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Everything posted by Faithless

  1. As I've mentioned somewhere there before, I [i]wouldn't [/i]want a bass with [i]slightly[/i] different feel, for eg., fat-necky or somethin.. Why I'm asking for opinions - that's because I [i]maaay[/i] be looking at what EvilBay has, cuz, here, in Lithuania, it's hard even to find a seller, I'm not even talking about what bass he'd be selling...
  2. Nobody?...
  3. So, as I'm in two bands, and I gotta play in different tunings, I'm in urgent need of second bass.. I'm mainly looking after used-one, cuz my cash is about 150-200 quid, and, all in all, I do not see any meaning in buying a New one.. So, I'm playing mainly rock, but I'm also a bit after funk and other groovy/soft stuff, so, what I need is versalite [active], 5-string, thin-necky bass. I have Ibanez SR Prestige as my main bass, and I wouldn't want, that my upcoming bass'd have slightly different feeling [for eg., if'd take Yamaha or Warwick...] I mentioned only three brands, cuz they came up to my mind first, but other suggestions are also welcome... But, if talking about those 3, I know, how Ibby[i] feels[/i], more or less[ I play it, at least, hehe..]; I've tried few Warwicks in shop [RockBass and Streamer SS], and, never head serious 'relationships' with Yamaha. So, anyone could help me there?
  4. Well, sometimes, when I gotta play in non-earthed area, I'm trying to kill that 'hiss', coming from the amp, but, then, I realised, that my sound sustain is quite short... My current settings on Gate are: [Thresh]- -50dB; [Decay]- 20%... Think, I'd tweak 'em, right?..
  5. Umm... Well, you can see those two "[i]Gate[/i]" knobs on the right in the panel, when you, for eg., are trying to adjust "front panel" [i]compressor's[/i] amount, dig it, mate? So, that "[i]Gate[/i]" has two parameters, one is "[i]Threshold[/i]", the other is "[i]Decay[/i]". I'm curious, how the last one is working with '[i]thresh[/i]'...
  6. Well, I do not have problems at all with my 'muting' fingers so far.. What about 'deathy' metal - most of players use a pick [shame, isn't it? ], but, if I'd do 'deathy', I'd defo go for 3-finger tech with 'rest stroke system' instead of 2 + 'Jaco syst..' ... Just make sure, you do decent flowing, strength, and control outta them..
  7. Other questy about Line6.. So, we got "Noise Gate" on the front panel, and I was curious, how the parameter "Decay" is working there? Couldn't figure out myself... Ped?
  8. So, I got my first gig with my new cover-band, in capital's local pub. Sound-engineer was quite friendly guy, who knew his work, so we done our soundcheck fast enough, and then went for a pint of beer. Done two sets, songs by AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Faith No More, to name a few.. The first was a bit sh1tty for me in few songs, but the other was quite good. Bandmates weren't very satisfied of our all playing generally, but, sound-guy, and our friends said it was awesome, so, we hope, we'll get daily playing opportunity there in time... I was back home only about 05:30, so, I'm quite dead now, and sad of my mistakes, but, hey, that's my first gig with 'em..
  9. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='247570' date='Jul 25 2008, 11:48 AM']faith no more, particularly king for a day fool for a life time, some cracking tracks on there.[/quote] Dunno, if most of Faith's basslines are like that, but, check out their 'acoustic' song Easy. A bit of groovy bassline there! Cheers, Mike Faith.
  10. And, what does it say then, mate?.. Btw, while eating, I've watched a bit of Bass Extremes with Bailey and Wooten - there's some masterclass bass playing there, I gotta say.. And, that playing has some soul, too! Anyone's into that stuff maybe?
  11. [quote name='The Funk' post='246576' date='Jul 24 2008, 06:44 AM']I think Jeff Berlin has missed the point [i]completely[/i]. Noone is discouraging people from reading music by stressing the importance of groove. In the same way that learning how to groove will not teach you how to read music, reading music will never teach you how to groove. Everyone shou...[/quote] That's exactly about my opinion there..
  12. I've simply checked Steve's site, and [url="http://www.stevebaileybass.com/"]THAT's[/url], what I've found out there. And the other part is in Victor Wooten's [url="http://www.victorwooten.com/"]site[/url]. But, I just wanted to ask - what the [i]funk[/i] Mr. Berlin wanted to say? All I know about him, that he played with Jaco, and that his [Jeff's] music sucks. In my personal opinion, of course...
  13. So, today I had two rehearsals with two bands, that means, one by Laney, and the other by Trace.. I thought, I was quite happy about Laney's sound through Line6( no 'simulated' amp, only compression..), but, when I plugged Line6 into Trace (pure sound was better than Laney, of course..), aaaaaand, tried using John Myung clean Yamaha sound-patch (imitation, with a bit of my bass EQ'uaqing) - I thought, I could start crying because of the prettiness, it was giving me..! Zingy, punchy, warm... no, Hot! Tomorrow I'll try that patch through my Laney - maybe 'he' will take it.. Sorry for flim-fams, but, it was probably the first time in my bass-life, I was so satisfied with my sound... Cheers everyone, I'm going to get some sleep.. Faith
  14. Plugged all the time (when practising, that is..) I think, it's 'deadly' bad practising without amp'ing, cuz you can't hear some 'little thingies and chops' sometimes, no matter how quite the territory, you're in, and your ears and 'feeling' good, is. You've asked, you've said - it's [i]ELECTRIC[/i] Bass, at last, so, it needs some 'electra', doesn't it?
