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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. Something I haven't listened to for about 18 years. Steve Vai - Passion & Warfare
  2. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1363678865' post='2015534'] Nah, lazyitis, or lazytits, as i'm now calling it after reading it wrong [/quote] I also read it as Lazytits!
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1363622176' post='2014872'] Surprisingly it's going to be our first Birmingham gig. Looking forward to it! [/quote] My band played there a few weeks ago. It's a long thin pub, not very big but gets a decent crowd. We were the complete unknowns on the bill and we had people dancing and wanting more, which was nice. The onstage sound was pretty dire as it's a drum and vocal only PA, but the sound in the crowd was good. I'd not hesitate in playing there again. Enjoy it.
  4. Have you played there before? Your Mr Venom is going to enjoy the little stage extension they use there.
  5. I've had that book for many years. It came with 2, long gone, tapes when I bought it. Haven't looked at it for years though. May drag it out this evening...
  6. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1363553101' post='2014090'] I saw them on Friday at The Roundhouse ..... and he was using the usual 2 x 4x10 and 2 x 1x15 Ashdown cabs. You can't see his amp as he usually puts just his tuner on the top nowadays. Wonder why he's not on the site? I went there to have a peek as I thought I might get myself one of his amps, so wanted to look at the spec again. Not there any more. [/quote] Hmmmm, I know he's quite fussy about endorsement deals (like making sure the JJ-500 is affordable and such). Maybe he dropped them. (as an aside: I saw the Stranglers last year. Stood infront of me was a dad and his teenager lad. They talked all the way through the support, The Popes, about their (dad and lad's) amps and guitars and such. Then when the Stranglers were on they spent 20 mins trying to figure out what the box with the moving lights, on the top of JJ's cabs, was...) what do you need to know spec wise?
  7. Wait for someone to see them on tour in the next few weeks and see what he's using... I love my JJ-500, best amp I've used in a long time.
  8. Would Billy Sheehan count? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E09-ShsB-uY[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HaktcxeqDc[/media]
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1363286829' post='2011141'] My bass is a Gibson copy [/quote] Do you hate yourself or something?
  10. My 3 year old daughter got a Uke for christmas, from grand parents. When I get a bass out to practice she runs off and gets her uke, sits next to me and strums. It's cute, but I really wish she'd let me tune the bloody thing...
  11. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1363255324' post='2010415'] RIP Clive. Off to listen to some early Maiden now. [/quote] I've just finished listening to Iron Maiden, now onto Killers... RIP Clive
  12. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1363213713' post='2010045'] Thank you so much for taking the time to record the demo. You can really hearbthe difference of each of the settings! Love the tone of your bass too! - really appreciated, thanks. [/quote] No problem and cheers.
  13. I hope they do this version!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olk8rZmlhY4[/media] (quite possibly DLR campest performance ever! I love it!)
  14. Shall give it a try later...
  15. Finally got around to a quick demo: https://soundcloud.com/warm_leatherette/odb3-test 0:00 - 0:08 clean 0:08 - 0:27 mix almost dry, gain low 1N4148 clipping mod 0:27 - 0:48 mix almost dry, gain low LED clipping 0:49 - 1:14 mix almost dry, gain high 1N4148 clipping mod 1:14 - 1:31 mix almost dry, gain high LED clipping 1:31 - 1:54 mix 50/50, gain high 1N4148 clipping mod 1:54 - 2:13 mix 50/50, gain high LED clipping 2:13 - 2:30 mix 100% wet, gain high LED clipping 2:30 - end mix 100% wet, gain high 1N4148 clipping mod Played on a Warwick Corvette Proline, MEC jazz p/ups and 3 band MEC preamp. P/up blend 50/50 and all tone controls centred. Straight into audio input on my iMac
  16. Oh, and this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj9IAvv32wE[/media] Al Cisneros again... (wait for the change at 1:20)
  17. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnyUhXKnEQo[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEbkKP-LIio[/media]
  18. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1362768507' post='2004637'] I still love my old band FISTER. I decided to leave the band not long before these were recorded and released on the debut album. My bro wrote all the songs and fronted the band on guitar and vocal. Steve Rooney on drums, Jason on bass. Heavy as f*** I thought in 1999. [/quote] To me that's not particularly heavy. To me, this is heavier: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra9bprHxcqE[/media] And this: There's 3 parts to it all though: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usCgO_COsUM[/media]
  19. looking forward to reading this thread at home, where I can see the youtube vids...
  20. EHX POG or POG2 will do that. Not sure how natural they sound though. But there's plenty of videos out there.
  21. When my Steve Harris Fender P arrived it had, unsurprisingly, Steve Harris sig Rotos on. I was surprised at how bright they sounded. The brightness lasted a good 20 hours of playing. When they went passed the point I like I chucked them on to my Squier JV P and it's nice and thumpy. I've switched back to rounds as the SH Rotos were too stiff, but sounded nice. Might try some D'Addario flats next time around. Edit: Oh, I play punk-ish stuff
  22. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1362578302' post='2001558'] Arrived! [/quote] Where's the photos/videos/soundclips?
  23. I won't use cloud based stuff as data plans are far too restrictive/costly. It's fine if you have free, fast, wi-fi where ever you go. If you don't it's pointless. I'll stick to carrying around a couple of iPods and swapping stuff around from time to time.
  24. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1362449651' post='2000013'] <snip> [/quote] So erm, you rate the Orange tester then?
  25. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1362432796' post='1999812'] How does it sound bartleby? [/quote] I made the mods the morning before a gig, but when testing it out there was a lot of high freq noise.So I didn't use it. Took it to the next rehearsal and ran it from a battery there was no noise and it sounded fantastic... to me. The low mid isn't very noticable at low volumes, but when it's loud it adds a nice bit of oomph. I shall endeavour to get some examples recorded later today.
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