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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. How would you connect a firewire device? http://store.apple.com/uk/product/MD464ZM/A/thunderbolt-to-firewire-adapter
  2. Yeah 2 amps, 2 cabs. Signal paths for dual output bass: Dimarzio Model One ---> Bass Big Muff (effect out)---> Ashdown JJ500 ---> 4x8" & 1x15" Aria Pickup ---> Zoom B3 ---> Peavey III standard ---> Mesa 2x12" Single output signal path: Bass ---> Bass Big Muff (Effect out) ---> Ashdown JJ500 ---> 4x8" & 1x15" (Dry out) ---> Zoom B3 ---> Peavey III standard ---> Mesa 2x12" Having given it a try you can hear the lower frequencies being cut, so I guess it'll be fine.
  3. I saw a Black/Maple Fender Modern Player Jazz Satin in real life yesterday. The build quality was fantastic. I refrained from having a try as I would depress me not being able to buy one there and then. But currently it's top of the GAS list.
  4. Hurrah!! A legend returns! It's great to see you back!!
  5. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1382439128' post='2252075'] Must be a fantasy games and books enthusiast Anyway its better than "Nest of the bedbugs" [/quote] Or a Studio Ghibli fan
  6. I recently acquired a Mesa/Boogie, 400w 4 Ohm, 2x12" with 2 EVM12L drivers. Reading through EV's older documentation and it says they're suitable for guitar and bass, but the frequency response starts of the EVM12L starts at 80Hz and the Xmax is around 3.5mm. So I'd not trust it at high volumes, at full range. I run two rigs: one mainly clean, with the occasional Bass Big Muff (with bass boost) one always overdriven. I noticed my B3 has the Splitter module in. Could I use this as a high pass into the overdriven amp, Cutting frequencies below 120Hz - 150Hz. Is the B3 good enough to protect the Mesa cab sufficiently to run it loud? Or would it be better to build a high pass filter into the cab? ta
  7. A Pullip! I recognised it but couldn't remember then name. I used to have 6 Blythes. Sold 3 to fund a Zoom B3 and a few other bits and pieces. They sit in a box in the loft theses days. Bass stuff and LPs are my vice these days. Need to clean them up and flog them.
  8. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1382357025' post='2251041'] Oh yeah, and even if Spector would make it, it would probably cost about £6k [/quote] That's where the "money no object" bit comes in..
  9. Apart from a black Wal MkII 4 string I'd love a Black & Gold SB Elite I
  10. Currently playing through this: Ashdown JJ into a 4x8 and a 1x15 for, mostly, clean. Peavey into 4x10 for dirt. The Peavey overdrives just the right amount. Using a EHX Bass Big Muff to split the signal (Dry to Peavey and Effect to Ashdown) Once I've refurbished it (and sorted out a crossover or high pass) this shall be what the Peavey goes into: I'm going to replace the metal grill with some black grill cloth to hide the speakers
  11. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1381508647' post='2240106'] I don't think these would work on pedalboards? [/quote] [quote name='iamtheelvy' timestamp='1382106892' post='2248100'] The sound samples I've heard are pretty good, but can't get on with a wah with no way of attaching it to a board... [/quote] They're way ahead of you! In a way... [url="http://www.ehx.com/products/cradle"]http://www.ehx.com/products/cradle[/url]
  12. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1382039158' post='2247178'] Wood floor is terrible for tone. [/quote] Surely that depends on whether it's rosewood, ebony or maple!
  13. I bought mine new for £70 and then sold it about 5 or 6 years later for £350. I hadn't used it for about 2 years and it helped fund the purchase of my lovely Fender Steve Harris P. Do I miss it? Not really Would I like another? Yes, if I found a boxed and working one for £70
  14. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1382016587' post='2246720'] [font=open_sansregular, sans-serif]Oh and by the way, flatwounds are for sissys [/font] [/quote] Unless they're Steve Harris Sig Roto cables!
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1381828780' post='2244156'] Looks just like a Gittler. [/quote] [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1381830428' post='2244191'] It is! It looks like his son is trying to revive the company, using different materials. [/quote] Yep. Do you have any experience BRX?
  16. Anyone seen this? [url="http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gittler/the-worlds-first-all-titanium-guitar-with-no-body"]http://www.kickstart...ar-with-no-body[/url] Apparently they're developing a bass too...
  17. [quote name='TransistorBassMan' timestamp='1381765008' post='2243338'] Sounds like a Modern Player. I'm playing one in my profile pic [/quote] Yeah, that's more like it. [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/series/modern-player/modern-player-jazz-bass-satin-rosewood-fingerboard-2-color-sunburst/"]http://www.fender.com/en-GB/series/modern-player/modern-player-jazz-bass-satin-rosewood-fingerboard-2-color-sunburst/[/url]
  18. Jazz or Precision Blacktop? [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/series/blacktop/"]http://www.fender.com/en-GB/series/blacktop/[/url]
  19. I've had a D-Tuner on an Aria Pro II with a brass nut for over 20 years and never noticed any problems...
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