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Everything posted by Faithless
Hey, what the funk? Tonight we've been recording drummer's parts (for an upcoming album bla bla...), and I was straight DI'ed to desk from my Line6 XT Live.. The interesting thing is, that when I'm DI'ed, Volume Pedal doesn't 'cut' the guitar's sound (if I'm playing it, naturally..),even if it's brought down fully (minimum Pedal's Volume is set to zero, of course..).. Only when I turn the guitar's knob off, then it's silent... What should I do to cope with this?
5-string... Meow. :wub:
Ah, I've tried GK patch on last night's practise, and, gotta say, I liked it pretty much...
So, fellow POD XT owners, what are your favourite amp/head and cabinet models? Maybe have some 'pearly' combinations? C'mon, share 'em here! My currently favourite is Hiwatt head with 4x10 Hiwatt amp, which I use with my Ibanez GSR for some crunchy, heavy sound... But I can't find anything 'warm'..
[quote name='Rayman' post='320730' date='Nov 3 2008, 12:16 PM']Trevor Horn, yes. Fingers, pick, flats, rounds, blah blah...........whatever technique anyone has, if it sounds great, then they're doing it right, and that sounds great. Trev's a talented chap.[/quote] +1... And, Clarky, yes, it was sorta response to your post, but I didn't wanna act rude, only joking in some say, so... Cheers, mate Faith.
Can anyone help me identify this? 87' Ibanez, bought in USA... [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/kerevicius/Telefonas#"]http://picasaweb.google.com/kerevicius/Telefonas#[/url]
Camilo's trio is so much more interesting to listen... That's what I'm doing now.
[i]Load[/i] of tunes... Though I'm newbie into jazz (transcribies aren't by me, by the way.. ), so, I don't know, what could be really [i]interesting[/i].. Say tunes (form would be good also - Blues, or AABA, etc..), and I'll look for them..
I've looked through my pile of standart transcribies, don't have it, sorry...
Sounds interesting, but it [i]really[/i] ain't that sort of sound, which you couldn't get without a p[r]ick... 1:1, Clarky? Cheers
Despite not talking about the same problem, that I actually have, I wanted to ask, what the [i]real[/i] purpose of sight-reading[if you know, what I mean], so... Should I take quite fair amount of material, and play it as i'm reading it over and over, ooooooor, should I take a small 'picture', do it till perfectly [in memory, timing, positioning cases..] and only then go on to another...? Sorry, if this sounded stupid, but I just want to make sure.. The variant I'm currently doing is second one, btw, buuut, then again, why I'm doubting, is because it's called [i]Sight[/i]-reading..
"...[i] [size=5]the NS-30K BC that will utilize what is believed[b] to be the oldest wood ever used[/b] in the construction of a musical instrument...[/size][/i]" That's a lie! We had one of these, let's say, fairy-tales here... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12589&hl=35,000+old"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;hl=35,000+old[/url]
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgLPunVhToo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgLPunVhToo[/url] Nice song and lovely bass solo on 1:31... Gotta nail this one... Enjoy. And, BTW, who's the bassist out there?
Hello, I'm Victor Wooten, errr, well, actually lacking 56% of [i]him[/i], but, hey, relax, I'm playing only for two years...
" The URL contained a malformed video ID. " What does [i]that [/i]suppose to mean?...
What about [i]The Thing's[/i] lasting... That girl [main person...] was participating in one of most popular reality-shows [music/singing stuff..] country-wide.. She didn't win it, but, made a quite good appearance in the whole thing.. Voice ain't bad too. She's let one [i]single[/i] yet.. Seems quite popular in local-level. In other words, has not bad potentiality, in my eyes.. Here are few shows of her, for you, mates, to judge.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw0tmuG_9ys...feature=related"]Funky[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3xaBuzeJ14...feature=related"]Lyric[/url] Sorry, they're both phonograms, but, for the-big-picture... BTW, don't say, I haven't warned ya - texts are in Lithuanian...
