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Everything posted by JTUK

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1142205' date='Feb 26 2011, 11:38 AM']This is such a fantastic SD vid..the horns the backing vocals..Tom Barney has got an awsome groove goin on.. No wonder there in my top 5 most awsomist, incrediblist, fantabulousist bands... really want the DVD..... is it a cracker? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylr2D4Pwn58"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylr2D4Pwn58[/url] just to add this.. that Stingray 5 sounds awsome!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GSNewDqw8w"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GSNewDqw8w[/url][/quote] I gave up trying to source a live vid although I have the tape of the 93' tour. I made up my own from youtube... ahem..!!
  2. To the Op..?? lacking clarity..?? I guess that is hugely subjective and would depend on the signal the bass could produce. I think 2 GS112 cabs can shift some serious air with the right amp and my sound can go through people. Even our drummer who is very powerful and rocky in his other bands comments that the bottom end is massive and loves it. Mind you, I think the East pre on a bit of bass boost has a LOT to do with that but the cabs still have to produce it. I really like the MB amps but haven't used them often enough in anger on gigs to decide whether it lacks down there ( haven't felt the need as the SWR SM is my go to amp, anyway ).. but the GS's certainly don't.
  3. If you think other members wouldn't put up with a sound they didn't rate, and would go to the extra cost of a remix then why shouldn't they for you? Imagine if the vocals, drums or gtr etc had this problem..
  4. [quote name='Quoth'd' post='1140771' date='Feb 25 2011, 07:25 AM']Thanks for the advice - I wouldn't say any of my gear falls into the collector status (I have had some serious p0rn envy since joining this site) so will take your advice and give it a try but walk away if interest isn't good. Watch this space [/quote] ha ha ..I say sell it as I have a bass that does not get played. I just need that little push to market it. But I will not give it away. Unfortunatley, a trade for me will bring in a bass that I have more than covered anyway. IMO.
  5. IIRC, that SM500 looks VGC. Big fan on the SM series and would love another SM. Having the 400, I think the 500 is a duplication for me. The SM900 on the other hand.... My SM400 is about 20lbs unracked which is no problem. The SM900..I believe, is 38lbs. Don't know enough about the Headlite, but if in that market, many compare the MB LMlll to an alternative SWR sound and this route is the most likely with my time on them. I haven't explored the SWR sound on a MB, I like its other tones....but by the same token I haven't tried messing around with the SWR lately either. I see them as different beasts, myself but maybe I should have a play again as the SM has very powerful EQ.
  6. For me [b]What information did you need to know before going ahead with a custom build?[/b] I went around and played as many basses as I could...I couldn't find what I wanted [b]If in an ideal world your were having a custom bass built, what information would you want to know before going ahead with the build? Could the luthier do what he says he can do.[/b] After a few visits and a chat, I knew he could do what he said he could do. Which happened to be, a better bass that I could get anywhere else for the money. He was right, IMO. [b]What information have you or do you find hard to find on custom bass's and builds?[/b] I went to see the guy and saw his work and played them. [b]How did you go about the process of choising the components for your bass?[/b] Toughie..as some times you can be the groundbreaker here...in that your choices of wood, headstock and little combinations might not have been covered too much prior.... I chose maple and bubinga for the look and there weren't any like that at the time..they were all wenge and bubinga, so that was my small leap of faith, IMO. Also the headstock was not available on a 5 either, IIRC. [b]What advice would you need before going ahead with a build? (Wood choices, electronics etc) ?[/b] See his previous efforts and play them, but as I said, you may be the first to request such things. [b]Would you need information on different designs of bass (such as thru neck to bolt on neck) and the pro's and cons?[/b] I had points of view available and none was conclusive, and still isn't regarding neck-thru..IMO.
  7. A Smith 5 would complete anyones collection, IMO
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1140929' date='Feb 25 2011, 10:42 AM']A quick trawl through Off-Topic will show that Pete Academy has a long history of getting worked up about issues that he has little influence over. If I was one of his band members or co-workers I would be a little concerned about his mental and physical health (all that impotent rage has to go somewhere and I doubt that an internet forum is sufficient release), but since I'm not I don't really care any more than to write this single post.[/quote] I don't think that is fair at all. I think he ( Pete ) is just putting up a thread about a MAJOR contributor to the bass guitar. I don't think you have to like Jaco, but you should be aware of his lead. Virtually no one can play fretless without a nod to him, IMV. There are very few bassists that took the bass to a whole new area ...and spawned a thousand immitators and Jaco was one of them, IMO I think you can hate him and loathe his sound but you can't deny his position in the world of bass. Very very influencial and major player. As for the OP, he may post a lot of stylistic threads, but that is just his influences and his desire to share, IMO I think he is a most valid poster and if it were me, I'd be thinking why bother after such a churlish remark.
  9. If he isn't your cup of tea, then that is ok.. At his best, he was wonderfully talented and took the bass forward, and influenced many The best work I have of his is as a sideman on Michel Colombiers album.. When he started to get ill, the playing suffered, IMO.
  10. If you don't use and it doesn't do anything for you.. sell it. If you can't get the reasonable price and don't need to sell, then hang on until you can.
