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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. To reply to the OP..and I have skimmed the rest of the thread, I have to say it is not normal at all or not in the circles I've played for eons. I have come across one or two who can play entirely by ear without having a clue what the notes are called but even players who don't or prefer not to read the gig are more than conversant with chords and theory. Their ear may be the dominant factor to such an extent that they will pay lip service to the chart ..if there is one... and this is mainly gtrs. Some keys will do this though but come from a POV where there is such good musical knowledge they can simplify an arrangement because they know how to translate chords from melody and can therefore use substitutes..bla bla.. You just cannot do a variety of musical situations without being able to converse in the common language, IME, even if someone tells you the song is in the key and these are the changes to listen out for.. you need to know what they are talking about ...and be able to do it, of course, or you don't get called again. If you set up your own band and just use shapes..and follow fingers, you are making awfully awfully hard work of it and will spend more time in reherarsal than out gigging and you limt who you can play with. So... to be totally clueless, IMO, is a waste. Having said that, perfect pitch control is a wondrous thing but so very few have it, IME. I don't say you have to read fly-sh*t but you have to be aware of conventional musical workings or you cut yourself out of many experiences. That is fine if you don't see yourself getting much further than the one band or the bedroom. But working with other people needs musical communication and this is one part of it. IMO.
  2. I've never bought a bass that was set up for me. I've bought them knowing I could get it to work, but never ever perfect first time round, straight out the case. Tell them your concerns and give them the chance to put it right... Mention the buzz and the saddles but don't mention the neck tweak unless they specifically ask. Be cordial and let them put it straight. They'll want a satisfied customer walking out the door..and potentially coming back.. as much as you do.
  3. First night at a new pub and we were doing fine until a chav 18th birthday party chased everyone away..or at least that is what we are thinking atm. The landlord had a stand-off with them at closing time and the girls were throwing up outside so, I am inclined to think it was a one-off and they were not local for that place otherwise we will not be going back there. Still a post mortem on our account though as we played well, but we need to access why it cleared after haff-time, comparitively. We had some very pleasing comments from the few that stayed, at the end... I am thinking it wasn't down to us..he says, hopefully
  4. [quote name='stevie' post='1201650' date='Apr 16 2011, 10:56 AM']Or the 1980s. The current equivalent is the Beta 15. If someone sold me an Ashdown ABM cab and I found out they had installed one of those, I'd be mightlily pissed off and would want my money back. I'd expect to find that kind of driver in a Behringer bass cab.[/quote] Not sure about this. I don't think I would expect a decent driver in that cab..or others for that matter and the fact that they obscure the origins..and a lot of cabs makers do this...would be a question of being able to use a cheap driver which you can't ID and so that you have to go back to Ashdown to replace it. So many cabs infer they have bespkoke chassis' but it might not be helpful to know that the speaker cost $60 bulk in a cab that they are asking $600 for... etc etc or you get the jist...
  5. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !! You'd switch off way before you learnt anything useful about the bass.
  6. hmm..looks pretty clean .. I really want to build a DB mini stack to rotate with my GS112's.. I wonder if that will fit in my car ..if I had to transport it..will measure up. How old is it..? might be interested if you sell.
  7. Never take any notice of volume knobs.. If your amp is loud enough, it is loud enough..if it isn't then you have a decision to make. Comparing ratings ect ect between amps is pretty pointless, IMO. Don't worry about it..as long as it performs and you like the sound, that is about it IMV
  8. Pics and cash sale price would be good.
  9. I have a Selmer in the garage waiting to be done up... maybe I'll e-bay it. It is too much of a restore and even an amp tech I know, doesn't really want it. Also, a 75 Jazz was absolute rubbish. It was rubbish then and it will be rubbish today for around £1450..!! I can also recall a few Sound City's 120 passing through and they were rubbish as well, ditto a Super lead Marshall. All 70's vintage
  10. It will serve them right if no one plays the song anymore and it dissapears down the plughole. That will be a result for him with regards to royalties as a popular song is no longer known or popular. foot gun, hole..!! It is a throwaway tune anyway... nobody will miss it..there are hundreds of like minded ditties like that to replace it with.. It is hardly a standout classic, IMO. Humour them
  11. [quote name='Linus27' post='1199053' date='Apr 14 2011, 09:18 AM']Thanks Steve. I will give flats a go tonight and if that does not work, then it might just be a case of using the MB combo for practises and I go back and gig with the Aggy cab and Shuttle 6. I had hoped to just use the combo but if its not to be then its just not to be.[/quote] I have used the combos and I just am not convinced about them together..amp and speakers. I was glad to get my main rig back..although thankful for the loan of the 102 combo. I also tried the combo with a GS cab on the bottom and wasn't knocked out and I know how the GS sounds. This extended demo has rather dampened my enthusiam for a Markbass amp which I was going to use as a backup but now will abandon that idea. You have to try these things and for me, it didn't work out. It makes you rethink what you have though..which is the upside. I understand they have an extended range but the one thing to come out of this, IMV, was that I value a valve in the pre for when the amp gets going... it is just a kinder harmonic distortion to the human ear..or to mine. Sterile is a word I hear a lot in this regard and it wouldn't be going too far to apply that to my experience... like a lot of SS amps, IME.
