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Everything posted by Faithless

  1. Just after the gig with friends' Alternative-Metal band. Public took it very nicely, but, as it was our first [i]real[/i] gig, we messed up a lotta times, sound was quite horrible too (until gu*itarist's string broke and soundman could do some changes). We did 8 Metallica covers, 1 from Pantera and another one from Kiss. I dunno what happened to me, but my thumb was simply falling off from the string at the very beginning, it simply felt like I took my bass after a month... Though I haven't got a free day from rehearsals since the last week.. And practised before the gig any moment I got... General-rehearsal was quite good too. Well, things happen, but I'm so dissappointed about our playing. Still, major public appreciated our playing, 'drive', and energy ( as they said) very much, so this makes things a lil bit better. I'm sooo ashamed after all
  2. Faithless

    POD X3 Live

    Nooo, man, it's even worse... How do They call it? Gu*tar?
  3. Same sh1t with me, guys, got a gig next week, and teacher will only (probably) lend processor tommorow, and, against playing-improving material-and-sh1tty-singing odds, I'm DESPERATE to find as much similar sound, as I can. The last time I've asked for the "wtf this effect is" people said it's BassBalls. I need somethin' like that on goddamn GT-6B... Playing Rob Trujillo's solo from For Whom The Bell Tolls of Metallica. Solo's here: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AetZXksLdJk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AetZXksLdJk[/url] Help me, guys, I beg you
  4. Wherever I may roam... Ok, right side for me ( from audience's prospective) most times... Trying to negotiate with drummer as much as I... want. Ok, and can. It's kinda rule, but, umm, what should I do when I try talking to the audience ??? ( because the frontman is good at singing, but making sensible/funny phrases is just not for his mouth... What do ya guys do,if ya need that? Kick frontman's a s s ?
  5. Hey, it looks like there is no 'sampler' on the Line6 XT thing, isn't it? Damn, that thing exists on GT-6B, so I wasn't hoping for trick like this on Line6 one, especially when it's competitive model ... So, dunno what to do now... How do you struggle with this, guys? Using what?
  6. Well, actually, I'm not after trying to 'copy' his tone, I'm more interested about that crunch's derivation...
  7. Oh, bro, I know Tallica's stuff very well, concerts ain't no exeption, especially that 2006 Rock Am Ring - thing
  8. So, Mr. Rob Trujillo of Metallica... When he started playin' with 'em, I was shocked- amazed - wonder-strucked about his tone... Rob's using Fernandes/MusicMan/ZON bass guitars. Prefers Fernandes most. song: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBVC6joYH9o&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBVC6joYH9o...feature=related[/url] solo: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SARo3wgGnw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SARo3wgGnw[/url] That's a few examples. It looks his tone is hell sharp, but it's so punchy and heavy at the time, when playing with guitars altogether... Dunno, if he uses sort of OD or something, but it's killer tone, and I'm desperate to find mine as near to Rob's as possible.. Getting Line6 POD XT in weeks, so maybe this one will help me a bit. The only "something about it" tone I get, when I push-jerk strings heavyly, but it would be no good in consistent playing Any ideas about his tone, guys? And, please, no crappie-talks about his mimes and performance particularities... Thanks
  9. [quote name='chris_b' post='149288' date='Mar 1 2008, 04:08 AM']I had a problem with the 35" scale until I stopped trying to reach the notes by stretching and started moving my hand to get my fingers to the right place. I wouldn't go back to a 34" scale now.[/quote] Is 35'er way different from 34? I mean, is it way harder when trying to "expanse" left hand, especially on first five frets? I'm quite good at expansing my hand on 34er, but it's still a bit of struggle, for example, when trying to play Master of Puppets 1st riff clearly and at SPEED... Killer one What about moving onto 5-stringer, I'd strongly suggest Steve Bailey's 5-string Bass School. It does exist in .pdf format, so, if you can't find it, give me a word, I'll upload it somewhere.
  10. Hi guys I'm also looking after that Line6 POD XT Live, and a person is going to San Marino next week, so, as my local shop said there's no Line6's available in 'their' stock, I'm thinking about 'taking' one from San Marino. They have huge shop there, but,as it just should have happened right now, their site is down, they don't answer e-mails, nothing ( my bandmate said me this, cuz he was looking for case for his g*itar)... So I'm urgent to know about the prices that are coming along with Line6 products ( processor, in this case) in Europe, to be precise, in San Marino, at least approximation would be helpful... The only thing, I hope, it isn't that far different from about 250 pounds... I've seen shop assistant taking a look at his price list - there was 257 pounds.. Lithuania's in European Union, San Marino's too, so, no big probs about taxes, yes, guys? Advice about price and thingies would be very appreciated! I have to give the guy a call this evening!