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1139810' date='Feb 24 2011, 12:09 PM']The blunt truth about getting paid for playing original material is this: If your original material is good, you're in with a shout. If it isn't any good, don't blame cover & tribute bands.[/quote] Agree.. Back yourself, tell them thanks but no thanks.
  12. Saw a mates new Overwater Jazz the other day... looked and sounded very nice. If it were anything near comparable to that..it would be a hell of a lot of bass for the money.
  13. I don't think anyone is to blame here, IF the auduitioners were quite clear about what they wanted. I think you can often tell someones kind of level by an intial conversation. but anyway, she had a shot and didn't work out. I sympathise with the OP who tried to give her a hand with why she didn't get the job and it seems to have backfired. Not much you can do about that. People who can play but don't listen..well..!!! I am not at all surprised about that.
  14. This is the lottery of auditions. I far prefer referrals...and avoid them most of the time as you may have 1st hand experince of interesting players anyway. If a music scene is active, then you could know who is about and pick one up from there. Some people will often put people up without it being solicited, but is is never as easy as that. But if you have to go through auditions, expect a lot of messing around. At least they made it out of college or that bedroom.
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1138686' date='Feb 23 2011, 03:21 PM']HANG ON! You strut about in a tiny little bikini and you say don't go up on stage for the glory or adulation! You've got to be having a kin laug... Oh hang on, the young lady in your avatar isn't you is it! [/quote] Yeah, I don't use a personal pic as I am not really interested in promoting me or my band here. No sig, websites, gear listed, or anything for pretty much the same reason. I don't think anyone here is going to come to my gigs on the strenght of it...
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1138568' date='Feb 23 2011, 01:54 PM']The closest thing to a covers band I'm in plays, amongst other things, Psycho Killer (Talking Heads), Are You Sure Hank Done it This Way? (Waylon Jennings), Too Far Gone (Neil Young), Skin and Bone (The Kinks), Why Are Man (Mark Knopfler) Lady Eleanor (Lindisfarne) and Fisherman's Blues (Waterboys). The punters are usually quite taken aback that there's a band out there doing this stuff...[/quote] They should be greatful.. But certain pubs lend themselves to a different slant and others just want the same old pub set. It is always a tough question..when we do a new venue..and a lot of places are new to this band, we might check out the type of bands there and on the circuit, I have only recently just got into doing this as before getting gigs wasn't my problem with bands. We see many acts and their sets and they can seem popular as they get a crowd in, but I think some people dopn't expect much..but when you ask them about their music tastes, they are very very varied. Are these the same people supporting the local music scene in general..?? If you don't play the same typical numbers, and acceptance is pretty slow...it has taken us a year or so to get musos to come and watch us. It isn't a case of not going down well..it is simple marketing. Once you have them at a avenue...it is down to you to keep them.
  17. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1137554' date='Feb 22 2011, 07:39 PM']Interesting responses. Basically, do you love playing bass (live) enough to do it for nothing? Simple as that.[/quote] I guess not, but since I have gotten used to being paid, I couldn't go back to not being paid..even originals. If I had never been paid...then maybe. I played enough football for nothing...well, I got loads of medals and the glory but funnily enough I don't go up on stage for the 'look at me' and glory/adulation factor, never understood that or rather that was always secondary or irrelevant.
  18. 5 all the way for me. If ever I see a 4 str I like the look of..I always think wish that was 5. I just don't think or hear in terms of 4..and missing that low string would throw me and also the neck would feel so strange. I could get used to it again if I had to...but don't feel I want to go down that route. There is nothing I can't do on my 5 that I could do on my 4. I know it is only a few extra low notes, but......
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='1138290' date='Feb 23 2011, 10:43 AM']The tonal range on the East is like having an amp on your bass.[/quote] I approach it like this. I set the amp up for the room if need be, but as often as not, I don't touch the EQ.. and then tweak the bass for the live mix. I don't tend to have to play around with the sweep much, although if I am missing something and the strings are going off, then I may do something there. The range of these pre is enough to totally confuse things, so no extreme tinkering required, IMO.
  20. I've seen it more often that I'd like and I wouldn't buy it.
  21. No.. I am entirely happy with my basses. I will sell one ..but have been saying that for 18 months, as I don't use it. I've had it for 18 plus years so a bit of a wrench, but I take a long time making my buying decisions so don't often regret them. I've had the amp I use longer but am thinking about an addition. I can't see me selling the old amp though. Both the basses I gig are both the basses I play all the time although I do have a favourite out of the two now. But that took a year to manifest
  22. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1137213' date='Feb 22 2011, 03:42 PM']I've bought a few things from Thomann. It's always been quick service between three and five days.[/quote] That has been my experience as well
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1137054' date='Feb 22 2011, 01:18 PM']BACK FOR SALE....100% this time. If the original potential purchaser gets back to me asap, he has first dibs.[/quote] bug... I was using one last night in a 210 combo config, so the LMll, - and these amps are great. Great sound with my basses, set flat with a hint of the filters. I really want one.
  24. You can see plenty of people with great chops who can't play in a band... The worlds bedrooms are littered with them..and some venture out to gig..but they are so insular in what they do..they don't hear anything else. I wouldn't have expanded on why she didn't get the job unless she asked... Doesn't sound like she was going to do that. Walk away and let her figure it out.
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