  12. Take it off the CD.. as a song you aren't missing much. Tell them that is what you have done and it is covered by PRS. Tell them this in as many little snippets of info as you can..as it will use up quite a few lawyers letters their side.
  13. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='1198980' date='Apr 14 2011, 03:27 AM']Distortion doesn't blow speakers. High levels of distortion will be heard, however, if speakers are pushed hard enough where damage could occur. When that happens turn it down.[/quote] This.. and this is why you play in situations where you can hear everything happening..ie, if in doubt, you need a quiet gig for mismatched set-ups..IMO.
  14. I like a P-bass sound and I have liked a few MB amps...not sure I would put them together though. Context is everything but the LMll doesn't amp up that well, to my ears, but sounds great at lower volumes and with a P-bass, I would want a tad of break-up in the sound, so..it wouldn't be my idea of a match-up in theory. But if it works for some, then..??
  15. Great songwriter..not sure I'd say great bass player, but sure, he can hold down a tune
  16. I'd have no worries then..
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1198659' date='Apr 13 2011, 08:33 PM']It's a mine field when you start talking of power ratings and a MAHOOSIVE can of worms is opened when you start discussing under/overpowering speakers but it is safe to say that a 500w amp will not by simple fact of being plugged into a 250w cab cause drivers to blow! I've ran speakers of less than 250w with 1000w pre/power combos and I've never blown a driver; in fact I'm busy using my 550w Thunderfunk with a H&K 250w 2x10 cab and I'm getting some seriously nice sounds and I'm not worried in the slightest with blowing anything up... just use a bit of common sense and your ears. If the cab is complaining then turn the amp down a bit or roll off a bit of the low end. [/quote] this.... but I would add that where volume is concerned, you may not be hearing it all as well you would like..so therefore do not hear any distress. It is possible but I'd only do it myself in very controlled...and by that I mean, quiet, circumstances. i.e, in a practice situation , then ok...when all hell is breaking loose...er...no..!!
  18. I've lost track of what you have now, Gareth, but surely there is something that is portable enough in your stable. The RS cab and a light head should cover a lot of ground..but of course, if you want something new and shiney..???
  19. My personal feeling is the sound on Markbass combos...doesn't travel that well. I've used the 112 combo and the 210 and on both the sound on stage was decent...as that is mostly what you EQ for...but out front, it wallowed. This happens with more set-ups than Markbass though, IMO. Might be the lightweight/compact thing plus NEO's...but my feeling is that there is something missing. Pet theory atm....
  20. In things like this you need to see them close up. Maybe not the most practical, but you can see what Overwaters are about at close quarters, IMO.
  21. Our gtr traded in a lot of boutique gear for a Line valve job which is very light for valves, it also has a decent FX set-up. The transistor equivalent didn't cut it, I think. He now seems happy enough at the gigs..less so in play-back when we review gig tapes. From where I am at onstage, the amp sounds great...but..lacks a bit of weight in the sound This mirrors my thinking about NEO's as well... they sound ok..but when you hear them out front, there is something missing. I haven't arrived at a definite conclusion, just that there is no substitute for sheer ooompphhhhh and that the bigger heavier boxes seem to do it better. This is the trade-off with small lighter gear IME.
  22. Post the link in feedback, maybe, when all is done.
  23. Yep..don't need anything. If I had some cash to indulge, I could knock up a list, but it probably wouldn't be my main gig set-up if only for space issues, 90% of the time. So, no, I can be patient for future purchases.
  24. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1197699' date='Apr 13 2011, 01:00 AM']Yeah they bought it for other people! Takes the mick. They will get found out.[/quote] hmmmm... agree that this is taking the p** out of a company that has backed them. Nice ..!!!
  25. I set the amp flattish and set about indenting the pre-amp on the bass around middle..and tweak to see what I am missing. I may go back to the amp to compensate for the room...and mess with some mids, but I don't need to do much. As the gig may get louder through the set, I leave some scope on the bass to work with..but if I outstrip that...I know we are getting too loud.
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