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Everything posted by Faithless

  1. [quote name='Spoombung' post='890942' date='Jul 10 2010, 01:25 AM']Well it is a forum here - y'know, an exchange of opinions. I don't know if you're referring to me specifically, but I wouldn't (and didn't) describe them as w***ers - in fact I like Janek's palm mute style (I do a bit of that myself now and again). However, I don't like the music, the culture - the [i]jamming/grooving/funky/jazz[/i] thing that usually happens when guys with 'good chops' get together. If you follow the [i]groovy chops[/i] ideal you end up making the same music over and over again it seems. If that's what you want, well, there's plenty of it. The internet is bursting at the seams with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of near -identical Youtube trade show videos just like the one we're all talking about. So enjoy it. I'm not stopping you![/quote] No, I wasn't reffering to specifically. I was reffering more like to those few cats, [repeat] who just bump in to shout to everyone, how much they dislike it, and add some filthy jokes. I know that it's forum, but [i]how the hell[/i] does those 'empty talks' correspond to the particular thread, eh? I do go into a thread, and first of all, read through it, then, if I feel like saying/asking something sensible, I'll do so. On the other hand, I don't go into 'Funk and Groove' just to tell others, that I don't dig James Brown - I know, most folks like him, and it's cool for me - and I understand, that expressing my negative opinion won't correspond to the whole thing, that's it.. BACK ON THREAD.. [quote name='Rayman' post='891039' date='Jul 10 2010, 10:15 AM']I'm a big Janek fan as I've said, and I've seen him live a few times, and had the pleasure of bumbing in to him a few times (and his mum on one occasion?!?) and I find both he and his music a very inspiring and uplifting thing. If you listen to something like "Mana" from "Live At The 55 Bar", complete with the story of how the song was created, for me, you can't help but feel uplifted, I was humming the brass lines for weeks afterwards.[/quote] Huh, that's the very same about "Mana" for me..! One of the best tunes - I always start 'listening' to the tune, by firstly listening to the 'story' of it.. The whole "Live 55 Bar" thing seems a very [i]fresh [/i]piece of music to me - it's sooo different from "Mystery", as I now feel..
  2. What Rich said. I don't actually get people, who go into these threads just to tell, how much they don't dig MG's, Janek's or Hadrien's stuff, as if [i]we [/i]forgotten I dig Janek's, and other,as you call 'em, w***ers music, and, I know why I dig it, and somebody saying, that he doesn't like it, and not adding actual arguments, won't put me off it.. so, be cool. Now, to be back on the road, Janek is preparing to record a new album, and make some touring on Europe.. Anyone know about any possible England dates? I hope, I'll manage to make a gig for his band in Lithuania, but I'm not sure of it yet, so, I'm also thinking about other possible places to see him.. easy faith
  3. So, I string my 5er Ibanez E-C tuning, and, from the very 19 to 24 frets notes start to lack output - I have to hit them quite harder (not how I usually pick strings - [i]very [/i]gentlly..) to get the 'needed' output of those highest notes.. I don't know, if there's something to do with pickup height (raising pickup toward C string?), or it's more serious problems, like scale length + string tension?..(it's 34" Ibby, and I know, that E-C tuning is best with 33" scale..) I think, it may be the 2nd option, cuz, when playing 'open' strings, they give about the same output, let it be C or E, I don't feel the lack of sound output when playing at about first fifteen frets of C string.. Any thoughts on this? Faith
  4. 1957? I struggle to find Gil Evans name between that horde of trumpetists, and other folks..
  5. Singing was something I took from V Wooten - I firstly started singing along when practising scales, then I just try to solo, and use my voice as a guide. Singing helps not to only invent some new ideas, but also prevents you from playing too many notes - your melodic ideas become much more clearer.. Also, as stupid it sounds, singing makes you breath, and stay relaxed - it's a very important thing. I remember Janek saying, that he used to do 'relaxation' exercises - standing 'properly' on both legs, breathing steadily and trying to play some ex while trying to stay as cool and as relaxed as possible. Then you could add singing to what you playing (even a C major scale, lets say..) - and you got a cool exercise on staying relaxed when playing anything.. For those of you, who think that you 'ain't no singer', just try singing when playing to some scale, or playing a lil' solo - you may find yourself surprised..
  6. I do really like 'singing-over-improvising thing',as does Oteil Burbridge, Janek, Oli Rockberger, and other folks.. I think, singing, it's what helps to sound fresh and keep it interesting and not too 'w***y'.. J Gwizdala does it best for me in this case - just listen to him on 'Cinema Remix' - well, maybe the guy does sing a bit 'out', but, man it's just crazy how singing pushes the solo forward.. PS I would love to see Hadrien singing over soloing.. seriously.
