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Posts posted by AJ567

  1. 3 hours ago, dave_bass5 said:

    I’ve not used my IEM’s for ages. I just didn’t get on with the isolation I was getting from them. 
    I now want to start using them again. This is for keys and just for my personal monitoring. The band aren’t going IEM anytime soon (although the singer does occasionally)

    Anyway, what I’m here to ask is about IEM’s with an ambient feature. I think that would be a good compromise. Im aware that the low end will take a hit, but at least I will feel part of the music. 

    Anyone using this type? Recommendations?  Needs to be cheap-ish. I’ll still use a floor monitor for gigs where I have space for it, but for others I want to use IEM. Just running through a headphone amp so not wireless. 

    I’m aware that I can run an ambient mic to feed my mixer, but at the moment im

    just asking about the IEM’s. 


    Easiest solution is probably to use any universal IEM (Shure 535 or whatever) and use a simple silicone mushroom-type tip. They give an decent seal but aren't very isolating... Which might be just what you are looking for!

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 01/10/2022 at 15:30, Elfrasho said:

    Can anyone answer this question for me please as I can't find the answer.




    Thomann say that output 5 is 12V DC @ 1A, for powering additional DC input PSU's. Is this for quite a specific use that i don't understand or can i run a 12v pedal straight out this output?


    Also, given that the sag option gives the option to vary the voltage, is this suitable for digital pedals assuming I set the sag to the correct voltage? Woudl i end up with a board of melted plastic and metal if i accidentally turned the V up too high?




    I think the 12V "link" output is intended to power one of the smaller ISO series supplies in piggyback fashion. Those run off 12v centre negative so that must be what this outlet is providing. No reason why you couldn't use that for another pedal instead.


    These Harley Benton power supplies really are excellent!

  3. 5 hours ago, bassist_lewis said:


    I haven't had any issues like that so far, just the odd failure of the tracking to keep up with my shred! I'm mainly putting it off coz the Gigrig high current adaptor puts out 1000mA and that just feels like overkill 😂


    You could put it on a Joyo ZGP which is cheap and cheerful alternative. Or, if you have two gigrig isolated outs spare you could bridge them with a current doubler cable/adapter.

    • Like 1
  4. Great rechargeable power supply here. Puts out either 9v or 12v centre negative with the supplied cable (button on the side selects the voltage).


    20,000mAh capacity. It is rated for 2A maximum current draw, but I have found that the voltage tends to sag if you push it above about 1.2A. Think of it as a 1A supply to be on the safe side.


    And if you draw the full 1A, you will still get at the very least 6 hours battery life in a real world gig situation. I've tested this on many gigs.


    LCD display tells you the charge level in %, which is handy.


    Only 15mm thick which makes if great for fitting under pedalboards. Full dimensions are 167mm x 112mm x 15mm.


    Comes with charger and pouch.


    £40 posted!








  5. On 28/06/2022 at 09:51, MrSpace said:

    I have this pedal. I played with creating my own TonePrint for a bit until I got a sound I was happy with, and I haven't touched it since! Mind you I only have myself to please, if I played in a band I might pay it some more attention. I am very happy with it so far, the tracking seems good to me with both monophonic and polyphonic modes. Programmability is great, a bunch of other effects on the octave up and down such as modulation and overdrive, and various high / low cut / pass filters. Octave up does sound a little bit synthetic as they always do, but OK to my aging ears. I use it for:

    - sounding a bit like a 12 string on a standard 4

    - sounding a bit like Pino on fretless

    - making a pleasingly dirty noise with octave up through overdrive


    Ditto, I made my toneprints years ago and haven't touched them since. I remember being very impressed at the time though, there was loads of flexibility once you get into it. Great pedal. 

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Baloney Balderdash said:

    The standard Tone control on most pedals is actually a tilt style EQ, so sounds strange to me if you just discovered it last year.


    Really? Aguilar octamizer is the only other tilt eq I've encountered in a pedal. Plenty of LPF-style tone knobs out there though...

  7. The SA pedals can interface with MIDI in two ways:


    1) the little control port (3.5mm TRRS jacks)

    2) USB


    To do it the first way, you need the SA Neuro hub, plus any midi controller you like.

    For the second way, you would need a controller with USB MIDI hosting functionality (e.g. Morningstar), plus an additional USB midi hosting adapter (e.g. Disaster Area Midi ghost) for the second pedal. 


