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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. Dave..I can't imagine why the amp may be running out of steam..I have done two outdoors gigs with a 400w amp not noted for its power this weekend, and that worked fine. Stonking bass ( slap ) sound on the second...and I have no idea how I arrived at it as I ran the same EQ..?? We couldn't be any louder without blowing our sound ..and our ears ... I often think I would like a bit more headroom, but fear if I upscale to a 500w plus amp... my 2 12's will be in trouble. I now work on the basis that if my rig sounds strained, then we are too loud for no PA support. Our drummer is very powerful but there is not point blowing him out of the mix..so we turn down.
  2. The good ones survived and the bad ones ended up as firewood...most likely And people forget that when Hendrix played a strat it was probably no more than 5 years old.
  3. No..but they look a very useful bit of kit and I have been GAS'sing somewhat.
  4. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1214791' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:41 PM']Feeling very down at the moment.. just got kicked out of a band.. im thinking lately that im loosing direction with my playing... they said im lacking structure in my playing, and i know what they mean.. ive been thinking it for a while any advice for a wavering bass player... im thinking i need to start reading.. thats if i dont just give up playing...[/quote] hmmm kicked out of a band...??? sounds serious. I actually don't know what you mean when you say 'structure' but you don't need to spell it out here if you don't want to. I think we all get stale and a break is no bad thing, but depends what got you down.. If the gig needed more of the parts being nailed or read and that will fix it..get the energy to do that. Sometimes a little set-back like this can be helpful in the long run. At a certain level, bands are more about chemistry and a slight emphasis/empathy here and there than about your playing so you can look at it as just something that didn't work.. Of course, there may be other things like band politics or a mate in the backgroud etc etc etc ... Sit down and reflect and then review it in a few days when the upset/blow has subsided
  5. Trial and error over quite a time to arrive at what works for you and why.
  6. Sure...my SM400 and 3 Sei basses. Quality and class, IMO
  7. Bump to the top.
  8. Looks very nice..deserves more pics
  9. Looks good to me.
  10. I think there is an 810 in FS and that would be sealed
  11. [quote name='MatthewKeys' post='1213421' date='Apr 28 2011, 01:34 AM']haha that's tempting! But I really didn't get along with the 410HLF, and i'm guessing the 610HLF is kind of similar because they are both ported?[/quote] I had the front off a 610 the other day and it was indeed ported. I like the 210 and 115 idea as they fit is cars easily..and a 210 is ok for quiet rehearsals, IMO. The 15" on its on would be no good for me...but paired with a 210 would be my goal This is all subject to you hearing them though. I am currently looking at a 210/115 rig to supplement my 2x112 rig. Would love a 610..and have no worries about ported myself.
  12. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=133266"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=133266[/url] ???????
  13. [quote name='MatthewKeys' post='1213406' date='Apr 28 2011, 01:02 AM']Transport would not really be an issue. Would it be okay to use a 450watt (svt3 pro) head to power a 410 and a 210? I think the 210's are only 200 watts at 8 ohms and the 410 is 500watts at 8ohms. Money could be a bit of an issue! I'm looking to spend around £500 or less for used.[/quote] In view of this..then maybe a 610 is the better bet. In days gone past, I never liked the Ampeg chassis' and they were low powered. Depending on your POV..this was Ampeg being conservative OR other makers being OTT with cab power ratings. It could have been that I was using tired old hired-in rigs most of the time which probably didn't help with my observations A 610 is going to be around 600w hopefully ...and that will easily cope with a 450w amp..but you'd need the 610 to be 4 ohms to to get that sort of power. Getting a 210 AND a 410 for that budget might be hard...
  14. [quote name='MatthewKeys' post='1213291' date='Apr 27 2011, 10:51 PM']Hey there I was just wondering what is generally more recommended out of the following configurations of the ampeg SVT classic range: 410HE cab with a 210HE 410HE cab with a 115 210HE with a 115 Thanks![/quote] I'd go 1x15 plus 2x10 for a decent stack height, typically. I am not sure Ampeg would be my choice of cabs though I liked my last rig of 1x15 plus 2x10 as it had both cut and depth and am thinking I will go back to it for larger gigs. It will be more portable than my second choice of 610 in a single cab. Depending what power you are putting into the cabs, but a 300w 15 and 350w 2x10 makes more sense that a 4x10 plus 2x10 to me... but as long as the cabs can handle the split power then no real problem. If aesthetics are an issue, the 2x4x10 is good...but carry and transport might be a factor
  15. I have retro's on both mine so have both pups flat out and the tone wide open. In either passive or active I used the pup switch to go full-both or full-bridge. I use the active to enhance the basic passive sound, not change it dramtically which the pre has the option to do, so I used the active to beef up the inherrent sound of that bass... Both Jazzes have different characters..one is classic MM the other more vintage Paul Turner which is not surprising since he commmisioned it. Love them both
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1213271' date='Apr 27 2011, 10:37 PM']I have been using Elites for years, I have 6 basses and never notice a change in metal type? I'm not so keen on the stainless steel as I'm concerned they may eat my original vintage frets on the pre EB as the strings will be harder than the frets, I have them on the Ray4 at the moment and they play/Sound fine.[/quote] I don't think my observations are limited to one brand... but my pet theory is that some of the metal used has been downgraded. I have had more bum batches this last year that I ever did in the previous ( almost ) 20..but I only used DR's back then. Prior to that it was always Elites After a year of quite a bit of experimentation of other brands, I am coming back to DR..but I have had a recent duff set of those and for £38 for a 5 er set, that is not something I appreciated. Maybe it was just bad luck.. I have a set of Ken Smiths to go on this week so will report on those too.
