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Everything posted by Faithless

  1. Morning bump, and ANOTHER price reduction, now from 550 to [b]520 [/b]pounds!! I want it to go as fast..
  2. Don't want to hijack thread, but my 5-string Ibby SR Prestige is up for grabs, and it's damn cheap.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=94843"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=94843[/url]
  3. EDIT: it seems that the buyer has withdrawn, so Ibanez Prestige is up for grabs - and there serious price drop - from 650 to [b]550 [/b]pounds and that highest quality Ibanez stuff - Presige series!!
  4. [quote name='silddx' post='1024312' date='Nov 15 2010, 11:37 AM']I'm afraid that, to me, it's just a jazz fusion version of Porcupine Tree , as edgy as a billiard ball. Great musicians, sounds pretty, but in the end, it's a bunch of grooves to play snazzy over and show off your chops. There's no BEAUTY in it, well not me anyway. I've never heard Janek before, but from what I read of him, what he says in his columns, and his reputation, I was expecting something extraordinary.[/quote] I think I'll just use that Ignore function for the first time during my time on BC. I'm just too tired to argue with this kind of rant, when one of the most melodic bassplayers and musicians on the whole, along with other cats, is blamed for showing off chops. Don't you really think it's more than stupid to make such statements about these cats judging from 4 minute video? All I can say, is, stop talking nonsenses, go buy that album, listen to it about hundred times, and if you still think that they're showing off chops.. Then please show us music, which is really melodic.
  5. [quote name='Circle_of_Fifths' post='1024058' date='Nov 14 2010, 11:55 PM']Go here::::: [url="http://forum.ibanez.com/Default.aspx?g=forum"]http://forum.ibanez.com/Default.aspx?g=forum[/url][/quote] And what do I do there? I think it's not that kind of thing I'm looking for..
  6. Well, 600 pounds may not be a problem anymore, as I'm selling one of my basses, and getting some money in days.. And I have just spotted those Genz Benz combos - Shuttle 3.0 head with either 8 or 10" inch speaker cabinets, weighing 6/8kg accordingly.. that is crazy!! Shame is that I didn't manage to buy a used one off here with 10" speaker, so I either will be waiting for another one, or maybe buying the 8" version new.. Anyone after selling your GB combo? And, 2x12 ain't the option as I'm looking for a very portable, 1x8/10/12 combo with removable head, that could be easily carried in hand for fair distances..
  7. sh*tty years in terms of gigs, but I was doing a lot of shedding, so.. gigs will come.
  8. I suppose, Lidke's stuff with Janek was recorded in Frankurt where he's been for some studio work.. altough I'm not sure about Janek's solo.. I hear licks..
  9. This one is fast, as buyer wants to know it.. Is there some sort of Ibanez serial register (the one like Warwick has on their website), where I can type my bass serial number, and get some more info about it - what year was it made, specs, and such? any info highly appreciated Faith
  10. So there's a little promo, presenting musicians he used on his new studio album, and a bit of live music and studio footage. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to check the album! Faith
  11. Forget scales for now, they won't make sense anyway, learn the arpeggios first of all.. You can solo without any problem using only chord tones (which's the main element of arpeggios..) check out this stuff: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=98753"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=98753[/url] It keeps me having work for months now, I'm yet nowhere near end of shedding this stuff into my head and hands.. Do it in all keys. Oh, and singing also helps.. Whatever you practice, try singing along to it.. Then you can transfer it to improvisation - singing helps to get out new ideas, and helps to stay away from licks or too long phrases (because when you sing, you have to breathe which results in making natural pauses..) P.S. Mike, did you get my PM by any chance?
  12. Man, you gave us work for years with all that stuff in your site... Although I'm still shedding that II-V-I arpeggio thing for months now.. which seems to become very helpful, either when comping or soloing.. cheers Faith
  13. My lord, is there a version with 8" inch speaker??? Bassman, I suppose you've been offered a new one for that price?
  14. Tutor gave a cd to me "Itroducing Kristin Korb with Ray Brown Trio".. Well, that's mainly standards, but they contain lots of interesting ideas in terms of arrangement.. Now I typed Kristin's name on Tube, and what do we have.. That girl plays some bass and sings!! Looks like she's doing no worse than Mrs. Spalding.. or maybe even better..
