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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. As a 5 piece, we would start at £200 in a pub, If the pub say they don't pay that, we don't play there. So a 2x45 in a pub is between £200-300 and we try and average £50 a man on these gigs. Same set for a non-pub event is £350 upwards and that is the friends rate, otherwise £500 start if headlining a beer festival or something. Functions start at £500-1000. We only play what we play, so if people have seen us..that is what they get. No, I can't justify the same set getting such a difference in rates... it is the way it works for us.
  2. Very nice looker....was there a price?
  3. I would have a word with Kent/Arron Armstrong and discuss sound and what sort of cover he could put a custom wind into. I sometimes find that the louder/hotter pickups lacking in soul and character so would talk that through with the winder, myself. Maybe Wizard could do that as well.
  4. [quote name='Pow_22' post='1170321' date='Mar 21 2011, 08:13 AM']I recently sold an old amp and accidently gave away my only power lead with it. I bought what i thought was a similar one off ebay (kettle lead style). It only lasted a few goes before the fuse went (i think) as its a sealed socket it got binned. My old man had a spare power lead from a PC that looked the same, so tried that and the same thing happened. Question is, what power lead should i be using for a HA5500?[/quote] Normal kettle lead with a small fuse. I tend to not want to use 13 amp fuse in the lead for the amp but get advice on what the manufacturers say. I work on the premise that fuses blow for a reason, so I like the lowest tolerance, myself. On that point..blowing fuses..get the amp checked out now. I am assuming you have a 13amp fuse in the kettle lead and that can lead upto some damage if you can blow that. It might be nothing or it might be something and might be expensive if you persist. Just my 2p.
  5. If you are finding it a struggle, get something to work on and make a point of picking up the bass and practising it every day. Some time this needs discipline like everything else so set aside some time. The idea is to see and feel the stride you have made over a short period of time. You do need some inspiration material though
  6. I'd quite like to know how this all finished..as in whether more money was exchanged, but accept it isn't my business so if the OP doesn't want to say, that is fair enough. I don't use ebay so knowing how this works was interesting...what with 'evilbay' and all that ..
  7. Depending on the quality of the print/pattern but Sims was around double that but best to call them. Mine were custom plates and I had two done for about £125 IIRC.
  8. I went to Sims and WD. WD didn't do custom and the Tort print wasn't that great to my eyes although it was cheap. Sims was great but cost more money..they just used my old one as template and it really sets the bass off now. So, I would say, if it is for the right look I'd go for Sims over WD, IME.
  9. so..blew out the golf then ???
  10. JTUK


    I liked his own P-bass best..but then how stock was that, re strings etc...? And like him of not..he does know how to set-up a bass for a review. None of then were offensive, sound-wise, from this distance
  11. Hi Beams are quite bright and not overly fat. They speak very well IMO, and clean up even better. Mine take about 2 weeks max of playing a lot to go off..but this depends on your interpretation of 'off' They clean up well with meths. I have only had one poor batch in nigh on 20 years although I do get lots of re-strings from them as I am careful winding them on and off...but, still, a lot of packets. Also, like DR long necks as well but these are less available, IME.
  12. [quote name='Linus27' post='1140315' date='Feb 24 2011, 07:28 PM']I currently have a GB Shuttle 6 which really is a cracking amp. I run it through 2 x Aggy GS112's and its very warm and punchy. However, I am thinking about having either a backup amp or have the Shuttle 6 as the backup and something else as my main amp. Anyone got any suggestions on what an upgrade over a Shuttle 6 would be? I like the look of the Aggy AC500SC and I hear great things about the TC Electronics RH450 or Classic 450 but are they pretty much the same as the Shuttle 6 in terms of build/quality/tone etc? The other option would be to just buy another Shuttle 6 or look at the GB Streamliner.[/quote] A left of field suggestion. The SH SWR 500 on here. SWR and a Jazz is a great match, IMO.. I have played recently Markbass and Ampeg and the SWR is far warmer, IMV... and just a far better amp, full stop, IMO. It has great EQ but with a good sounding bass should fire straight up pretty much flat. The old ones had great build QC IME..so I would check out the newer ones, but doubt it would be any worse than what is currently the norm. Not implying the current standard is bad..just that SWR may have over-specced their original SM's Or the SM900..SM400, SM400s any of the SM series. I am also looking for a backup.. so have the same issue, but I already have the SWR
  13. 3 valves in the pre..?? I like valves at that stage. I think the trend is to get them involved after the recent spate of mini amps, that might miss this feature; for example, the markbass amps can sound little sterile and bland so would benefit from them, IMV. Great at quieter volumes but lack something when pushed harder. Mind you, that doesn't save the SVT3pro. IMHO, of course.
  14. JTUK