  11. For some rocky sh1t definetly [url="http://img516.imageshack.us/my.php?image=roberttrujillo1mw0.jpg"][/url] The thing is, it's probably the only Rob's bass, that I don't know, Whose is it, i mean MusicMan, Zon or Fernandes... I somehow believe it's an Zon one, cuz, look at the pups... No? I'd also like to try Jason's Sadowsky M5 five-string-thing, could I, please?...
  12. Well I can't disagree with the Great Three company, as I've not tried those, but there some good basses out there in that range, I'm using one too, as suggestin' one,so... Cheers
  13. Well, I'm just back after some gig - Guadalajara (ska rock) from Austria was here in Kaunas, by the way.. Fun thing is, that I've seen this J/MM Sandberg for the first time today, and, bang, same evening a bassist uses 4string one on the stage! It wasn't bad at all, sound, I mean - bass was ran through an Ampeg one, no compressor though, but then again, it was ok, maybe a lil more punchyness wanted.. I got a nice chat with bassist after the gig, he was pretty cool guy by the way, simply very easy to communicate with. So he told, as he doesn't like Fender ( he had few of them - J and P...) he wanted to try Sandberg, and it fitted for him veryyy much. J/MM pickups are very versalite, he mentioned, there's just a bit of playing with bass eq, that's all. All in all, if run'ed through good compressor, I think, that's a good one bassy thing. I liked it, he liked it, so +2, eh?
  14. You know, Cliff used Aria and Rickenbacker, and Mr. Jason Newsted was that who used M5-24 Sadowsky ( you can see it on S&M Master of Puppets, for example) and it's damn good sounding bass, by the way. Well, as you're not that experienced bass player, I'd not suggest you M5-24 - better look at semi-priced bass range for now. And, goddamit, don't take the bass if you don't like - whether it'd be Black or Orange... And, P-Bass, I think, wouldn't be the best choice for getting Tallica's sound. My advice would be to take 'rocky' bass but not to try follow after Cliff or somebody else - make your own sound, which you like - it's you, who's playing Metallica's tunes, not Cliff, right, dude? Take a look for some Ibanez, or other rocky stuff. And, if you got oppurtunity to jam with some other people - do it, playing with other people is the key, and maybe it's the thing, that'd help you to take bass studies more serious. Btw, that bass/guitar duolo is great, not hard, but the main mind is very nice - it's from live Cunning Stunts at Texas, 1997. Nice to meet people who love Tallica's stuff
  15. If ya got about 700 pounds, then I'd proudly suggest you Ibanez SR Prestige series. Damn huge output, great low B, veeery wide Mid Freq.
  16. Done it. 'll try later, if it'll work with other e-mails. Keep it goin' guys Cheers, dude, keep it bassy
  17. Dunno, if ya already seen this, but...: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB7c3OsZHNE&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB7c3OsZHNE...feature=related[/url]
  18. God, the red one is sexy
  19. It looks like, it might exactly be 35,000 years old without doing chemical analysis, and even using most advanced methods the error can be approximately 10,000 years. The other thing, no one really knows what conditions that wood lived by.. Ah, there's also an opportunity to find out the age checking soil's layer where the wood was found in... But, they're simply rough raves...
  20. [url="http://www.americanguitarboutique.com/bass_detail_objectname_BG_Langcaster_5_String.aspx"]http://www.americanguitarboutique.com/bass...r_5_String.aspx[/url] Looks like guys used 35k year old wood for makin' this bass How's that for ya?
  21. Does it mean (GT-10B's coming out) that GT-6's price will go down?
  22. I don't simply like the look of those axe-shaped basses, but, even if I would like em, the cut by the neck is horrible.. I mean, it's a true pain to access "high" things of this gu*tar.
  23. I can also add Dave La Rue. But... me myself uses Tony's Oppenheim's slap school for now. I didn't get far on that, cuz I've started slappin' on 5string, that means it a lil bit harder to produce 'clean' slap ( for me, of course...) and decided to change my technique from the trad slap to double thumbing. We'll see how it goes
  24. From Harmony Central forum: [url="http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nammandinterseedtrip200ji4.jpg"][/url] [url="http://img530.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nammandinterseedtrip200ob7.jpg"][/url]
  25. Well, I've heard they are only making guitars for their own, Japan-inside-only market. If you still want 'em, you gotta make the order to the factory for about 10,000$, i believe.
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