  17. I think the 102 is a great combo... just not entirely sure it is the set-up on its own for a loud band. If you ran a 15" underneath the 102..it would be. IF.... you like the amped up sound of the LM series. I prefer a tube in the pre myself, being ultra picky there..but that is the nuance of sounds that we hear. Some would run the 102 combo in a band situation on its own..but mine was borrowed in so couldn't or didn't risk this. I am just thinking 300w of bass into 210 cab is asking for quite a bit and IME, not conclusiove one way or another..but I just wouldn't, not with my drummer who is LOUD. But as an easy carry and a very capable mid sound level solution, I'd look at this combo first
  18. Hope it works out for you...Gareth. Not having much luck in this regard ...
  19. [quote name='TRBboy' post='1213129' date='Apr 27 2011, 08:55 PM']Just having a look again at the MB series, and I wonder if I could get away with using just the MB212 on its own? I've never had 12's in a bass rig so I don't know if they'll give me enough depth, or whether I'll miss the 15".[/quote] I run 2 112's ..not GK...and think they do a very very good job. If I had a choice between a 115 and 210 over 2x112 or 2x12 I would only go 12"s on the carry basis alone. The extra weight in the 115/210 sounds better to me on playback of my live recordings. There is just more weight to the sound..and my 12" rig is no slouch getting down to the lows... but the former sound is ...er..weighter, if that makes sense. Fine lines though, admitedly. I would have a horn in both rigs though..no doubt.
  20. I have used both GK and Markbass recently. I like the combo 102 at lower levels but am less convinced of it at higher volumes...but still would put it at a much better level than GK, IME. I think 115 and 210 is a good can config and am also become less enamoured with the lighter set-ups. I think they can do a very good job but are just lacking when compared to a 115 and 210 and it depends how much you will miss the extra Markbass quality, IMV, over, GK. I am certain I would MISS it.
  21. Of course... I can't stand clunky strings and they can ruin any bass for me. Such a simple recourse as well.
  22. I can stand a set of D'Addario XL pro steels ..... and not a bad price. They last ok and clean up well enough. Tension is ok and the sound a bit heavier than I'd prefer but this is not the dealbreaker. Not my number one string but they are ok... La Bella are ok too but I prefer their Super steps to anything else. If I am trying a new brand I tend to go lighter, but that is just me. If you are talking or wanting less than £20 per set it may be a bit hit and miss. Elites used to ok...but I believe there has been a general poorer grade of metal used of late so how cheap can you stand..? A bit of trial and error on what works for you, I'm afraid.
  23. [quote name='mrtcat' post='1212158' date='Apr 26 2011, 10:38 PM'].......in order to be busy we play stuff to please pub goers. I always fancied a second band that played some of my fave stuff (Aerosmith, Poison, GnR, Skid Row etc etc)which is unlikely to make me mega busy but the odd gig doing this stuff would put a big smile on my face. Nothing came along -.........???????????[/quote] I would have thought that those sorts of covers would have made you very busy..or at least they would round here. I am constantly surprised at some people typical sets when they publish them here and this is more adventurous albeit, just a little, IMO. A mates band are going to make a go of it with 90's Seattle stuff..AFAICT.. and they have impressive launch party numbers of people already. If the band is good..it will work out in the end, IMO... just that it might take longer or depend how hard you market it. Biggest draw round here, IIRC, in most pub type places is an originals band... go figure..!!
  24. Anything less than £1000 is good going for the 750, IMO. Can't tell you what price I regret not buying at though buuuuuuuuuuggg!!!!
  25. Just scribble out a bar chart and let the drummer fill in any detail.. that way the format is sorted. The drummer may want to make his own notes anyway... depends how he works.
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