    Old farts

    I used the word relevant before, and someone who can keep up the commitment and improve is that guy. I don't know how some got the gig in the first place.. and I wouldn't have any of them in front of the guy we have now. How cruel can be the fickle hand of 'fame' be..?? It just intrigues me... thats all. What is talent and what is right place, right time? I picked on drummers as I expect bass players..above others..to know the value of a good drummer..or not..!!!! But I could mention a gtr player here and there and a sax player...
  15. JTUK

    Old farts

    My point was how good are the guys in the first place if their career was pretty much the one gig with a band that sold quite a few albums over a few years and then went quiet. And then they pop up on the Euro scene doing a revival gig..long before reforming got fashionable in between running another business. If theY haven't kept playing, then aren't going to be that on top of things...and if they didn't start from much of a grounding in the firsdt place, like their first gig was lucky enough to break.. how good would they be now? I am not talking about Gadd or the like..they have never stopped playing and you are talking creme anyway, but someone whose main gig has gone quiet or disintergrated, they have gone off to do other non-musical work and now gets the chance to play again for nostaligia and the venue will pay £5-10,000 or so to bring them all together..? I can't really name the people I am thinking about so maybe this thread is done...but what I talking about is that an ex-name turns up at your pub...plays a few numbers on a borrowed kit...and then you wonder what all the fuss was all about. 5 guys, I am talking about..in the last few years. and you wouldn't book any of them to do your gig. Are we more impressed with the 'name' than the player..??
  16. I don't use them either..I have a Tone Hammer but that's more my DI box than anything else. We have dropped a number because I couldn't get the right distorted sound and a cheap ( relatively ) little effects box obviously wasn't going to cut it with the heavy distortion through the range of the bass line. When I got it right-ish down below, it was too thin up top..so I doubt that was all the original track had done to the recorded part. Apart from simple additions..which I don't really bother with anyway, it is another signal complication for little gain, IMO.
  17. Bought a Shure mic off Andy. Very easy and quick deal..perfect. How deals should be, IMV.
  18. I currently like Jazz type basses but I want to best bass for me..or my thinking.. so am not persuaded to buy a bass for some other players sounds. Who would do that..????
  19. I have a very pretty and fancy 5 string bass with a blonde quilted top..it sounds nice and I use it for certain sounds but the one that gets ALL the attention is a vintage look J5 in white with red tort. I love this bass for its sound and it is my NO 1...but people just graviate towards its looks..and the other one is far more fancy.. Very happy with both and made by the same guy, but..?????
  20. [quote name='Linus27' post='1165695' date='Mar 17 2011, 01:07 PM']Also, just seen this, anyone got any thoughts on it? EBS Classic Session 60 [url="http://www.bass.se/2009/session60.htm"]http://www.bass.se/2009/session60.htm[/url][/quote] If it was in budget, I'd go for that. Not had much to do with EBS, but I've liked what I have played through..
  21. JTUK

    Old farts

    My view would be that someone like Ian Paice is still relevant and can carry quite an impressive gig today.. Great playing on that TV gig, IMO. It isn't true of all players...as I have come across 3 relative name players relatively recently ( all drummers as it happens ) who sound and play awful, IMO. One, I doubt could ever play that well, the other was after a soul gig but was such a one tracked minded rock player, that he was a fish out of water and the other, just too stuck in the past. I wont mention the names here as they would mean something to a few people here, I expect, as they have quite a few albums under their belt..and would have been pretty big ( at least )in their day Now, contrast that with some talent coming out of the local music university and those 3 guys would never get a gig infront of some.. Having said that...study alone doesn't always cut it either. Just an observation, really, no axe to grind, as such.
  22. [quote name='chris_b' post='1168075' date='Mar 19 2011, 11:30 AM']I used to drive a 2CV and now it's a Volvo estate (no hat!). For me it's the same difference with basses. There are people who can tell the difference between the sound and playability of different makes of bass. If that difference is important to you then it's worth the extra cost.[/quote] True.
  23. or can new farts..?? just listening to the Montreau Jazz festival on Sky arts.. Ian Piace with Deep Purple has still got IT... one of the more musical drummers in rock.always has been, IMV and still knocks out a greats tracks with a lot of panache. Admittedly it was 2004, but plenty of old guys have lost it big time after that sort of career. Queens of the Stone age and Chris Connell's offering (2005)...??? the term garage band was invented for them as they should still be locked in the garage..on the basis of their TV performance..and never let out By the same token...ELP...?? oh dear god..!!!
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