  15. Ah, I've tried playing with EQ.. I ain't using any of 'Bass' there, only Mids with high frequency(hmm, lets say, more like High Mids..) and a bunch of Treble. After sorting problem with Gain, it doesn't seem so bad now, though I'd still like a bit harsher and more-particular tone.. We'll see how it goes on stage on Saturday... Playin' 3 sets with two bands there, so, I'll HAVE to find da tone..
  16. Thanks for help guys, I've checked Gain during rehearsal - I thought that the Level knob in the front of Line6 was more about volume, not about gain, so, that, were the big problem was - it was practically full on, and amp's, gain was between 4 and 5, if I remember correctly... Fixed 'em both, so, it now seems OK. But the amp is still a bit too 'low-boomy' for me on flat EQ.. Dunno, maybe it's room's prob... Thanks again! Cheers, Faith.
  17. What the hell 'double' compressing is needed for, huh?..
  18. [i][b]Once[/b][/i] ... Glen Hansard and The Frames; Marketa Irglova ...
  19. [quote name='Mokl' post='237294' date='Jul 11 2008, 03:29 PM']This amp shouldn't really sound like this. You've probably tried this already, but have you checked the input gain isn't too high?[/quote] and how could I do that?..
  20. Back from shop.. Well, maybe i made a mistake in some way, that, before going there, this morning I 'washed' bass strings with string cleaner... Nevertheless, I don't think, it could have had critical importance, as I'm cleaning them with a bit of water quite oftenly.. So, Laney-one in the shop sounded quite ok, runned with EQ flat, I couldn't hear that damn 'overload'. What about compression, Galillee, I've tried MY Laney runned through Line6 (not much of compression), and without it - it's practically the same, so, problem's not in comp, I think. I'm playing with two gu1tards, that REALLY like a lotta sound, no matter, how much I'm telling them, it's not good, so, shop assistant mentioned, that my speaker (or dynamic, dunno really, how to call it) could have 'went out' because of too loud playing, or due to transporting ( bumps, and so on..). So, maaaybe, it's because of Volume levels.. Then it needs repairing, but, daamn, gig's in other weekend, and I really doubt, if I'll have time bringing it to shop for repairing and stuff..
  21. I'm just back from rehearsal... Our rehearsing room is not traditionally 'prepared' for music, i mean, no wall 'carpeting', and stuff, but I can clearly state, problem's not here - that foking sound is coming from the amp... To start with, my bass is active, Ibazzy SR Prestige, runned through Line6 POD XT Live, and this thing is plugged straight into amp's front. [not FX Return or somethin'...] Here's that [url="http://www.bass-amps.com/images/store/small/HS_RB8.gif"]Laney[/url].. In my other band's studio I'm using [url="http://img.deremate.com.ar/user/images/1425/14258112.jpg"]Trace Elliot Commando15[/url], and that's the one, I can compare a bit with... So, today I realised that my clear tone ( I mean, EQ flat, plugged straight into amp, pure tone..) is 'covered' by some bassy overload, if you know, what I mean... Sound is not waving, simply a bit too much 'bassy' fuzzed.. Strings are new enough, cables are good, bass is awesome - running it through Trace, that I mentioned, proves it very well - warm, punchy sound with no 'too much bassy-fuzzy' cover... After a bit listening to my Laney, i can still 'hear' that TRUE tone, but he's somewhere deeply covered by that sh1t, i mentioned... The problem is, I simply do not know, how to wrest out that unwanted tone 'cover' out of my Laney.. I'm having a gig in other weekend, and I think, I'll be bringing Trace, but I gotta sort that sh1te with Laney.. Can anyone tell me, at least - is that Laney a true sh1t, or am I doing something bad? [not playing with 7-band EQ or somethin..] P.S. Tomorrow I'm heading to the shop to try another one RB8, and then maybe I'll put mt Laney with Trace together, to compare the sound, but.. I don't expect anything Big, somehow. So, any Laney experts here?
  22. It's not cheap, actually, his price is just about the Ibby...
  23. Faithless


    So, I gotta help for a friend, bass-playing-beginner, to choose the very first bass.. He says, he's a bit more after jazz/funk music. Because of low bass-assortment here, in Lithuania; due to waiting for 'booked' instrument from for about three to ten months, we're choosing between [url="http://www.ibanez.co.jp/world/country/frame_lithuania.html"]Ibanez BTB670[/url] and [url="http://www.fret-king.com/perception4_b.html"]Fret-King Perception[/url]... Any recommendations about these? Fret-King claims to be ex-Vintage craftsman's mark - it's not popular at all for now (re-selling problems..), and is quite 'young' in bass-making industry ( there are only 4 basses to choose from Fret-King..) So, these circumstances are getting me away from it a bit, but I gotta try him in shop tomorrow first... Ibanez is a bit 'clearer' to me, as I'm playing one, but, on the other side, never had any intimate relations with BTB either(tomorrow's the first time ), so waitin' for opinions, also.. Cheers Faith
  24. I forgive. Both of you. And thanks for info, Ped, I'll try it properly tomorrow! I'm gonna have a few questies later, so, I'll keep it updated here.. Cheers, guys Faith
  25. Ah, finally I've figured it out myself (didn't do all those 'tricky' licks..), but added some 'secondary' notes, octaves, a bit of groove, and here we go..! Thanks for your help anyway, mate! Btw, everyone, check this song's bassline - it super-de-licious
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