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Everything posted by Faithless

  1. That's a bit weird. It's possible that the shipment of the eBook is not automatic - it has to be approved by Joe himself, who, as I know, is very busy with his new video bass lessons site at the moment, so he might have missed your order by an accident. That book is too good to be missed, so If I were you, I'd shoot him an email to [email protected] - I'm sure he'll reply within the matter of hours or a day maybe. hang in there! Laimis
  2. If you want to learn to walk over changes in an logical, step-by-step manner, I can't recommend enough the "Walking Basslines" by Joe Hubbard - that book is everything you need to know about walking.
  3. I'd strongly suggest you think in terms of chord-tones, not scales. Chord tones are the primary notes that specify the harmony. In this way you would flesh-out all the chord tones in each position on the bass (there are five different positions for each chord, starting from the first position on the bass up to the 12 fret). After familiarizing yourself with chord-tones you would then add approach notes to those chord-tones, say, half-step below approach or h-s above the chord tone. all the best L
  4. Are you a good reader? You have to make sure that there are NO symbols in the chart you don't understand. If you have any doubt, ask a collegue - pianist, guitarist about that. What you don't want to miss is repeats, coda's, etc... Don't rely on the recording - as you've already spotted, recordings differ from the charts. You have to be able to read it on the fly, don't try to learn the score via the recording.. If you really want to get into reading (as it's a study in itself - it's not about just reading tons of dots, mind you...), check out Joe Hubbard's "Sight Reading Compendium For Electric Bass". I have seen anything that goes even near to that book on the market so far... That book won't teach you how to Do it over-night, but you might get a few good tips on reading. Take care, Laimis
  5. Thanks for the input, guys. Thing is, I'm about to sell the hardcase, so I'd have to make a discount for something that's not my fault, really. I still have the packaging, but, as the packaging is all just a bubble-wrap, you couldn't tell the damage by looking at that. The damage was done to probably the weakest spot of the hardcase.
  6. Hey guys, Yesterday I've got a bass from local BC'er Dodge_Bass (wsup, man ! ), that was shipped from UK by Fedex in a hardcase. The bass turned up being fine, while the hardcase was damaged during the transit. Here's the pic: [url="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200139716193173&set=o.209522495792938&type=1&theater"][b]Damaged Hardcase.[/b][/url] Today I've called Fedex, and they said they need a photo proof of damaged case, and an i[b]n-detail story of how that happened (how the f*** would I know how that HAPPENED?!)[/b]... The package was insured up to 1000 quid. The main thing that I'm not sure is, how this deal is gonna go next - do I have to ask Fedex to cover the price of the hardcase, or what? Secondly, do I want to give-away the hardcase for Fedex to inspect it, if they'll ask? I've never dealt with damage claims like that, so all the help would be much appreciated, Thanks Laimis
  7. Well, Feraud, according to the Mr. Jeff Berlin, is, at the moment, the cleanest & fastest player around, to which I certainly agree: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9jDF01V7DE Enjoy. And go practice L
  8. So how much, would you say, I could offer for this axe?
  9. Hey chaps, Just saw a local post from a guy who claims to have a Fender [b]Fullerton[/b] (the hell is that?) bass from 1977-1978. I'm no expert at Fender history and vintage bass prices, so could anyone help me out with an approximate value of this bass? PS What about the CBS and pre-CBS thing? I think I've read somewhere, that pre-CBS Fenders are valued higher than CBS ones, right? Here's the advert with pics: http://www.skelbiu.lt/skelbimai/77-fender-fullerton-jazz-bass-elektrine-gitara-15750680.html Thanks a lot, Laimis
  10. Acg finn singlecut 5? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/191090-fsft-acg-finn-5-singlecut-33-1099l/
  11. [quote name='TorVic' timestamp='1361716496' post='1989649'] Just wondering - is it a set neck? Can this be strung with strings EADGC? [/quote] I had that tuning on this very bass for around two years,worked perfectly.
  12. Bump. This price will last only till tomrrow,then its back o 1150quid!
  13. [quote name='Larmer' timestamp='1360699483' post='1975053'] It's been bugging me for a while now.. what's the string spacing at the bridge? [/quote] It's around 17mm at the bridge.
  14. Hey folks, I've picked-up a 2nd-hand Cort GB75. http://www.richardsguitars.co.uk/acatalog/info_GB_75_OPN.html i'm trying to convert it into a decent sounding axe, so I decided to change pups and preamp. I already ordered Aguilar OBP2 pre,but I'm not sure about which pickups I'd be hunting for. i'm looking for smth thats not really expensive, so 2nd hand market is the way to go.. This bass has A Jazz pup and a MM pup. what would you recommend? Thanks, laimis
  15. bump [b][color=#FF0000]ANNOUNCMENT:[/color][/b] [b][color=#FF0000]I'm going to UK, London on February 19th and I'll be there till 23th. I'll be bringing this bass with me, so you have a chance to either try out this bass, or actually have the bass shipped for FREE! (which results in overall price reduction )[/color][/b]
  16. Exactly, thanks for the clarification, GreeneKing. At the end, I don't want to argue with anyone about how 'much' Garrison my bass has, but this ACG was built with the idea of Garrison's Fodera, so if anyone want to check 'garrisonish/gwizdalish' type of bass, for a really sensible price, this ACG is the one. PS Yesterday I got a chance to do a gig on my friends Lakland 55-01 - and I really liked this axe, so it's added into trade list. thanks L
  17. It's kinda weird why people are getting confused with this Garrison thing, as it's been discussed in here - this particular bass was modded according to Garrison's famous Imperial Fodera - Walnut body, singlecut construction,33" scale, 26 frets , 5 string, ramp. I firmly believe there are enough reasons to add this 'Garrison thing' to the advert. Can I? thanks L
  18. humpty bumpty, price goes down!
  19. Faithless


    So how much ACTUALLY this Promethean P3310 thing weighs? Thomann says it's 12kg (which is acceptable), but official Ibanez site says 37.4lbs = ~17kg!!! thanks Laimis
  20. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1352497634' post='1864006'] "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]really famous pop artist, and my trombone player brings me a sheet"[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Really!? - I don't think a trombone has been heard in the charts for 40+ years. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Who's the really famous pop artist - you can say... this is not a national security issue.[/font][/color] [/quote] Yeah, really. I've played for world-renowned TV music show, called "The Voice Of..." and show rules require having 15 member Live band with full horn-section, that's where your trombone comes in. As for the artist - no, they're not local Lithuanian guys.. Those guys are famous word-wide, and they're called "Fools Garden". The song that I've done (besides doing premiere of their newest single "Innocence") was "Lemon Tree" (and I bet you know it), which originally had tuba doing bass thing, and trombone's sound,doubled with electric bass, could emulate it best. Now you're cool, buddy?
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