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Everything posted by Faithless

  1. Although hanging-out (which involves quite a bit of drinking, of course) with other musos is a big thing in getting connections/gigs (esp in pop scene), but even before starting my career (I'm a freelance player) I was a complete abstainer and I simply refuse to drink any sort of alco (guys in the band use to joke that they hire me, because I pass them all free beers that we're getting on gigs ), and while I'm taken a bit of a stranger sometimes, it didn't stop me from getting job, so why would I?. easy L
  2. Was that so bad, guys? I thought that the girl was pretty good - and that boy can sing, pity he was so drunk (he was also pretty drunk during Blind Auditions too - he favors booze, you know..) I really liked the Bocelli one, but when that girl tuned in (well she's 16 and she literally took it for a fight,as you've heard) it was just awful. Don't worry though, the next show will feature some kickass duets, I'll keep you posted, peeps easy L
  3. Hey Jake, The thing with vocals on MJ track is that the guy is one of the baddest singers out there in Lithuania, but he was overly drunk before the filming, that's why he sounded so bad. As for synth, well, MD didn't ask me to play that riff, which is actually played on synth, and the bottom end bassline on the record sounded just like a regular bass. Would you say synth would have worked better? There will be at least one tune this Sunday, where I'm doing synth - I bet you'll enjoy that one ,dude easy L
  4. Hey peeps, "The Voice Of... Lithuania", Battle Shows have already been aired on TV last Sunday, you can check out a few clips: [b]MJ - The Way You Make Me Feel:[/b] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=j0heDem-6ho [b]A. Bocelli & Ch. Aguilera - Somos Novios[/b] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0askeUu2vM4[/media]
  5. Well, Genz Benz is probably the best bet out there (lightest gear in industry) if you're looking for something portable enough to carry on the bus/subway and stay loud at gigs. Of course you'd like a bigger ext cab for bigger gigs - I'm using TC Electronic 1x12 for the full buzz - you can't imagine how much ooomph this little box carries, man, ! I'm sure many guys in here would second that. I'll also see what I can do ,maybe I'll just sell the combo locally and buy either the whole combo of yours or the cab only, as the head seems a bit to heavy to carry each day to and from rehearsals,. I'll let you know easy L
  6. I'd be interested in this, but you'd have to wait for around two weeks..... Could you find out the approx postage costs to Lithuania? I also have a Genz Benz Shuttle 3T10 combo for offer, if that's what you need (super small and portable & MEGA loud). Maybe we could work out something + cash your way? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/163813-feeler-genz-benz-shuttle-3t10-combo-fsft/"]http://basschat.co.u...t10-combo-fsft/[/url] easy L
  7. I know that our fellow member Joe Hubbard must have been playing in Roscoe and Aguilar booths - anyone got a chance to see him?
  8. I know I must be getting a lil' bit tiring on this, but are you [i]really[/i] familiar with the diminished chord both vertically and horizontally? If so, a cool idea is to practice some chromatic approaches (like single/above approach) to the chord tones and writing out some minor II V I lines, and organize the line so that you connect the chord tones as follows: starting with m7b5,connect it's 7th degree with 3rd of diminshed and the the b9 (the root of diminished) with the 5 of the I chord (minor-Major7) - scales may also be freely included into the lines, but you wanna end up connecting the chord using mentioned chord-tones - you may come up with some cool stuff, bro! The idea behind this, is that, in my opinion, writing out lines (and, not doing it on bass, but, on piano, for instance) is one of the best ways to get out off licks and patterns that you're used to. easy L
  9. Hey guys, Just got a dep to do Whitney Houston Tribute gig next week, and there are 10 tunes I don't know - I don't mind transcribing them, but I thought maybe someone has the dots for some of these tunes, so that some time would be saved.. The list is below, Thanks Laimis [b]1. W.H. "How Will I Know" 2. W.H. "I Didn't Know My Own Strength" 3. W.H. "I Have Nothing" 4. W.H. “I Look To You” 5. W.H. “If I Told You That” 6. W.H. "I'm Every Woman" 7. W.H. "My Love Is Your Love" 8. W.H. "So Emotional" 9. W.H. "Step By Step" 10. W.H. "Why Does It Hurt So Bad" [/b]