  15. Did you mean free shipping [i]abroad[/i]? I'm really tempted, though I lack a few more pounds yet..
  16. Can I second Doddy on learning to read? Dots and numbers probably doesn't make any difference for you now, but, 'knowing' the dots (learning to read) will unlock you lots and lots of tuition books (most of serious stuff is written in notes, no tabs..), and you can get a gig [i]just [/i]because you can read. Isn't that convincing enough? Get a good tutor and start working. All in all, reading is one of a lot other important things to practice and learn. cheers Faith
  17. Now listen folks.. What's the cheapest and the lightest combo out there? (head and cab must have an option of being separated if needed) I want something really portable. (head + lil' cab, something around 1x10) I really dig the Ibanez Promethean thing, but, 600 pounds for new.. Or am I just too naive maybe? easy Faith
  18. Check out these: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/protec_contego_e_bass_case.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/protec_contego_e_bass_case.htm[/url] some folks have rated them high, though, I don't have one. there should be an 'igig cases' thread, where decent cases are being discussed, check it out.. edit: here it is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=104587"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=104587[/url]
  19. It's supposed to be played in tapping manner, I believe..
  20. Well, I have custom ACG Finn, which is 33' scale, filter pre, and fingerboard radius is about 16", which kinda makes it flat.. (I really doubt it that you would feel that 16"curvature..) So, if you happen to come to Lithuania by some time, you're welcome to try mine.. Seriously though, the nearest date I'm going to be in UK, is on Feb (probably), in ACG bass bash.. But then again, I think I won't be there alone with 33" scale bass.. Anyway, when my bass came, it was strung B-G (five string), and before switching to E-C (I like this tuning way more), I gave a quick play to see how that B sounds.. Man, I have to say, I can't remember hearing a 34" scale bass sounding as good as that ACG sounded with low B.. I think it's a bit of myth of that scale thing, and there are other folks who could probably prove that (Eude? ) and there's also much more comfort playing 33" thing than a regular one or, even worse, 35" thing. I played my tutor's five string Yamaha, which was 35" scale, and damnit, I hated it - my hands started aching after 10min of easy play.. bugger..
  21. For what it's worth, I'm after really tiring day, and, before going to take a cigarette a few mins ago, I thought I would just go to bed after that (no practice today), but, while smoking, I put my Mp3 player on, and listened to Janek for about three minutes.. And I think, I've been 'loaded' with energy for a few hours of shedding, with the help of his music. Oh, and I'll be doing that infamous Hanon technical exercise, that he has been slagged off for.. I'll just go and shed now. Janek is da man.
  22. [quote name='Buzz' post='1011530' date='Nov 4 2010, 02:18 AM']I think the posts might still be available if you search, but it essentially boiled down to a number of people questioning a technical exercise he was espousing and Janek's seemingly aggressive attitude towards those who were criticising it as being essentially pointless due to it not having any real link with making music (iirc it was something OTT like playing fifteen billion notes a second with your fingers). It ended in tears and a "I'm never going to post here again" post. He's posted here since though I think.[/quote] Well, I'm repeating myself once again, BUT, following that 'accident' with Janek, Basschat got some very negative image between "TalkBass'ers", and by that I mean thousands of people, who don't long on to this forum just because of that stupid accident. I respect Janek too much to believe that bullsh1t some w***ers were spilling on him, and I've probably asked him to come back here a few times by now, but we have what we have.. Or should I say - we don't have - a major player with major chops and knowledge who could probably play us all under the table.. and share some brilliant thoughts on music and it's bussiness.. By the way, I've just seen Janek's tweet: "need a speaker cabinet for a gig in Kingston on Sunday....! anyone in the area that might have something i could borrow....?!?!?! HELP! about 10 hours ago via web " Maybe anyone could help him? If so, give him a tweet/email/PM in Talkbass.. Faith
  23. Check out V Wooten's "Groove Workshop" - it's not that 'regular' DVD, but it has some wise views on music from different perspectives.
  24. Earplugs are a [i]must[/i], a [i]law[/i], it doesn't matter if you're going to gig, or to see something. In most of the gigs, even 'jazz' ones, it's way too loud. And it's way cheaper to buy a pair of ER 15's than to take a medical treatment for damaged hearing.
  25. [quote name='Doddy' post='1007529' date='Oct 31 2010, 06:32 PM']You can drop down to B if you want to. Matt Garrison and Janek Gwizdala both do this with theirs.[/quote] I've never managed to 'get' this thing. I mean, how the hell can you drop an E string 2,5 tones lower and still have it 'playable'? (it should become some sort of 'sausage', innit?) And, other thing - I barely imagine myself playing in the following tuning: B A D G C.... Am I missing something here?
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