Before everything - this is a bit of not-short-story, but, I hope, you, guys, will help me.. Sooo, I've just spotted an advertisment in my local forum, 'looking' for a pop/funk/rock bassist (actually only funky pop... i can tell that because of songs i've listened to ... ), which could help in playing gigs, and, get a part of 'profit' of this, too... Before [i]this[/i], I was (and, actually [i]am[/i]) playing in two bands, one is - Metallica coverband, other (which's actually two piece..) is modern metal , and, in other band-name, pop/rock covers band... I've actually got a bit fed up of playing only heavy music (we don't do pop/rock cover-gigs presently..due to vocalist-related problems), and, also, I like funky/poppy music very much [esp playing Jamiroquai's and stuff ], so, would like to try myself in... And, of course, get some decent money.. (BTW, I'm going to leave 'Tallica coverband, if I join, so, I'll get some more proper free-time..) So, that was the [i]good[/i] side of things. The 'worse' would be - I'm living in other city - ~63 miles from band-home... Well, this isn't actually that bad, as I'm getting a car before long, and travelling to capital [band's studio..] is about only an hour... Worse 'thingie' is, that I'm high-school graduate. I'm not 'struggling' there, but, you know... And, playing in other city wouldn't be such a problem to me, as it'd be to my parents.. School-related stuff.. The 3rd thing [dunno, if it'd should be on good or bad side..] - my experience is about 2 years. I've got some great exp in summer, when I joined that two-piece band, but still... Well, what I wanted to say about experience - I've never been in 'television' scenes [where you can't actually do mistakes and stuff...], and I've never done anything related to creating funky bass lines.. Oh, they said, that [i]most[/i] of material is done, but still, I'm a bit unwarranted of myself... At last, I'd go in 'playing funky/poppy' band related thingies sooner, or later, buuuuuuuuut... It's not bad chance at last, though, I'm not sure, if I should do this now... Finally, [i]The Big Question[/i] goes in... Dunno, if it sounds stupid, but, what do, ya, guys, think of it? [b]Should I go for it?..[/b]
Interesting tone... His fingerstyle sounds a bit 'slappy' in some way sometimes... Though, I've actually [b]got[/b] a bit tired, when watching that vid... maybe it's just me. who cares.
[quote name='Buzz' post='313044' date='Oct 23 2008, 05:46 PM']Nice to see he's using another instrument, hopefully he sounds better with a Rick compared to that 5 string he's got, which sounds dire whenever I hear it.[/quote] You kno', the thing about his basses... When I was in Riga's gig this year, I couldn't actually tell sound difference between his instruments... And I can't tell it, when watchin' vids also... Dunno, if it's his wish,, amp or somethin' else, but, he has that [i]one[/i] 'Truheeo' tone, no matter what bass he's jerkin' at that time... BTW, Josh, I don't think Rob will 'tribute' Cliff in their new album presentation tour... What for, at last? P.S., I couldn't understand clearly [because of my poor English], but, is someone's thinkin' that photo is a 'fake' ar what? If yes, then visit MetOnTour.com, and you can see gig photos there
[url="http://img397.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rickuo3.png"][/url][url="http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php"][/url] Watcha here! Dunno, if it's real, or copy, but it seems like Rick! He started to use it in this, 'coming-up' North America tour...
Antipops Festival here, coming weekend, in Kaunas... My faves... [b]Aces of Paradise[/b] [my current teacher's band - and they're my fave.. love 'em to death!] lithuanian Iron Maiden, check 'em out! (here's [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJOm_4ZG3y4"]opening song[/url], and [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnNk1K1D-VM"]instrumental[/url]) [b]SoundArcade[/b] [Latvian progressive/psychedelic rock team], [url="http://www.myspace.com/soundarcade"]check 'em out[/url]!
To be honest, I also had sorta suspicion, that bass felt a bit *too perfect* in that gig... Though, I can't comment more, and, as I know zero about this, and Nick can't be sloppy on bass, can he?...
Umm, I meant, originally played by the band itself, not by the bass player only... For sure, I know, it's Stu's bassy-line