    SA neuro hub + any controller is probably cheaper, unless your controller of choice has USB hosting anyway.


    NB you can DIY the second midi hosting adapter if you are handy with a soldering iron. This would save you maybe £50 off the Disaster area midi ghost. I posted on the DIY thread about this some time ago. 



    • Like 1
  8. On 11/07/2022 at 08:46, pete.young said:

    The key to this is USB-C PD - the PD bit stands for Power Delivery, it's a fast-charging technology which requires a USB-C PD enabled device such as a recent iPhone, Pixel phone or Samsung S20. Fascinating stuff.




    So can you get an effects pedal supply which supports USB-C PD, I hear you cry? Well apparently yes you can.  https://www.thomann.de/gb/mission_engineering_529_m_usb_pd_converter.htm . If you can wait for it to come back into stock.


    Another option might be this powerbank https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_powerplant_powerbank.htm which has 2 9V DC -ve outputs, 1.2A which should be good for a handful of low-current pedals. Think I might go for one of those myself. Just realised this is one of the banks listed in the original post.


    The Harley Benton Powerbank Plus is now discontinued so the OP's solutions using that are no longer viable.


    The Mission 529 (with any usb-c PD pack) works really well. That's what I'm using at the moment. 

  9. On 28/05/2022 at 01:24, Nebadon2000 said:

    AJ567 SAID; "The FX loop needs to be set to post-EQ, however, otherwise you are not bypassing the whole preamp and the EQ knobs will affect the sound as you describe." 


    How is this done?


    Also someone posted he set jumpers inside to series and with MarkBass it still passed through preamp EQ.

    Pre EQ is the stock config. I thought it was switchable using internal jumpers... But possibly I have muddled it and it's not possible. In which case the FX return only bypasses the preamp gain and not the EQ. 


    Best the OP can do is turn the VPF/VLE off and the EQ to noon. Should be pretty transparent.

    • Like 1
  10. On 05/05/2022 at 11:50, FarFromTheTrees said:




    Would a power amp provide a cleaner tone for my BK7U & other FX than the LMIII?


    Not if you bypass the preamp section of the LMIII (which is what you are doing by plugging into the FX return when it is set to post-EQ). 


    The LMIII is a very good power amp that just happens to have a very good preamp in the same box. You can bypass the preamp, as you have discovered. 


    Using a standalone power amp is a fairly niche route for people who are married to particular preamps and/or need way more power than a typical bass head can provide. Doesn't sound like you are one of those people!

  11. On 07/05/2022 at 01:17, Nebadon2000 said:


    Markbass has a parallel FX Loop when you plug into Return it does not bypass preamp just turn  any EQ knob LM III for confirmation.

    But with LM III EQ settings at noon the flavor of your pedal will be dominant. 


    I'd have thought series/parallel doesn't make a difference in this situation - if there is nothing plugged into the instrument input then there is no signal coming out of the preamp section? In any case, you can change it to series by moving an internal jumper (did it on mine when I had one, dead easy). 


    The FX loop needs to be set to post-EQ, however, otherwise you are not bypassing the whole preamp and the EQ knobs will affect the sound as you describe. 

  12. 9 hours ago, moley6knipe said:

    MC6 for the win. SUCH a capable piece of kit, especially with an expression hanging off it. Love mine. 


    If you’re conceivably going to add more source audio pedals in future then my advice would be bite the bullet and get a Neuro Hub. I started with C4 and added Aftershock and Mercury and now I can make scenes with any of those and/or continue to address the C4 using CC commands. Caveat: if you add EQ2 or Ultrawave then the Hub can’t store every parameter via Hub scenes, so the Hub would only really be giving you host for those two and you’d recall presets using CC. Though, EQ2 has a MIDI in DIN so Hub not really required at all for that one.




    Or if you are just going to have the one source audio pedal, you could build a USB midi host yourself, it's surprisingly easy: 




    NB you could use your MC6 to control the Stomp as well, so you might not need the extra switcher. 


    • Like 2
  13. 17 hours ago, bassist_lewis said:

    For my mini board (Mono Lite, so basically a Pedlatrain Nano) I've mounted a Gigrig isolator underneath and I plug that into a standard 9v True Tone power supply. I'm sure that would void any warranty but I've been doing it for about 6 months and it works great.


    This would certainly work, I've been doing a version of that for years.


    A similar but cheaper way is to use a 1spot + daisy chain + two Joyo ZGPs (one on the sansamp, one on the tuner).

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