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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. that camera connection kit is only compatible with the iPad these days
  2. I have one, as mentioned above the lining is utter rubbish. Pulled out one pedal a while back and everything else came with it. Not used it since. Will have to get a carpet tile...
  3. [quote name='NoirBass' timestamp='1366042532' post='2047639'] Excellent work sir. I have just built my first few effects pedals (including a bass fuss!) and am about to embark on a Beavis style proto rig too. And I am also instantly addicted! Can anyone offer me some advice on painting the enclosures? 1/ I have read loads of walkthroughs on the process, but they all suggest baking them in an oven. Is that really necessary? Can I just leave them to dry? 2/ Also how do I prime them, do I use an etch primer? or can I just use a standard car type primer? 3/ if I want to paint artwork on them can I use acrylic paint and then clear coat them? So many questions, I'd be really grateful for some advice. [/quote] Artwork hasn't yet come up, the last pedal I built (from a kit) was boxed in a pre coated yellow enclosure that I dipped in purple metal flake paint. So, at some point I'll be asking the same questions as you...
  4. Decided to build a prototyping rig, based on the Beavis Audio Beavisboard. Need to get another breadboard, or two, and finish wiring it all up. But it's a start:
  5. in the head unit: Devilman - Devilman (Japanese band, not crappy US rap) in the changer: Jesus Jones / Pop Will Eat Itself / Wonder Stuff compilation Wonder Stuff compilation REM compilation Godflesh compilation Clutch Compilation Levellers - Levelling the Land (Live)
  6. Loads of Kate Bush has great fretless bass lines
  7. [quote name='TG Flatline' timestamp='1365418111' post='2039145'] Cap blend? Check T[url="http://www.home-wrecker.com/bazz.html"]HIS LINK [/url]and you want the Deluxe version just above the Buzz Box. Simply place another cap and a pot wired as a variable resistor in parallel with the input cap. Keep the caps at least 1:100 ratio apart from each other (the values on there are decent starting points) with the larger cap in series with the pot [/quote] excellent! cheers EDIT: I've quickly realised playing about with simple circuits is actually quite addictive! What starts out as a little, cheap hobby soon becomes a huge, expensive past time... More components... rarer components.. bigger circuits... more components... This Bass Fuss is like a 'gateway' drug!!
  8. It is a Bass Fuss. Would you put a blend before or after the cap?
  9. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Math_rock"]Math rock[/url] & [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathcore"]Math Core[/url]
  10. Recently decided to have a go at making pedals from scratch. Finished prototyping a simple fuzz pedal the other day. Finally got a chance to see if it works. It does and I like it. (the biro is my DIY audio probe) Recorded a quick sample. [url="http://soundcloud.com/warm_leatherette/fuzztest"]http://soundcloud.co...erette/fuzztest[/url] First part has LED clipping, send bit is a 1N4148. Next stage is to add a blend section and a switch for the clipping selection, then get a board to solder it on to.
  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1365085267' post='2035079'] If you are using a small rig you could use your bum to change patches [/quote] now why didn't I think of that?!?
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1365084667' post='2035063'] keeps the B3 off the floor, out of harm's way. [/quote] not so handy for mid song patch changes though...
  13. I pretty much only buy from Stringbusters these days. Great service from them
  14. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1364914293' post='2032537'] Is £4000 really such a financial outlay for an outstanding instrument that will last a lifetime?? Really?? Most members of this forum have probably spent much more on bland, second hand, mass produced cars....including me! [/quote] I know Wals are great but I doubt one could transport me back and forth to work each day...
  15. [quote name='TomWIC' timestamp='1364904073' post='2032341'] Once you have one, you'll find a use for it [/quote] Kinda hard in a punk band...
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1364897801' post='2032241'] None of the Rockabilly/Psychobilly bands that we play with ever have a problem with the double bass player being boring on stage. [/quote] They're usually the most entertaining one!
  17. I want one and I don't have a use for reverbs in my current band!!
  18. [quote name='chrisma' timestamp='1364848103' post='2031763'] This is my (disassembled) board and bits. [attachment=131516:Bass stuff 1 low.jpg] [/quote] Ilike that!!
  19. I have the VHS somewhere. There's a brief glimpse of me in the crowd too. Will have to get the dvd!
  20. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1364055243' post='2021462'] Picked up the new Clutch album yesterday. Excellent stuff. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jOz-2gke6k[/media] [/quote] It is! After the last 2 disappointing albums I'm glad they're back on form!! Here's my current listening: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-QIiVS_7Hs[/media]
  21. I can't remember whether it was Tape Op magazine or not, but someone did a great article pointing out some of the inaccuracies in Mr Grohl's documentary.
  22. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1364402325' post='2026014'] It definitely looked like one of the newer sig models. Sounded bloody awesome! [/quote] Good good! I always associate SH with a blue sparkly P.
  23. [quote name='dougal' timestamp='1364387048' post='2025692'] It was a blue P (looked like a 70's head stock decal) with a sparkle finish 'crazed' under a standard light blue finish. I assumed it was has main bass with a new, sparkly, finish. [/quote] [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1364390722' post='2025786'] The decal is almost completely worn away on his main 70's P. [/quote] So was he using one of his Royal Blue Fender Sig basses?
  24. Avoid the Moog one. It doesn't work with the B3. Zoom's own exp pedal is pretty good build wise (felt sturdier than the Moog to me), so I use that.
  25. There's a list here: [url="http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showthread.php?t=796444"]http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showthread.php?t=796444[/url] no idea how accurate it is, but I've no reason to doubt it.
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