew grows and grows Should be gigging round your way soon. Beer fest, and all that.
  8. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1225459' date='May 9 2011, 07:36 PM']Don't laugh! [/quote] We bought one just like that....rust and all... painted it Racing green....wrecked it a few months later. We took out our mates car on the way to a village hall rehearsal. The band was never the same after that...
  9. Nothing would make me want to raise the action...it is not the lowest but it is fast and I like to be able to do that if I feel like it.. I don't want anything grabbing or tring me out and I don't think I struggle for tone anyway so I don't need to follow this thinking. I am pretty clean anyway, IMO, so don't worry about buzzes Horses for courses.
  10. They must bring something to the party. I'll pick drummers for feel along with technique. Gtrs for their style....and really don't want old-hat shredders, so feel and groove there. Keys needs to be able to play good piano and handle an organ. The vocal must have a distinct and good voice along with a range and then we will pick the material to work with that. BV's were the weakness but we have worked on that. Basically I pick the best players I know and put them together as part the remit for that band. Some have a soul bias, some more songs and the tune... so I know who I would pick as first choice and then we try and get in a room and see how it gells.
  11. Wouldn't dream of starting to play without tuning. I'll take the basses out of the bag asap and let them setttle and then go and tune up when all the other gear is set up. Gig bags are notorious for knocking tunings out, IMO.
  12. A freind of mine has a Tokai Lea Paul from years back. It still comes out on gigs even though he has enough gtrs to choose from, inc an orignal LP and a PRS, amongst others.
  13. I've got a guy who deps for us from Beckenham. Fully sorted and worth talking to.
  14. I am sure I have played some stinkers but can't really recall many This one springs to mind though. Old pro drummer for a chart topping act in the seventies had us play this pub for £75 as a 3 piece. The pub had 2 men and a dog in so the landlord offered to pay us off at half time for £60 which I wanted to jump at. The tool drummer made us play the full second set so we could get an extra £15 out of the landlord...so I made that 45mins work for £5. To$$er..!!!
  15. Such a nice bass..have a bump.
  16. Don't know about gig but I have just come from a fraught rehearsal with a girl singer who wants to be showcased. She isn't bad but the band they have put together is going to need a lot of work. Too much work in the time available for this unit and you really don't want to attempt these things on the cheap..which is what I am afraid it will be. Do I bail now or do I tell them that the unit isn't going to work anyway like this and they need a major rethink on some players..??
  17. Just to clarify..this was the chassis I used and am talking about. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/eminence_deltalite_ii_2510.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/eminence_deltalite_ii_2510.htm[/url]
  18. Well done Gareth, hope it continues to surpass expectations.
  19. [quote name='fryer' post='1223789' date='May 7 2011, 11:58 PM']Can I jump in here about monitors too ? Our front of house is fine, but out three vocalists - singer, guitarist and drummer - can't hear what they are singing sometimes. We just have 2 Roland 30 w cube monitors mounted on stands facing backwards. Do we need louder monitors or floor wedges ?[/quote] Don't know those monitors but for most bands there is never enough monitoring and these would only handle vocals at best. I would think you are serverly underpowered in this regard. The mounted monitors can be quite directional and useful ...but 2 into 3 will not go..and that is apart from the power aspect. I'd suggest the drummer needs a wedge at least and then you can point the other two at the vox and gtr and see how you get on. The bass player and others will have to get vox from FOH..but if they don't sing that is less important.
  20. [quote name='JPJ' post='1223820' date='May 8 2011, 12:56 AM']Well for the first time ever a bit of SWR kit let me down tonight with a cone going in the oldest of my two Goliath 4 x 10's As I'm about to embark on a solid stint of gigs over the next six weeks I need to rectify this quickly and will probably replace all four speakers. I have eminence deltas in my Schroeder-a-like cab which sound really nice so they'll be my first choice but what's the collective opinion on the Deltalite II's? All advice greatly received![/quote] I replaced a Goliath cab with delta 2510 11's and thought the sound lacked a bit of weight. I think this may be a problem for me with NEO's anyway...they just don't sound the same..which is apparent in comparison, IMO, but maybe not if you haven't had the reference beforehand...ie, you recall how the PAs speakers sounded. As far I know, SWR do not use defunct PAS..and you'll not be able to get cone kits in the U.K but I think you'll be hard to get the spec of the speakers they use now. They probably will not tell what 'bespoke' equivalent they are currently using. You may be alright with deltas if you can tune the cab to accomodate them as others have said they are a good retro fit, to their ears. I've heard this said a few times and a mate swears by this convert. I remain unconvinced myself. If it were me I be trying to get an original PAS from somewhere like then U.S.. assuming the other speakers are ok. or bite the bullet and buy another Goliath.. and use as spares and sell on the cab itself. It may be cheaper that way as 4 deltas will cost near on £400 even at the cheapest prices..
  21. Unless you have monitor mixes..which most basic P.A can't really do unless you have more than one aux send/dedicated monitor mixer, you are better off with vocals only in the monitors. That way the vocaslists get the most from it..and this is the most important anyway..and the individual instrument uses its backline for its monitoring Your backline sounds as though it will do the job ..you can put bleeds through the P.A if you want, but you'll need to regulate this with an egnr out front. I don't think there is much to be gained putting too much stuff through a P.A that might not be upto the job. You are just waiting for another set of kit to be strained. If you put instrumenst through the mix, post or pre.. ?? what do you do if the band turns up onstage... who controls this FOH..? It gets complicated for not too much gain..it may even spoil everything.
  22. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1223327' date='May 7 2011, 03:53 PM']How do people manage balancing the sound from on-stage amps and the PA system?[/quote] Make sure everyone has a decent compatable sound EQ'd to the band..and then play at levels where you can hear everyone. That way you make it simple and less likely you have to pull off miracles with a mix. And you probably only have a mon mix anyway.
  23. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='1219649' date='May 4 2011, 11:16 AM']I want to return to a 4*10, possibly EBS....... Chris[/quote] There is something about the weight of sound in a bigger rig, isn't there? I have come round to this thinking
  24. I'm guessing a RH450..?? I can see you thinking about things being matched. Can you get the cab on demo for the night..? or pay a small fee to do so..??
  25. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1223105' date='May 7 2011, 12:44 PM']Not sure what to do - I have a really important gig tonight. It's a six piece folk rock band with quite a loud drummer but we DI everything and have good monitoring. Last night I rehearsed with an 80s trib band using my Epifani UL410 and sounded absolutely dreadful to the point where it affected my playing. I did wonder if the UL410 is a seriously bad match but I've been twiddling all morning with the shift / control settings (following K Jungs recommendations on TB) and I have some nice sounds in my headphones but obviously need to try them with my cab first. If it still sounds poo I'm tempted to nip and buy an RS210 this afternoon bebause I'm downscaling anyway in the very near future.[/quote] Folk band...? punchy sound rather than loud. I think I would use it IF I had some time on it. If your monitoring is ok... then that would make the task less fraught as you could turn up your bass monitors. If you don't have bass in monitors then I'd go with what I knew. The TC cab would be a leap of faith for me..and an important gig wouldn't be my test bed. What amp did you say was driving the Epi..?
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