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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1364385342' post='2025649'] Never been much of a Maiden fan , even in my pre - teen metal days , but Steve Harris is superb bass player . If plays like that using those heavy gauge flatwound signature strings then he must have the strongest fingers of any player since James Jamerson - truly a man of steel . [/quote] I found them pretty comfortable to play. I kept SH sig strings on my SH sig Fender for about 18 months, it was only cost that made me switch to something else.
  2. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1364333074' post='2025099'] Ace! One of my favourite Anthrax lines ever! Nice one Chris. [/quote] Same here! Top work!!
  3. A phase issue? Ah, having looked at the 3Leaf pedal I could be entirely wrong...
  4. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1364290734' post='2024282'] But as far as Im aware that money doesn't stay in our economy, it goes via the caymans isles to somewhere that allows companies to pay even less tax than they do here.[/quote] Only if that's how the companies run their tax. You have to ask Ashdown, Matamp, Shuker etc to see if they pay full uk tax.
  5. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1364289783' post='2024266'] Can I just ask someone to explain why an all British setup would be in some way preferable to one with foreign components? [/quote] Buy British. Keep money in our economy?
  6. [quote name='phatbass787' timestamp='1364252633' post='2024020'] Ashdown make loads of stuff down in Essex, off the top of my head the following are UK made; JJ Burnell head [/quote] I was under the impression that the initial batch of about 20 (no Stranglers Logo nor JJ sig) were British made the rest were Chinese.
  7. I use 3 fingers, use Billy Sheehan's technique using 1st, Index and Ring finger in order. So for semiquavers: 1-In-R-1 In-R-1-In R-1-In-R 1-In-R-1 it takes a bit of time to not just go 1-In-R-In 1-In-R-In 1-In-R-In 1-In-R-In
  8. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1364219043' post='2023296'] Oh aye, and there'd be American strings and probably a couple of Swedish designed / Chinese assembled pedals in the signal chain too but you get my drift [/quote] I know. I'd also really like to have a UK made set up. It'd be pretty much the same as what you mentioned, but with Wizard pickups. I do own a UK made Ashdown and UK made cabs though...
  9. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1364217867' post='2023269'] I love the idea of an all British set-up: Shuker bass with Bare Knuckle pickups, and East pre-amp into a Matamp head and Barefaced cab; not got anywhere near the money to make that happen though. [/quote] made with foreign woods and electronic components...
  10. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1364066767' post='2021612'] There's a pro on here who talks about his Behringer peddles at big shows and theatre pits. [/quote] And this guy seems to like some of the pedals: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCy6QsatGHU[/media]
  11. If I have the money I can spend it how I want. Currently have no money, can't spend anything.
  12. Here's my little Guya Tone amp from the 60s that my boss gave me. Needs to have some work as the reverb nor tremolo work...
  13. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1363694361' post='2015885'] Understood but many famous people use a DS1 which I would never expect to pay £400 for!!! [/quote] If it was a rare pedal then people would pay that. Bear in mind the Animato is 500 Euros new
  14. I'm a big fan of Soundgarden and Ben Shepherd. But I totally hate how he sounds live. It always justs sounds like a dull indistinct thump.
  15. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1363888168' post='2019013'] I'm surprised nobody's posted the infamous video of the guy trying to smash the bejesus out of one of those "fragile" plastic Behringer stomps and barely managing to scratch it. They're tougher than you might think. On my mobile now, but if it hasn't appeared by the time I'm back at my computer I'll dig it out on YouTube! [/quote] I had a moment of doubt about it being a Behringer pedal, for some reason...
  16. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1363885491' post='2018955'] They're very simple to put together on a breadboard and experiment with [/quote] I'm just getting into breadboarding stuff, I can modify pedals fairly sucessfully and build kits. Now want to experiment at an earlier stage in the process. Got most of the way through a Voodoo Labs overdrive clone and discovered I've lost a box of capacitors during a house move, so have to wait until I can afford to replace them.
  17. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1363876101' post='2018760'] That's why I use 30+ years old solid state Sunn. You can smack this thing with a burning helicopter full of raging rabid elephants and it'll still work unspoilt. [/quote] I can imagine!
  18. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1363874667' post='2018730'] I plugged a bass (Squier VM TB) into a valve Behringer amp in a guitar shop one day. Gain was set to 3 in 10 points scale, the same was volume. Guess how many notes I played? About 5-7. Then the amp made a "puff!" sound and was done for. Dunno if it was a tube or something else, but I had to turn that contraption off and call the staff. Sorry, first impressions DO count. [/quote] My First Ampeg PF-500 didn't do much better than that. The second one lasted a bit longer (about 30 hours of use) before it went pop.
  19. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1363814867' post='2018209'] Back on the site [url="http://ashdownmusic.com/products/1/Bass-Amplification/17/Signature-Series-/83/JJB500/"]here[/url] [/quote] And JJ's page: [url="http://ashdownmusic.com/artists/47/JeanJacques-Burnel/"]http://ashdownmusic.com/artists/47/JeanJacques-Burnel/[/url]
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363867645' post='2018598'] Do it! They're cheap enough that everyone should have one in their gig bag for emergencies. [/quote] That's what I was thinking.
  21. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1363867076' post='2018584'] Some of the cheap stuff is crap and horrible though... C'mon. Nothing wrong with behringer, the plasticy pedals are just less desirable than metal ones... [/quote] I've had the boss style pedals, the EHX type ones, a rack tuner, a mixer and some Mics. The plastic casing on the boss style pedals wasn't an issue. They're pretty solid. The sound they produced was the problem. The EHX style ones got sent back as they were appalling sounding too. The Tuner was fine I've has a mixer and mics for about 6 years and they've been great. I keep meaning to try the BDI, but always forget to get one when I have money...
  22. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1363811807' post='2018136'] Noise noise noise! Devi Ever SodaMeiser, just needs some appropriate artwork to finish it off [/quote] Devi Ever stuff is getting really tempting, the Shoe Gazer especially.
  23. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1363702197' post='2016097'] Emailed Ashdown and got the following straight from the horse's mouth (email from Mark Gooday) yes he is just our web is new :-) and we have not loaded our artists all up again. So no worries there then. [/quote] But the JJ500 is discontinued?
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1363699398' post='2016011'] They already do. What about Warwick's bell brass, and how about [url="http://www.crystalfrets.com"]these[/url]! [/quote] You can buy them [url="http://www.banzaimusic.com/Warwick-Bronze-Frets.html"]http://www.banzaimusic.com/Warwick-Bronze-Frets.html[/url]
  25. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1363691821' post='2015828'] Animato .. Is this the overpriced yellow dirt box from Japan? What does it do differently from others ???? [/quote] I'm going to guess someone famous uses one...
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