  7. Well, what about M Garrisson - I don't [i]like [/i]his stuff, but, then, I don't think it's problem for me, nor for other folks in here [quote name='urb' post='888406' date='Jul 7 2010, 03:38 PM']Personally I think solo-istic bass-led projects are now sounding a bit dated and that a more band-focused, melody-driven way of doing things is far more the order of the day - for me melody and groove are the most important things in music - and bass solos are all very well and nice but personally speaking I'm happy with one or two a night and far happier grooving and supporting the rest of the band.[/quote] Very well said, Mike. What I do like about Janek (and I like probably everything about him..), is that his own stuff isn't a 'bass project'. For me, it's rather a plain 'music project', led by a cracking bassist/composer, surrounded by a bunch of wonderful players, that 'do their thing' rather well.. And that's, what gets his thing goin', I think.. Hey, but wattabout Tony Grey? I've heard a few words about him, but,actually, I didn't have a chance to hear a single note, of what he's playing.. He doesn't seem to get much attention here, or on TB.. Anyone can give a few words on his music?
  8. Well, speaking of Janek and Oli, it seems that Oli is songwriter himself, and I got quite 'contradictory' on him, hearing two tunes - one was perfomed at the Bassday 2008, that was quite awful for me, and there was another one called "Never Grow Up', that was performed in Rotherdam gig - amazing piece of music, for me..
  9. I'm totally cool with those terms, and use them quite a lot, I probably took 'cats, shedding and chops' from the mighty J Gwizdala.. BTW, it seems that he used to show up there, but after some git picked on him here, that incident spread on Talkbass very widely, getting BC some very negative image between American cats.. Just an observation.. and, I believe, won't ever again say 'a jazz musician' - to me, he's a 'cat', that's it
  10. I'm not trying to be offensive, but, if it's a thread about [i]nu-jazz[/i] cats and their music, maybe it isn't necessary to post James Brown videos here, is it, as it's entirely different cup of tea? It's cool about his music, but the topic isn't about him nor that style of music (classical funk, in this case, ok..) There's a great thread, 'Funk and Groove', where J Brown stuff fits very nicely, and, here, I would just leave it to discussing jazz cats stuff.. Is that fair enough, mate? easy Faith
  11. PM'ed you, dude.. Looking forward to hearing from you, as fast as possible Faith PS It's seems, that your email doesn't work - I've tried emailing you from Yahoo.com, and Yahoo engine said, that email couldn't be sent, due to tech problems about your page/email..
  12. Wayne, any chance to explain, what the heck does this mean?
  13. [quote name='funkypenguin' post='884506' date='Jul 3 2010, 03:19 AM']i was under the impression he was playing his fodera Matt Garrison on both those records, but feel free to correct me on that one. im sure im right in saying that his backline changed between recordings though[/quote] Errrr.. I don't get it. It's not the first time, actually, I hear people saying, that he's playing Matt Garrison model, but, I think, it's entirely incorrect - well, yes, it's also Fodera, and it's 33 scale, but, apart from that, as far as I know, Janek chose all the stuff for his bass on his own, and it differs very much from Garrison's bass.. So, what the heck about those two?..
  14. [quote name='benzies123' post='880909' date='Jun 29 2010, 03:12 PM']John Ellis (the nice Soprano [mostly] sax player) has some alright albums, but nothing as good as this. Jojo Meyers own stuff is just him playing live drums to drum and bass which isn't really my cup of tea, he also plays in a very cliché funky band which isn't that special. To my horror the beautiful man on keys among many other things (he's most famous for his trombone playing) doesn't have any releases that he leads and I can't find him much generally - a great shame, he's probably my favourite soloist on the album.[/quote] Hey, Benzies I was listening honestly to those two Janek's live recordings (Live 55 Bar, and Mystery To Me) I know, what you're saying about 'em, but, for me, I can't rate any of those higher - those two gigs for me are very different. "Live at 55 Bar" felt to me a bit more like-a 'jam, live' thing, while 'Mistery To Me' had more sophisticated arrangements, and is a really cracking album from arranging point of view.. What left me fairly surprised, was Janek's sound on 'Mistery To Me' - it was soooo 'Jacoish', and, I was a bit dissapointed with his 'stand out', when he played harmonics a la 'Jaco style'.. Apart from this, I'm a bit suprised, how much (in a good way) his sound changed from one gig to another ([Mystery To Me] 2004's to late 2007's [55 bar gig].. To, me, his 'today' sounding is just cracking - I wouldn't confuse it with anything else. Absolute cracker. Now, wattabout the other folks playing for Janek - in 'Mystery To Me', I just can't stop listening to 'And Another Thing' - a D'n'Bassy tune with Elliot Mason soloing on trombone (?) - that solo just makes me go into the [i]trance[/i].. I gotta agree with Benzies - he's one of the sickest soloists in the band.. (Among with Tim Miller and Oli, for me..) PS Anyone know, what bass Janek was playing on 'Mystery To Me'? and, was it 5/6 string? I hear some low notes on some tunes.. Or is it just an octaver? easy, folks Faith
  15. [quote name='voxpop' post='884061' date='Jul 2 2010, 05:34 PM']Check out a French band called Electro Deluxe.[/quote] Some very good stuff.. When I get back home, I'll tell the names of albums, that are (IMHO) most worthy to check 'em..