  10. Any interest to Genz Benz 3T10 Combo? I really want to get one of these LM3.
  11. Well, from what I've heard in McBride's playing (I've seen him live doubling on fretless bass and double bass), he has some monsterous chops on electric (he's primarily a double bassist, isn't he?), so, yeah, there are guys who can really play on both, but when we're talking about Johnny P, Broomberg and McBride, we're talking about the top guys, and they're real minority out there - most of 'regular' bassists-doublers I tend to see have slightly different level of command on their primary and secondary instruments.
  12. It's all about knowing your axe - if you're not required to use something you know on a gig, it does not mean it was not worth to spend time on it. If you need more obvious example - my teacher told me about Pat Metheny's instrument knowledge - Pat knows his axe so well that he can solo in only open position and make it sound good. The same goes with soloing using only one string for him.
  13. While I agree it doesnt hurt to double (although I prefer doubling on electric+synth bass) on double bass, what I've noticed in quite a few players that do this sort of thing, is that they're pretty average (or sometimes even awful) [b]second [/b]instrument players (let's say you're primarily a double bassist). It drives me nuts seeing double bassists playing an electric, and trying to stick in open position (bad), using a 1-4-5 left hand fingering (worse), or trying to make electric bass' sound as it is a double bass (worst). I thinkit's mainly because people don't really spend enough time on [i]secondary [/i]instrument, and this is especially noticeable among bassists, because of one paradox: electric and double basses carry exactly the same role in music, but they're can't be more different when it comes to approach them technically and sound-wise. I've tried to learn double-bass, but after a few months I realised how much work it would take (and I ain't afraid of hard-work) to get it to the level where I would like it; and at the same time I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoy playing electric or synth bass. At the end, you can always dial out that double-bassy tone on synth, that's what I'd do if required easy L
  14. Man, I've found on about this guy only a few weeks ago - I've stumbled upon this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9ZvrzCIekM I love this tune, but this interplay was just out of control...
  15. Thanks for the input, guys... Though I've never found myself needing a Chorus or Drive/Distortion/Fuss kind of thing, I think I'll go for some sort of DI/preamp, like Sansamp, or maybe [SFX]. I've got one suggestion from Jake Brown, and I wondered why didnt nobody mention SFX Thumpinator? I'm dying to order one (as they come up for sale VERY rarely), so I've got two things to sort out in total. Thanks! Laimis
  16. Hey guys, I've just got myself a <really huge> PedalTrain SC2 Pedalboard, and I'm thinking how to fill it with pedals.... The thing is that I'm a freelance bassplayer, and I wanted to get myself a pedalboard with 'must-have' pedals. I already have these: [b]Volume Pedal;[/b] [b]Line Selector (for switching between bass and synth)[/b] [b]EBS Octaver (for having the "B string" at my command)[/b] [b]Boss TU-2 Tuner;[/b] I'm thinking of getting a [b]compressor[/b], but.... That's about the last important pedal I can think of... Have I missed something? Mind you, I don't need any 'flashy' or specific effect pedals like distortions, flangers, choruses, synths (as I play a real synth bass keyboard) or anything like that.. I'm waiting for your suggestions on this, guys Doh, I honestly think I've got myself a too big pedalboard... easy L
  17. you get that information into your ears and fingers by [b]practicing [/b]it extensively, not by listening to a play-along recording. There are hundreds of playalong tracks made by different tuition services, like Aebersold, so it's up to you to get that track or program one yourself, and practice the ideas in the book with it. Another good idea is to take those ideas in the book, and write out some lines on popular forms/standards. As a fellow Joe's student and book owner I can say that the information provided helps your playing and harmony understanding no end if you really spend your time with it. easy Laimis
  18. He gives pretty much no info about himself, apart from playing Ken Smith axes. Monster player though.
  19. In "Blind Auditions' band consists of 4 people. "battles" - 6 people (second keyboard player and percussionist added), and in Live Shows there should be a 13 piece band (+ horns; backing vocals)
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