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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1430331017' post='2760440'] I received a bass preamp from Italy a week or so ago - four days, door-to-door. [/quote] For Italian mail that's amazing! I waited for a LP for a month to come from Italy...
  2. Give these guys a shout: http://www.originalscratchplates.com
  3. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1430303110' post='2759968'] @BigRedX - couldn't you take a flat malleable piece of metal, bend it to match the fretboard, then use it as a curve to draw a line onto graph paper? Just guessing here, I'm no expert at that sort of thing. [/quote] Or a profile gauge: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Silverline-598573-Steel-Profile-Gauge/dp/B0015NRK0Y"]http://www.amazon.co...e/dp/B0015NRK0Y[/url]
  4. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1430173584' post='2758720'] Just go back 11 or 12 posts....! [/quote] Oops. Yes, that was rather lazy of me... Sorry about that...
  5. A bit of Japanese nuttiness: Devilman - Bakan Q (track starts 1:09) [media]http://youtu.be/PXVI1BbikoM[/media] and some DJ Scotch Egg (as I'm eating one) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1EpOqe-Ym0[/media]
  6. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1430128920' post='2758137'] I suppose you might be taking a chance that there aren't neck issues - but most seem to have been fine. Jon. [/quote] ta for £30-ish, it's worth a gamble. Could always flog the other parts. I guess I need to start paying attention to Thomann....
  7. Do left handed Dekos ever appear? I'm after a left handed neck as a donor to a project. Seems like a cheap way of getting a reasonable neck...
  8. There's some here: http://www.guitarsupplies.nl/index.php?item=musicman-4-string-pickup-template&action=article&group_id=40&aid=4721&lang=en
  9. I've seen a few bands in recent years that have kicked off sounding awesome. Proper heavy doom rock that gets the blood pumping. Then the vocalist lets fly with some god awful screamo style noise.
  10. Christ, my local cash converter type place doesn't even have Encore basses for that little!!
  11. I'm another one in the "playing own band's songs" camp. Of just generally noodle about on it. I learned long ago not to play anything recognisable. When I went to buy my own first bass, I'd borrowed a mate's for a few months, I played a couple of Cliff Burton bass lines. Another guy, about 10 years older than me, then smirked and played the same bass lines slightly better and faster.
  12. Earache tend not to pay bands very much at all, if they can get away with it. They also sit on albums for reissue and will not sell the rights to the bands. Al Cisneros has been trying to get the rights to Holy Mountain for years. But I've ordered Holy Mountain now. I'll apologise to him if I get chance to chat to him again...
  13. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1429453676' post='2751487'] I must confess, I don't actually go to my local record shops at any other time, though that's primarily because none of the ones in York cater to my taste. Back when I was spending most of my weekends in Manchester I always made a detour to Piccadilly Records and bought a fair few things. For those asking, I was after mcluskyism and the Swans EP. The Swans EP may well turn up elsewhere and I'll keep an eye out, but I'm not optimistic about mcluskyism, it's an RSD exclusive reissue and they re-issued another mclusky album for 2012 RSD, I couldn't make it into a store and it took a couple of years to find a 2nd hand one at a reasonable price (only 1.5 times the RRP), for the few months after they were all £70+ [/quote] Apparently the Swans EP for the UK was delayed. No one got it in for the day. As for mclusky: http://www.discogs.com/sell/release/6911089?ev=rb
  14. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1429427870' post='2751218'] I went in the day before and bought Sleep's Holy Mountain so I'm happy anyway. [/quote] A used copy or a bootleg? How much was it? EDIT: ah, so Earache have finally re-issued it!! I bet Al is spitting over it!
  15. Last year I wanted a copy of Nirvana's Pennyroyal Tea 7". But on RSD I was nowhere near a shop. I popped into a shop the following Monday and asked them to order me a copy. Which they did. Not all the copies of some records get sent out for the actual day. Some are held back. It's worth seeing if it can still be obtained. I think RSD has had it's day. Now the major labels are getting in on the act it's all going pear shaped... You could tell us what you wanted and we could keep a look out for you...
  16. I like the tone of fresh Rotos, but they only really last one or two gigs. I switched to D'Addarios a couple of years back. Whilst they're a little too zingy to begin with the settle down quickly but hold a nice lively tone for quite a long time.
  17. I buy resistors and caps from China/Hong Kong/Thailand. Probably the same places the UK based sellers are getting them from but for much less. Some UK sellers were charging £1 + postage (usually 99p) for 10 resistors and Chinese ones were £1.99 for 100 resistors...
  18. I've been looking around for things to sell too... Not spying anything though...
  19. Aaron Armstrong just replied. The Aria bass p/ups are not stock items, but made to order so £100. But it means there's no extra charge for basic mods. I fancy getting a full humbucker instead of a split coil type.
  20. Ah, the ZZB is couple of years older than my SB Elite. I guess that accounts for the potting/no potting... I may go with Armstrongs, as I think I want to customise the pickup slightly.
  21. I love playing my Stingray, skinny neck (compared to my P basses), light and sounds great. But it just doesn't sit in the band's mix as well as my P basses, so the Stingray only gets an outing now and again...
  22. Ta, I've just emailed them asking for prices...
  23. My SB Elite has suffered a lot in its life. I'd love to get it restored one day...
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