  16. Don't be shy to share your transcriptions here, folks..
  17. As lame as it sounds - just [i]calm down[/i], dude.. The key, I think, is to concentrate on the current work, not thinking too much (or at all) about future..
  18. Tried it sometime, brilliant instrument, for the money, absolute cracker..
  19. adding a 6th is also quite tasty.. There some chromatic tricks to do, but, then you gotta be familar with walking bass stuff..
  20. [quote name='Doddy' post='880463' date='Jun 29 2010, 12:37 AM']If you like those check out the website www.artonearth.com There are a load of Janeks live shows from the last couple of years. There is some killing stuff from '09 with Jojo Mayer on drums. (The Rotherham gig is particularly good).[/quote] I tried to buy that show from there, but, the engine said, that my card was declined (it is Visa Virtuon..) Any chance, what the heck? Yesterday I bought two albums from CDbaby.com, and it was all ok, though, I had to choose payment type - "Credit Card", though, I think, Visa Virtuon is not an actual credit card, innit? Sorry, I'm a bit lost with this card thing..
  21. today finally got both Janek Gwizdala's albums, which are live ones.. Didn't get to listen to "Mystery To Me" (2004) yet, but already went through whole "Live at 55 Bar" (2008).. The music is f*cking brilliant, nothing more to add.. For those, who dig modern jazz, it's a [i]must-have.[/i] [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='651666' date='Nov 11 2009, 05:50 PM']Excellent playing as per usual from Mr.Feraud! I can do scale based and modal runs like him, but only at about half the speed. Astounding! Never heard of the other guy, but he's very melodic when he gets going [/quote] After an intense listening to Janek, Mr.Feraud, as Doddy mentioned once, does start to seem really unmusical.. There may be10 times less notes in Janek's improvs, but, man, it [i]breathes [/i]music, as opposed to Hadrien, for me at least..
  22. I'm transcribing some Jamey Aebersold's stuff (piano solo) from the very first volume of his book.. He recorded himself soloing on Fm/Ebm/Dm progressions, and on Bb blues - there's probably about half an hour of him soloing.. What he does on those minor progressions, is just playing diatonic stuff, no 'out' notes - wonderful stuff to transcribe for anyone to catch plain ideas, of how to sound fresh, when just playing diatonic.. On blues, he also uses basic scales, he simply switches between blues and diatonic scales - also some wonderful material.. I'd recommend it for anyone - it will expand your improv ideas, and you won't need lots of different scales to keep sounding fresh.. Just remember to learn it in all possible keys
  23. Take bass. It's such unexplored instrument yet, that it's just crazy. Playing guitar is cool, it will help you in harmonical/chordal issues on bass, and you can apply lots of stuff from guitar to bass (harmonical, technical..) It's good to play few instruments - I play some EUB and piano, though, electric bass is my main thing. why EUB? Just out of interest, and, as I'm a reader, maybe because for a lil' more work, you know why piano? Cuz there isn't a better instrument to understand harmony and analize stuff, than it.
  24. Get hold of Ed Friedland's - 'Creating Walking Basslines". Or PM me I doubt, if you will learn good walking just by rushing through standards - there's a bit of basics to learn, and it will become a lot easier 'to walk' in the future.. What you first need to do, is learn 12-bar blues (jazzy one, I mean..), and Rhythm Changes.. It is a [i]must[/i], a law. That book provides those progressions, and gives a helluva lot advices, how to walk. Just don't forget to learn every exercise in all keys (Ed suggests to learn only in a few, most popular keys, bad habit..), and, believe me, you'll get that walking thing, mate
  25. I play only pizzicato, using one finger, if that makes difference.. It doesn't seem too high for me, anyway, I just need to get used to it, I think..
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