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Everything posted by bartelby

  1. I’ve listened to the album 3 times today. For me The Writing on the Wall is the weakest song.
  2. It's much better that I'd expected!
  3. ^^ this is true! I’m wondering just how far I’ll get to push my CTM-300. Still, I don’t think I’ll ever run out of headroom! once the old credit card is down to a sensible level I’ll be looking out for a CTM-30 for home use…
  4. Are you sure the 4x10 is still operating at 8Ohm? It was a dodgy 4x10 that killed my 2nd PF-500.
  5. Yep, when I had the all valve amp itch I went with Ashdown as I'v never had an issue with their stuff.
  6. I've only had 2 Ampeg PF-500 fail on me, but they were kind of expected...
  7. I've been listening to it for a few weeks now (I help with a mate's music site). It's properly good, looking forward to the day I might hear it live...
  8. The news of yet more Beatles re-re-re-re-re-releases, this sprang to mind: Alice Donut - Dry Humping the Cash Cow
  9. When I get paid I'll be ordering an 80mm wide version of the Gulf strap I got...
  10. That is a very bold claim! But one I support! I'm more of an OM fan than Sleep or Shrinebuilder, but Al is bloody awesome in all of it. He's a nice guy too.
  11. If I were an old Dimarzio Model One, where would I be hiding?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bartelby


      It's definitely still in the house and not on a bass. Not in either parts drawers...
      I've obviously put it "somewhere safe" 😖

    3. Rich


      If I were an old Dimarzio Model One, I would be a very wily and cunning old Dimarzio Model One and would be hiding amongst a bunch of other things that looked a bit like old Dimarzio Model Ones. 


    4. Rich


      Alternatively, I would hide in a place where my owner would never think of going in a million years -- e.g. behind the panty liners and leg waxing kits.


  12. Or they sold a set number at £999, then upped the price.
  13. Emailed RightOn to see about getting a wider version made up.
  14. Strap arrived! Stops the worst of the neck dive.
  15. I use a couple of old module boxes are risers, if I need something like that.
  16. I should add my mate's beliefs showed me I should change and another mate, who went from carnivore to vegan and has a couple of recipe books out now, showed me I could.
  17. I've been vegan for about 4 1/2 years now. It took me about 18 months to transition from a fairly carnivorous diet, through vegetarian, to vegan. I have a good friend, who has been vegetarian all his life and vegan for about 9 years now, while I still ate meat I used to respond to his vegan FB posts or comments with stuff like "Mmmm, bacon" or "but it tastes good". But slowly, embarrassingly slowly, I began to realise my "I love animals" comments were in direct conflict with my "mmmm meat" comments, and that my responses to my mate's posts/comments were pretty disrespectful and infantile. That realisation triggered my journey to veganism.
  18. I’ve been looking at new straps for my EB3. Right On have popped up a few times, but I hadn’t spotted the race series. Just ordered a Gulf colours one…
  19. I find Behringer mixers and mics are pretty good for the money. But I've never found the pedals any good, the 5 or 6 I've had have all been uniformly rubbish.
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